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Primary Culture

-10% Development Cost
-10% Liberty Desire in Same Continent Subjects

YadirratalaBeneath the city of Shangra lies a library that is unmatched by any other in size and content. The seemingly endless labyrinth of tunnels below hold texts dating back to ancient times, left undisturbed in spite of conflicts raging above. It is said that there are more texts within than stars in the sky, and while this might be an exaggeration, scholars estimate that cataloguing the library in its entirety could be a centuries long endeavour. Nevertheless, this task could prove quite fruitful. Surely there is something to be learned from so much knowledge; such as our people’s long lost history, or clues to discovering the secrets of the Zatsarya above.
-10% Idea Cost

Legacy of the CrackdownThe Naga ruling class have exerted power over our people for centuries. Many are content with this, but the citizens of Shangra are not. Tensions arose between our people and the Naga long ago, but during an event known as "The Crackdown", Naga advisors of the king pushed for the collection and destruction of all knowledge of its existence, wiping the origins of the conflict from history. Unfortunately for them, while they may have succeeded in erasing history, they could not erase its effects; distrust and open hostility to their influence permeates our society. Many more crackdowns have occurred since, but in an ironic twist have only served to increase the intellectual stimulation of the populace, as holding secret seminars and keeping hidden book caches became normal practice.
+20% Institution Spread

Lake TreadersLake Khusadza and its surrounding siblings have had a large role to play in the economic development of Odu Kherass. In addition to its bountiful supply of beach glass, the lakes rarely get choppy, allowing for easy travel across them, as well as fast movement along the coasts. To take advantage of this, we have developed special boats that are designed for these conditions, focusing on speed and carrying capacity over hull resistance.
+10% Domestic Trade Power

Access for ArtificersThe status of the Yadirratala as the forefront of its kind in terms of sheer magnitude of information is not one hastily attributed. Around the beginning of the 17th century, there was a large increase in foreigners both near and far who came to us in search of knowledge, like the scholarly Baashidi, or the recent trickle of travellers from the far off continent of Cannor. While it might be prudent to keep this knowledge to ourselves, it would be a shame to bar entry to aspiring minds, especially when they have much to offer in exchange. There are those among these travellers known as artificers, who create devices to harness magic without needing to cast it oneself. We allow them to access a carefully vetted portion of the library's contents in exchange for their assistance in fostering this practice amongst our people, to great benefit. Artificery has opened the door to an endless sea of possibilities for us, finally shifting the balance in power between the Naga and our intellectual class.
-5% Technology Cost

The New StateThe beginning of the end of Naga tyranny came with yet another crackdown, but this time it was more than just routine resistance. The increase in artificery among our people created unease amongst the Naga, whose magical abilities legitimised their social status. With the power they wielded becoming less relevant, they urged their puppet king to disband the growing artificer’s guild and outlaw the practice, lest these new ideas lead to a revolution. In seeking to avoid it, they brought the revolution on themselves. \n\nThe noble house of Katalend, who themselves became prominent in recent years due to their adoption of artificery, took the ban as a hostile declaration towards their house itself, and struck back against the regulations. A majority of the populace took to their cause, having seen first hand how beneficial artificer technology was to their daily lives. Together they swiftly ousted the ruling dynasty, replacing them with the house of Katalend. Ever since, they have passed vast reforms to strip the Naga of their power, in favour of the artificers they attempted to oust. The old makes way for the new, allowing Shangra to finally reach its full potential as a technological behemoth to rival all other nations in the world.
+10% Artificers Loyalty Equilibrium
+15% Reform Progress Growth

Softclawed ArtisansThe people of Shangra live urban lifestyles, relying more on our skills in delicate crafts to trade rather than hunting and fighting other tribes to survive. As a result, the most successful of our people tend to be those with more delicate claws, a mutation normally seen as a detriment, as hand-to-hand combat presents an increased likelihood of sustaining permanent damage. However, they allow for intricate work and precision that simply cannot be achieved by those with harder, sharper claws. As a result, this mutation has become common, as these "Softclawed" immigrate to the cities, become successful, and reproduce, and those without live in more dangerous rural areas, allowing our productivity to flourish in a safe environment.
+10% Production Efficiency

Efficient ReloadingWe would never claim to be the strongest warriors. Our focus on intellectual stimulation comes at the cost of neglecting our physical strength, and so our armies consist of the few who choose the lifestyle, or conscripts in times of need - not to mention the prevalence of Softclawed amongst our general populace. As such, in order to defend ourselves and stake our claim in this world, we must adapt. Firearms have become more commonplace, changing from a useful addition to one's arsenal to standard issue for entire armies. The only striking issue is the time it takes to reload one once fired, as it leaves one exposed and defenceless for up to a minute in the heat of battle. However, the same artistic precision our mutations give us could also be used in this reloading process. With some adjustments to the structure of the weapon, our long claws can be used as ramrods, and to quickly operate its machinery, allowing the firearm to be ready to fire again before the smoke even clears. These modifications may sacrifice a degree of speed and accuracy of our bullets, but are heavily made up for by our fire rate, which outclasses our opponents by wide margins.
+0.15 Infantry Fire

-10% Advisor Cost


