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Primary Culture

+10% Provincial Trade Power Modifier
-10% Military Technology Cost

The Middle SonKatyradz had always lived in the shadow of his elder brother Sykar. He had to watch as Sykar was chosen for greatness by the nagas, destined to overthrow the remnants of Zerat and bring forth the fabled 333rd Empire to unite all lizardfolk. Yet Katyradz held ambitions of his own. Late into the night he pored over historical records of Karassk’s defeat in their wars with Kheterata. Armed with this knowledge and determined to prove his worth, Katyradz took the soldiers of Asarta and launched an invasion of the significantly larger military power of Karassk. If he was to emerge victorious here, surely the nagas would reward his endeavours.
+1 Monarch Military Skill

The Siege of AshuzalSykar of Rayaz knew his younger brother harboured ambitions above what the naga had deemed him worthy of, and held some sympathy for his position. Yet when Katyradz declared war on Karassk, Sykar thought his ambitions had outstripped his capabilities and had no intention of assisting. That was until word reached him that his foolhardy brother had somehow taken the fortress of Ashuzal. How he managed to capture the fortress before reinforcements arrived was beyond Sykar’s understanding. Between the successful siege and news of the Karshyras rebellion, perhaps his brother would succeed in crushing Karassk after all.
+10% Siege Ability

Brothers in Conflict"Do you believe that because you have felled the remnants of Anzara that you deserve to rule all lizardkind? That because the naga chose you to sit upon the throne, you have earned this title? To think you parade around these accomplishments as though they prove your worth. Capturing Zerat is akin to stealing fruit from a dying sloth. I will stand for this no longer! From this day forth, I am your enemy. I will prove myself to the naga, to the Riverclaw people, to all lizardfolk, and indeed to you, that I should be the one to lead the 333rd Empire."\n\n- Katyradz Riverclaw, 1454 AA
+100% Power Projection From Insults
-50% Change Rival Cost

Driven from the GamyiAcross lizardfolk lands stand the zatsarya, towering spires so tall they pierce the clouds themselves. These pillars to the stars were placed by the divine beings to guide the lizardfolk. Many lie in ruin, their tips reaching the treetops, and some no longer reside within lizardfolk territory. Instead they are defiled by human hands, who know nothing of their origin or their importance. We must reclaim what is rightfully ours from their fleshy fingers.
-20% Unjustified Demands

River TransportsThe Riverclaw tribes have long been some of the most prosperous people of the lizardfolk, despite its precarious position next to the humans. The many great rivers that flow through the jungles have been an aquatic highway between towns and villages, enabling the swift transportation of goods and people. Before any hatchling can call itself a fully grown lizard, they must be able to construct their own Asarta canoe and captain it to the next village downstream. Although built for river sailing, so sturdy and effective are these vessels that they can, with some adjustments, even brave the open seas.
-10% Light Ship Cost
+10% Trade Efficiency

Isagumze’s InvasionDecades of fighting amongst lizardfolk nations vying for the title of the 333rd Empire, meant that the forces of Asarta were ill-prepared for when the humans attacked. At first the forces of Isagumze and Kuiika swept across the rivers and through the jungles, burning down villages in their wake, armed with new gunpowder weapons they had secured from foreign traders.\n\nHowever, Asarta was able to outlast them. They refused to face them head-on, retreating steadily as the humans pushed deeper into lizardfolk territory. Eventually the humans were bogged down and exhausted, forced to abandon their weapons as they became inoperable due to tropical monsoons. It was then that the forces of Asarta struck, forcing the humans to flee back beyond the rivers from whence they came.
+1 Max General Manoeuvre
-25% Cost of Reducing War Exhaustion

Felling DragonsDespite their scaled hides, dragons share little in common with the lizardfolk. None have terrorized the lizardfolk in an age, although word had spread of one with bronze scales who had made a home in Aramoole. With the threat of dragonfire so close by, the Arraskay lizardfolk created a mortar cannon designed to take such a beast out of the sky. Called the Draktaya, or Dragonslayer, its shells explode mid-flight in a shower of magically-enhanced chemicals that can seemingly melt through anything, be it flesh, scales, or indeed bronze. Should the bronze dragon dare to soar above our soldiers, our artillery shall be there to strike it out of the sky.
+10% Artillery Damage from Back Row


