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Primary Culture

-15% Land Attrition
+2 Tolerance of Heathens

Legacy of AnzarazAnzaraz Oceanwalker, diplomatic advisor, respected general, and expected heir of his aunt, was exiled by his Naga-backed cousin after her death. He sought asylum with the Shagadyrra tribes with whom he had established a rapport, in the hopes of easing tensions. He quickly entered their Raktaya’s council and reformed the military in the midst of conflict with the Ishalani.\n\nWhen the Raktaya passed, Anzaraz was chosen to lead and immediately used the opportunity to place his older and newer allies in important positions, effectively ruling jointly with them.\n\nSoon after this, he rallied the Shagadyrra to siege Khugra, which almost saw its surrender. However, Anzaras was forced to break the siege in response to an incursion from the Ishalani. With a treaty gaining moderate trade concessions and access to Khugra’s port for Great Journeys, he marched east and successfully defended and expanded control of the frontier for future development.\n\nVictorious, Anzaras organized the largest Great Journey in centuries and departed Khudra, leaving his closest advisors to jointly rule in perpetuity until his return.
-10% Advisor Cost

Masters of AdzashanaTranslating to "water magic", the practice of Adzashana hydromancy lies at the heart of Shagadyrra life. Living on the banks of the most turbulent section of the fast-running Adzalaz River, just outside of the headwater, the Shagadyrra people developed a school of hydromancy to master it. Whereas most hydromancy involves manipulation of oceanic saltwater, the practice of Adzashana specifically involves utilizing freshwater.\n\nAt first the school focused on mitigating damage from intense flooding and easing river crossings, but was quickly utilized for agricultural development. Throughout the centuries, a dozen primary artificial distributaries were split off from the Adzalaz, splitting into more that feed hundreds of small, intensively cultivated farms throughout their lands.
-5% Development Cost
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

ThrodaktayaLike tributaries branching off from a raging river, the Soul Shard concentrations of every great ruler have branched off into distributaries, flowing into every still-living close companion, advisor, or family member. As an inevitable consequence, subsequent rulers inherited fewer Shards with each generation, resulting in weaker leadership as they dispersed throughout the Lizardfolk population.\n\nTo counter this, the Shagadyrra developed the concept of Throdaktaya, "multi rulers." When a great leader perishes, their closest and most competent loved ones and advisors rule in tandem, with the belief that their collective Soul Shards had an additive effect on rule. This would last until only one member remained alive who assumed sole leadership, retaining all of the Shards from the predecessor.\n\nThe idea of Throdaktaya expanded to the localized management of each Adzalaz distributary, each administered by local tribes ruled by leaders with highest Shard concentrations. Their relationship to the Raktaya would allow the ruler to inherit soul shards from the entire population. This would become the basis for the development of the Shagadyrra’s democratic identity.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

49 Sieges of KhugraAs the failed, would-be Lizardfolk Empire of Karassk’s weakness continued to manifest, the Shagadyrra tribes north of Khugra united to strike the city of Khugra and gain access to the ocean. In the centuries after this disastrous and embarrassing first attempt to defeat the diplomatically isolated polity, they would continue to besiege the city multiple times with subsequent failures, adapting their siege tactics that allowed them to come closer to success with each attempt.\n\nAdzashana hydromancy became an instrumental part of these endeavors. Temporary large dams would be built and maintained, until released on the city, resulting in fighting between opposing hydromancers seeking to mitigate or maximize damage. Artificial waterways would also be created as a way to transfer supplies amongst troops besieging the city or on the frontier.
+10% Siege Ability

Zurzis Naga PriesthoodThe Mistress of Waves, the Crasher of Ships, and the Strong-willed Spirit of Rivers: all names of Zurzis whose prominence is second only to that of the great Naga herself among the Shagadyrra. With life centered around the harsh Adzalaz, a prominent priesthood developed around worship of the river deity.\n\nWhile integral to the development and implementation of adzashana, the war spirit’s Naga priesthood holds a predominant presence in the military. During conflicts, they would be present in specialized adzashana Naga divisions. Prominent members would also be present in military leadership, at times even serving as second-in-command to a ruler or general.\n\nWith war and hydromancy at the forefront of their faith, the Zurzis Priesthood rarely got involved in the politics regarding leadership and succession. The main exception was a death in the middle of a military campaign, though this occasional privilege would be removed by Anzaras and his successors.
+5% Clergy Loyalty Equilibrium
-5% Military Technology Cost

River Tribe BondsAfter a brief conflict with the Rayaz river tribe over control of the Adzalaz River, the Shagadyrra came to an agreement to broadly respect their shared rights over it. In this peace they developed strong trade ties, where in exchange for Zianysha river boats for use in conflict with Khugra, the Shagadyrra would use adzashana hydromancy in Rayazasas territory to increase fertility and maximize trade flow of the river for their mutual benefit. This soon expanded to include the other River Tribes of Asarta and Arazin, providing metalwork goods for similar hydromancy benefits. Over time the relationship bloomed, resulting in close familial and cultural ties between the two peoples.
+20% Trade Steering

Wisdom of WaterJust as the water of the mighty Adzalaz flows into the ocean, the key to Lizardfolk greatness lies inland. The headwaters of the Shagadyrra are its people, which must be prosperous to establish a strong powerbase.\n\nAs their force flows in the direction of its goals, it must avoid splitting into distributaries that would divert their power by disunity and the dispersion of soul shards that weaken them. Rather, the Lizardfolk from the Shagadyrra and beyond, should join their flow as tributaries, strengthening their collective will.\n\nOne day with enough power, the waters of the Shagadyrra will crash into the ocean and succeed where all others have failed in locating and reawakening Naga-Katesh. And only on that day will the true and final 333rd empire will prove itself to be born.
-5% Construction Cost
+5% Production Efficiency

+10% Ship Durability


