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Primary Culture

+1 Diplomatic Relations
+10% Land Force Limit Modifier

Repurposing RuinsThe jungles of South Sarhal are filled with ruins of the old lizardfolk civilisations. Hundreds have come and gone, built new great cities in their name, then let them fall into ruin as their peerless empire collapsed as so many did before them. To small communities of tribal lizardfolk, the rise and fall of these empires matter little to them, but the ruins they leave behind make for convenient shelter."
-25% State Maintenance

Atzra FlowerThe Atzra Flower is found across the lizardfolk jungles. It has a sensory dulling property that leaves anyone who inhales its fumes or rubs the petals on their scales in a mentally sluggish state. It has mostly seen medical use as an anaesthetic. However the people of the Tsurin tribe took to the Atzra flower like no other, and regularly use it as a recreational drug. Communal Atzra rubbing sessions are a regular part of Tsurin ceremonies and festivals.
-2 National Unrest

Drums of the Jungle"The drum is the musical instrument of choice for Tsurin. These drums are made out of wood with animal hide stretched out over the top, and come in all sizes for different purposes. The most common of which is a pair of small drums played around fires while the other attendees dance to the fast rhythm beat out by the drummer. However, the most famous drum is the gigantic Taizo drum, wheeled out when the tribe must go into battle. The deep, terrifying beat of the Taizo reverberates throughout the jungle, so loudly it is almost as though you can feel it rather than hear it.
+10% Morale Damage

March of TimeIn a distant citadel, a general moves pieces across a map, drawing battle lines, marking the land of Tsurin as under their control. This wargaming is common in the rise and fall of lizardfolk empires as they battle for supremacy. The reality is that for the smaller tribes, these battlelines are rarely noticed. A ferocious-looking lizardfolk battalion marches into their village, proclaims that this land is under control of some empire they have never heard of, plants a standard in the village centre, and leaves. Before the inhabitants really understand what’s going on, the empire has fallen and a new empire is declared elsewhere. This has happened many times over, and these villages pay little heed to who is in charge anymore.
-25% Cost of Reducing War Exhaustion

Seizing Great CitiesLizardfolk had traditionally been very suspicious of outsiders, especially non-lizardfolk. This meant the people of the inner jungle had only ever heard of a halfling or human in stories, leading to some very curious depictions of what a human would look like if all you knew was that it was like a scaleless lizardfolk with a round head. Yet modernity came to all lizardfolk eventually, albeit usually with much wailing and gnashing of teeth.\n\nYet not to the Tsurin people. Perhaps due to their history of quickly adapting to their surroundings in their semi-migratory humble origins, but Tsurin adapted far quicker to the rapid modernisation of the lizardfolk than many others. They adapted to new beliefs, were quicker to make friends with foreign visitors, and started incorporating new technologies into their lives faster than so many of their neighbours did.
+15% Reform Progress Growth

The Lone NagaAny lizardfolk nation is guided by the naga. For great empires, there will be an entire assembly of naga who meet to discuss what should be done and who should lead the nation. For smaller tribes, they will be lucky to have even a single naga help guide them. This can be a blessing in disguise if this naga is competent and approves of the ruler’s actions. For over a century, the naga Tsuringa lived and travelled with the Tsurin people, choosing rulers and tutoring heirs. Under her guidance, this comparatively tiny tribe was able to navigate delicate political waters and remain an independent tribe far longer than it would have without her around.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Low PrifleLizardfolk’s more active DNA means genetic mutations are far more common, leading to people of all shapes and sizes in their ranks. The largest lizardfolk with the hardest scales and the broadest chests become powerful warriors and great rulers, and tend to be the ones who rise highest in society. Naturally the smaller lizardfolk, like those in Tsurin, have always been kicked around by the larger ones, and instead developed differently from their neighbours, mostly with improved eyesight and dexterity being focused over sheer size and strength.\n\nThe onset of gunpowder weaponry changed all that. Gunpowder is the great equaliser. Suddenly being a giant lizard just makes you an easy target. Meanwhile, greater dexterity allows you to reload faster, and more powerful eyesight allows you to fire more accurately from further away.
-10% Fire Damage Received

+2 Possible Advisors


