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Primary Culture

+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+20% Ship Trade Power

Great Port of SarkhashabidThe people of Sarkhashabid have long been a mercantile people, seeking new horizons and trades. This has resulted in the creation and development of the great port of Sarkhashabid. With some of the largest docks in Southern Rahen, hundreds of ships can pass easily in and out of the port at a time. These ships carry goods from all across Sarhal and Haless to the market houses which have been built into docks themselves. This combined with many large cranes allow for the fastest and most efficient flow of goods into and out of the city. This has led to the port becoming a hub of activity, as traders can turn their stock faster than the other major ports of the region.
+15% Trade Efficiency

Raghamideshi Ferocious IndependenceLong have the Raghamideshi Kingdoms stood as sovereign nations along the Raheni coast. Despite their best efforts, not even the Harimraj could break them in its prime. Rampalar II himself came to the Raghamideshi cities to conquer them, and he left their lands in a casket, killed at the hands of the brave Iyarhashari warriors, not days after what was thought a decisive victory at Shenral's bloody gate. The Raghamideshi stood tall and faced down their strongest opponent in recent memory, sending them home with a dead emperor and broken spirits. They weathered that storm and came out stronger than before; they will not falter now.
+20% Fort Defence

Establishing Weapon FoundriesSince the gnolls arrived in the Salahad they have raided the Raheni coasts, a problem which worsened after the fall of Maqet in 1439. In response to both this ever-growing threat and the ascension of the Jaddari Legions in the West, the Sarkhashabid ruling class began investing heavily into new military innovations in an attempt to maintain the status quo. These investments would pave the way for the introduction of cannons into the Raghamideshi fleets and armies. This would also lead to the founding of the Sarkhashabid Weapons Company in 1512, a company that grew to be one of the most prominent suppliers of cannons to greater Rahen, who would later become infamous for their powerful gunpowder weapons.
+10% Land Fire Damage

Raghamideshi Naval HistoryThe location of the Raghamideshi Kingdoms along the coastline has led to a long history of their people at sea. For centuries they have sailed the seas, founded great ports and ventured to foreign lands. Over time these maritime activities began to be ingrained within their culture, becoming a large part of their identity and history. The legacy of this is a society in which service in the merchant or military marine is a high honour, and members are shown great respect, particularly those who rise high within the ranks. This reputation and societal ideal has led to a never ending supply of fresh blood for the Raghamideshi navies, with a great many of these recruits possessing a fierce ambition to make a name for themselves.
+1 Yearly Navy Tradition

Indirect RuleThe acquisition of Subkaliss in 1439 and the Ofehibi lands in 1441 vastly increased Sarkhashabid's overseas holdings. This placed a great strain on the government at the time and in response, a policy of indirect rule was enacted. This allowed the people of those lands greater autonomy over certain aspects of their lives, such as culture and faith. This vastly improved the happiness of the people in those lands and paved the way for the creation of the Sarkhashabid Bureau of Overseas Subjects in 1462, established with the intention of moving beyond their colonial holdings by incorporating those new lands as semi-autonomous subject states beneath the crown.
+10% Trade Power Abroad
-5% Liberty Desire in Subjects

Turban School ConnectionAll throughout the coastal lands of the Raghamideshi the teachings of the Silk Turban dominate all others. It was in the city of Sarkashabid long ago where these beliefs truly took hold and began to emanate throughout Rahen. The Raghamideshi are the children of those first forerunners, who preached that the creation of wealth through legitimate means was the truest way to connect with the Gods. Since the time of those great preachers, they have become exceptionally good at creating wealth; and this pursuit of it has cultivated a society that is deeply respectful of those who walk that path.
+10% Global Trade Power

Mirchi KambalIn 1523, a local chef named Sandpya created a new curry from some homegrown variants of local Sarkhashabid spices. After preparing and selling this new dish, called Mirchi Kambal, at the local market it became a smash hit. Demand for the new spices skyrocketed and plantations of the Mirchi spices sprung up over the coming months. Over the next decade, the popularity of the dish would continue to rise, officially becoming the national dish in 1539. \n\nThe dish would proliferate throughout Bulwar and greater Rahen as the Jadd Empire continued its relentless conquests. In time, it would come to be known in places as far West as the feet of the Serpentsreach, where it would become particularly popular in the city of Aqatbar.
+5% Goods Produced Modifier
-10% Stability Cost Modifier

+1 Merchants


