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Primary Culture

-15% Construction Time
+15% Reinforce Speed

Like an Open BookSome think of lizardfolk, especially the Ashhana, as savage, brutish, uncivilised peoples who know nothing of diplomacy and statesmanship. This couldn’t be further from the truth in Abussa. While still ferocious, this tribe found a love and passion for organising various spheres of life. From mundane routines to the depths of their administrative system, they religiously fight back against the chaos in their body, mind and soul, both by internal development and influencing the external world. To keep everything in order is to keep the Blood Curse at bay.
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

The FatelessIt is a long-proven fact that the sex of Ashhana hatchlings is chosen by the temperature of their incubation. As a result, we shelter our eggs in a clay structure, designed to keep the eggs upright. This helps parents in their ten weeks of intense struggle against the forces of nature to make sure the temperature is just right for their young. \nParents who fail to keep the temperature steady face the prospect of raising fateless children. Too cool and they sire females, too hot and they sire only males. These children are dubbed the fateless ones, as the universe has been robbed of the decision to invest itself in their destiny. To avoid the bad fortune and ostracisation this failure brings, it is important for the whole of society to support prospective mothers and fathers. In this sense the Abussa are united, as every child is treated equally by the universe and under the shadow of our curse.
+1 Tolerance of Heretics
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

Hundred Dams of AbussanikThe many rivers of the jungle bless the lizardfolk with an abundance of fresh water. That encourages many lizardfolk to waste this resource recklessly, polluting the streams they drink from by using the same water for cleaning. In Abussanik this isn’t the case, as a set of dams has been built in order to separate the waters of Uthazas into several reservoirs, each one dedicated for a single use, whether that be drinking, cleaning, bathing or cooking. \nThese mostly civilian constructions have some military uses as well, as they can be used as local strongpoints for defenders, or can be destroyed, causing a flood and making any logistical endeavours significantly harder for the enemy.
+15% Fort Defence

The Bestial BoasNagas living here are unusually voracious and brutally cunning; gone are their wise words and calm demeanor. The curse has made them sharp, devious and deadly, able to constrict and crush even the strongest warriors. Like the deadly boa they creep near their prey, creating not a single sound, only to entangle, crush and swallow their prey whole.\nThey serve the tribe as deadly assassins and powerful ambushers, slaughtering their foes in a cunningly brutal fashion.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Lottery Urn of SazizaElecting a new king in Abussa is done through an ancient ceremony, passed down from the tale of Saziza and her 13 Lovers. Unable to choose to whom she would be conjoined in the wedding ceremony, she travelled far, overcoming many perils on her way to seek advice from a wise sage who dwelt in an old mystical tree. The Weevil told her to take his urn and place the names of her lovers within it. \n\n"Take one out at random, and before you read out the name, you will know in your heart of hearts whose name you wish to be on it."\n\nThus it became customary to, like Saziza, cast the names of candidates into an urn and elect the new chieftain through lottery.
+0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.5 Yearly Prestige

The Tsshi and HizziThe anger and hatred the Zatsusi feel for us is undeniable. It all began with the accidental killing of rich merchant Jiazi Tsshi by the fisherman Lessish Hizzi, which caused Jiazi’s brothers to take up arms and avenge his death. This in turn caused Lessish’s sister to poison the Tssh family well. It didn’t take long before an all out war broke out between the families, quickly escalating towards whole tribes, both sides demanding their leaders avenge the wrongdoing of the other side. But that is all history now; while our lands were taken and many of our people killed, Abussans have grown to forgive the Zatsusi, as we seek to warm relations with them once more.
+1 Diplomatic Relations

A Tooth for a ToothWith their bloody burden still on the back of their minds, Abussans had to look to change how revenge is dished out, lest the tribe would die by their own hands. This was handled by installing a simple rule: "a tooth for a tooth, a scale for a scale". \nThis worked out well, as the young Ashhana society managed to stop revenge killings from spiralling out of control. No longer did brother or sister feel the need to avenge their family, as the justice system dished out fair and just punishments for any wrongdoing.
+15% Reform Progress Growth

+10% Morale of Armies


