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Primary Culture

-10% Regiment Costs
-10% Shock Damage Received

Resilience of the HillsIn 1421, the economic collapse of Dakmender led the Raheni merchant state of Davharral to seize direct control of the Jewel of Madriamilak, and forever changed the paradigm of Mengi-Raheni relations. A flood of adventurers and mercenaries descended on Amalik's holy land, demanding payment and looting wherever they could. One by one, the kingdoms to the west and south fell, and the Ofehibi's once-friends came to rule the northern coast of Madriamilak. But Boyebareti resisted, rallying the beleagured defenders, and bested Iyarashar at Tistrias pass, preventing an invasion of the east. In the following decade only those kings who alligned with Boyebareti survived the onslaught from the sea, and only due to the resilience of the Kings of the Gleti Sedara.
+10% Recover Army Morale Speed

Omnidirectional FortificationBoyebareti sits at the easternmost part of Madriamilak, near the mountain heights where the harpies of Naléni have plagued the skies and seas since their arrival in the late 1000s. Centuries of skirmishes with these winged raiders, intermittent warfare with fellow Mengi, and the recent fights with Raghamideshi fleets have provided a wealth of experience in fighting against forces from land, air, and sea. Fortifications of the Kingdom of Boyebareti were thus built with defense from all directions in mind, with construction taking into account aerial countermeasures and naval invasions to ensure that no defensive position could be taken by surprise by an aerial or seaborn foe.
+15% Fort Defence

Mercantile DiplomacyNegotiations, be they trade or war, are well known to Boyebareti. A major power in the coastal trade, the mercantile networks of boyebareti's rich traders are the primary mechanism through which the kingdom conducts diplomacy, using informal diplomats that range far and wide in Rahen, inner Melakmengi, and Dakinshi instead of a dedicated diplomatic core. Though unusual, the methods of the kingdom were proven during the Raheni invasion, and were responsible for rallying the other eastern Ofehibi to their cause and building the coalition that held off the mercenary armies of Sarkashabid.
+20% Improve Relations

Iron HullsThough they never came close to replicating the infamous ironclad of Ovdal Tûngr or the Gnomish Hierarch Battleships, the fleet of Boyebareti were early adopters of iron reinforcement in their hulls, making them far more durable to early cannon fire. With such reinforced ships they pushed back two invasions launched by Sarkashabid, but the additional weight reduced the maneuverability, and the so-called Iron Fleet could not match the numbers and speed of the Bhuvauri Republican Navy when the Slave Republic invaded in 1512, an event that would mark the beginning of the end for the independent kings of Boyebareti.
+10% Ship Durability

Boyebareti PhilosophersDespite the conflicts of the fifteenth century, the Raghamideshi and Ofehibi have undergone broad cultural diffusion of ideas over their centuries of intermingling. Raheni manners, dress, cuisine, and philosophy heavily influenced Ofehibi development, but increasing conflict with the northerners drove the kingdom of boyebareti to be far less acepting of foreign philosophers at their courts. Instead the kingdom's nobles focused on a cultivation of its own people in a unique philosophical tradition mixing Amalik-worship and High Philosophy, which served them well in their increasingly isolated position through the 1400s.
-15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

League of Free KingsThough it is simple to think of them as the rulers of a single kingdom, Boyebareti is structured more as a confederation than a united realm. The Kings of Boyebareti consolidated their lands under the auspices of protecting the lesser chiefs and kings of the region from invasion, and they are ostensibly leaders of the League of Kings. Their legitimacy derived from their ability to defend the land from foreign invasion, and while this made them vulnerable in the face of foreign aggression, it was also a far more diplomatic government reform than that of their cantankerous mengi bretheren.
+1 Diplomatic Relations

Shacklemaker Kings of Gleti SedaraHistorically the place where the iron chains of slavery were produced in quantity, the Gleti Sedara separate Boyebareti from the inland mengi. The heart of the mengi's iron production, small independent mines grew into larger conglomerates during the century of Bhuvauri control over the region, and by the 1600s would see Boyebareti's manufacturing diversify into a variety of metal tools and weapons. Iron cannons and heavy machinery would replace shackles and swords as the defining industry of the region in later years, and become a major engine for the industrialization of both eastern Sarhal and Haless.
+10% Production Efficiency

-15% Stability Cost Modifier


