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Primary Culture

+1 Diplomats
-1% Prestige Decay

Overcoming Horror With Beauty"The curse has long been within us, always clawing and screaming so that it may overcome us, but we have been able to drown it out with our songs and art. This battle has been fought not just as beauty and horror, but as past and future, and of tradition and progress... Let us make way for the new and great - as the future is a shining jewel in which our hopes come true." -Soshasru the Iriktrask in his unfinished work "Of Beauty And Horror", penned in 1687, rediscovered in 1795 and distributed across Adzalan.
-20% Stability Cost Modifier

Festival Of The New MindedThe arrival of a new year not only brings about new events but new innovations and art, which are showcased accordingly during the Festival of The New-Minded. Held in each city at the same time at the beginning of the new year, the festival is to unveil the greatest and newest creations, whether provocative or innovative, of all who submit their designs in the hopes of receiving funding from the Song-Magnates within the city. The greatest of these works have the chance to be sent to the capital and be viewed by the king himself, which motivates all who participate to improve their works in order to have the chance at such an opportunity.
-5% Technology Cost

Songs Of WarOur troops can and should not just subsist on discipline and food, but with a hearty spirit as well. To achieve this end, many of our bards have created marching songs to inspire our troops to hold their ground, with the rear rows being taught to sing the loudest so that the front may not lose focus on fighting. Some of these songs are named after famous points in our history, such as "The Bard’s Tale" or "The Shadowfang Invasion", while others, such as "The Stone Croc" and "The Blooming Flower" describe the splendor and beauty of the cities we go out to defend and die for.
+15% Reduced Morale Damage Taken By Reserves

AtchabahchaThe Atchabahcha, the most resplendent court in all of Adzalan and under the direct rule of the king, is where all inspiring innovators and artists wish to be. From Ertesk Azrunskitse, who established a sign system utilizing various colors to help navigate throughout our realm, to Kossa Khuskashaya who was famous for her beautiful dancing that inspires even the lowly, each and every one of the advisors allowed into the Atchabahcha have become legends in their own right. However, only those that have proven themselves to the king and realm through craftsmanship or passion can be let into the court, and many aspiring artists are denied at its gates.
-15% Advisor Cost

Ever-Changing ReformsAdzalan is not just a nation of innovators in art but in all things, and this is keenly shown through their governance. Each king upon ascending to the throne hopes to outdo their predecessor in ruling, and these actions are then followed upon with increasingly bold reforms and governance. While many of these reforms proved to be essential to the continued growth of Adzalan, such as Aethron's Building Rights reform in 1756, others, such as Lazar's Clove Tariff Act proved to be so unpopular that the King who enacted it was forcibly taken off the throne a mere two weeks later.
+25% Reform Progress Growth

AshmaluaAs our nation progressed through the thresholds of time, an emerging group of Song-Magnates slowly splintered off to become the Ashmalua, or Song Oligarchs. Although many of them were no great bards themselves, they used their keen minds to hire Enchanters for their workshops so that they would encourage their workers to be more productive through bardic magic. From spears to cloth, all production plans were designed by the Ashmalua to ensure that it was at its most efficient, with many Ashhana only working on a small part before handing it off to the next in line. While many Ashhana were overworked, the profits that flowed only encouraged the expansion of more of these workshops.
+10% Burghers Loyalty Equilibrium
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Illustrious HospitalityOur people created many palaces over the years both as a form of art and as a gift to our King. So many in fact, that most were being left to dust. To remedy this issue, it was decreed that these unused palaces be gifted to the emissaries of various kingdoms for them to both bask in our splendor and to entice them into furthering relations with our own. The most famous of these palaces was the Dakushdax, a gleaming tower of granite and silver that was surrounded by a luxurious garden of the finest flowers of Adzalan, which was then given to a guild of rich traders from Anbenncóst. The guild was so impressed by our wealth that they sent their own official emissary to live there.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+20% Improve Relations

+5% Discipline


