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Primary Culture

+20% Cavalry Combat Ability
+15% Fort Defence

The Marcher KingsFrom Simegasa’s earliest days as a minor frontier kingdom on the edge of civilization, to the modern day, Simegasa’s kings have had to prove themselves with strength and skill upon the field of battle. Weakness is not tolerated, with every Simegasan heir expected to slay a troll on their own before they can even be considered a potential heir to the throne.
+1 Monarch Military Skill

A Dark RevivalLong ago our ancestors venerated the dark beings of the Shadowrealm. Afterall, if a mortal’s soul’s destination after death is in the Shadow Plane, why not aid the beings that rule there?\n\nThe rise of the empire of Melakmengi under the rule of the dragon Zenidir Zentirizar would see the purge of these beliefs from Madriamilak, forcing the practitioners of the Shadowpact underground.\n\nYet not all was lost, for the death of the dragon saw Melakmengi disintegrate, and Shadowpact believers infiltrated the elites of the kingdom of Simegasa. With time, even the royal family were influenced by this faith. By the 1400s, a young Dejen II converted, and Simegasa returned to the faith of its ancestors.\n\nWe must not stop with mere ‘revival’ of the old ways however. The false belief of Amilak is still prevalent across the land. We will do what they did to our forebears a millennia ago, and the faith in the shadows shall spread far and wide!
+2% Missionary Strength

DhagismukLong ago, the first tribesmen that settled at the fork of the Keygas river noticed a strange structure nearby, emanating negative energy. Frightened, few dared enter such a temple. Still, an ancient king of Simegasfan ordered an expedition into the structure to be conducted. What they found inside astonished them.\n\nA single, small, shadowy tree in a large pot. Mage-priests that accompanied the expedition noticed that the tree, which soon gained the name "Dhagismuk", was concentrating negative energies from the Yezel Mora to sustain itself. None dared move the tree, and so it remained within the temple under guard. A structure was built surrounding the temple, at first a barracks, and then refurbished to become the royal palace.\n\nThe Dhagismuk became a center of worship and power for the people of Simegasfan. The tree was very useful to sorcerers that sought to use the tree for their spells, but also weakened the Dhagismuk in process, so access became highly regulated, with misuse and harming of the tree resulting in execution.
+10% Religious Power
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Endless StruggleTo the countless roaming warriors across Madriamilak, the existence of our kingdom is offensive, a blot on the map to be destroyed. Nothing can be further from the truth, but that does not stop them. Year after year we face armies of zealous warriors, bent on seizing our land to establish kingdoms of their own. Yet we remain, refusing to give even an inch of territory without a fight.\n\nThis endless state of war our kingdom has found itself in has become second nature to our people. They have become used to the everpresent struggle our kingdom faces, a struggle we will win in the end.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

The First StopOn the north side of the Keygas River lie the savage gnolls of the savannah. Fiercely independent and fractious, they are but barbaric brutes, who in most instances would be ignored. However, the gnolls have one use: slaves. The gnolls are excellent slavers, their caravans of the enslaved always make their first stop in Simegasfan. This means we get the first choice of slaves to buy.
+10% Trade Efficiency

Exiles From AfarThough Zenidir wished to purge the worship of the beings of the Shadowrealm from his domain, he never succeeded. Small pockets remained across the land, outcast and hidden. Now that a kingdom that sees the truth has arisen, many of the faithful have migrated to our lands, with more on the way.\n\nEven more interesting is the masses of war exiles who flood our borders seeking a home when no one else will take them. Though some of our advisors seek to expel them all, it is better that they come here and stay. We accept all, the only condition of their presence being that they convert.\n\nThis constant stream of immigrants has given our kingdom an excellent source of manpower. Our generals have noticed, and so, many of the fittest among these immigrants are to be conscripted, or expelled if they refuse.
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

To Stand AloneThe moment Dejen II denounced Amilak upon the balcony of his palace to a crowd below him, he had set Simegasa upon a different path from all other Mengi. This path is not one we regret, though it has made us isolated. We stand apart and alone; were we to be invaded none would help us.\n\nThus our lands are more directly controlled by the king in Simegasfan than in most other Mengi states. Lords that long ago may have been able to challenge the king now follow orders without question, for revolt may mean extermination not just for them, but for the whole kingdom.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change


