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Primary Culture

-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact
+10% Morale of Armies

Masana LegacyTwo thousand years ago, the refugees that would become the inhabitants of Rayafo sailed across from Saikinoma to the Vyzemby Isles. The man who led the fleet was the king of Saikinoma himself, Masana Meblic. Meblic was a young man who had grown up to become one of the most prestigious academics and cunning generals. Nobody could deny his talent, not even the king of Saikinoma, who allowed a young Masana to have his daughter’s hand in marriage. Now in the light of the public, he became perceived as generous for using the wealth gained through his various campaigns to improve the city of Saikinoma itself, and to give back to his people.\n\nEventually, once the old king of Saikinoma died with no heir, Masana stepped up to lead the nation.\n\nDuring the Meblic rule of Saikinoma, he conquered local cities and took the wealth of the rich to give back to the poor. He often personally traveled to the slums to deliver wealth and prosperity. Thus, Saikinoma as a kingdom grew to conquer and grow as a regional powerhouse. This brought fear to the kingdom of Kolonoma, who declared war on them to try and halt the great kings’ progress. Unfortunately for both of the cities, a new threat would arise. A grand human migration would storm the region, and after the battle with Kolonoma, Masana had to march back home to relieve his city from a horde of humans seeking to pillage. Masana had lost his wife and his kingdom, and only had his people left.\n\nThus, he expended all his wealth to build a fleet to save the citizens of Saikinoma from the human invasion, and to flee to the Summer Isles. In doing so, Masana Meblic reignited his people’s hope for a better life, and forged a new home in an unrecognized territory.
-2 National Unrest

Rayafosi PhilosophyThe Amezatany nations are those composed of the mixture of peoples who originally inhabited the north of the Vyzemby isles, and those who fled from their cities in the mainland. This has resulted in a group of people who have forged their own unique culture compared to the rest of the isles. Rayafo, being a kingdom of refugees, holds their traditions from Saikinoma strongly. One such tradition is the ancient art of Philosophy.\n\nIt starts with the iltraray, the council who advises the king, kneeling on pillows around a blue flame cast by the mihipha. The iltraray then begin their discussion, with a general forum of no less than 300 people discussing the politics of the nation. Then, after the politics have been discussed, and nothing is left, the iltraray call upon the gods, and begin the true discussion.\n\nThere is to be a speaker, who shall be the lead of the conversation and the receivers. The speakers bring up a topic, and the receivers respond. Nobody is to go out of order, as it is disrespectful to interrupt the discussion. All ideas, concepts, or theories, brought forward must be depicted in great, vivid detail, usually through metaphors. Unlike regular discussion, the true discussion should not be limited by politics. Nature, life, and stories are frequently talked about. These discussions are said to bond the iltraray with life and the gods, and provide heavenly wisdom like no other.
-10% Advisor Cost

Expereinced SettlersWhen Masana Meblic was said to have taken off the shores of Saikinoma, Masana Meblic said to have seen a great light emanating from the west. It has been said that Meblic saw this as a sign to continue forward, and the refugees saw it as a blessing from their gods. Arriving onto the coast of the Vyzemby isles, Masana had begun to organize the many refugees, and began the Great Settlement. In honor of the great light that he saw, he named the first settlement Mapiltra, the Skyhome. The refugees-turned-settlers immediately began to reconstruct their homes, and establish themselves quickly in these new lands. They were dubbed the fire starters, from where the name Rayafo originates. Mapiltra grew exponentially, and the nearby lands of Tsomindy were settled by farmers, which funneled food into the city. Alafo would soon become a center for wood and materials, which would be used to make new buildings and fortifications.\n\nAnd thus, the kingdom of Rayafo was forged out of the dust of a fallen kingdom, and the Rayafosi had fully settled down into their new homes. With this, Masana Meblic peacefully passed at the age of 63, assured that the refugees could stand on their own.
+15 Global Settler Increase

Thunder of the WavesLong ago, the Rayafosi rode ships to safety. Sailing across unknown waters and landing on unknown lands. Once they conquered the lands, we realized that the ships we once used to arrive here were still docked at bay. What was the purpose of having ships and not using them? Thus, the ships were renovated, and former sailors who had once guided the Rayafosi away from tragedy would now guard the coast of Rayafo. Pirates struggled to break their waters as the eternal fleet stood by, everpresent.\n\nUnfortunately for the Rayafosi, they failed to maintain their navy. Pirates came less frequently, and soon were near foreign to our coast. They would have benefitted from converting our fleet into trade vessels, but by then the economy had been whittled down by trying to maintain such a large fleet for war. Now they had once again been docked at port, and some faced irreparable damage. Thus, the ships were scrapped for parts, and only a few would remain.\n\nNow though, if we are to retake Saikinoma, a navy is needed. Our legacy of pirate hunting sailors is strong, and the manpower is there! There is a need for ships, for if we are going to retake our homes, then we will need an armada.
+10% Morale of Navies

Collaborative EffortThe Rayafosi people work hard to make sure the nation as a whole can sustain itself. The weakest links are to be strengthened, and the strongest links should bear more of the weight from the weak. This is an integral part of why Rayafo as a nation has been able to survive and grow for two thousand years after we abandoned the city of Saikinoma. The wealthy should help the poor, a lesson carried from Masana Meblic’s generosity to the impoverished. The Meblic dynasty has had a history of delivering their riches to the poor, directly funding change.\n\nAn effect of this system is that the Rayafosi are some of the wealthiest in the Vyzemby isles. It is often unheard of for even the poorest to go hungry.
+10% Production Efficiency

Manja ScienceScience is important.\n\nTo evolve as a society, science must be one of the core tenets of its people. If it is not, then it is the law of nature to drag their kingdoms back into the dust and let the cycle begin anew. We have tried our best to prove ourselves to fate that we are worthy of bearing our kingdom even after thousands of years. Science is one of the ways we try to show our prowess.\n\nWe are strict to what and what shall not receive funding by our king. If our king feels a project worthy of his time, then he himself shall overlook the scientists to make sure they stay on task and that they accomplish what they set out to do. This way, science works for the Rayafosi in a way like no other. When in times of war, we devote our scientists to creating new weapons and tools that could give us an advantage on the field. When at peace, we focus on developing our cities and strengthening our home security.\n\nThis has led to massive scientific developments across our country, and a unique system where innovators work for us. This is shown in the Mapiltra University, where historically, some of the finest weapons in all of Sarhal have been invented and allowed us in our times of need to defend ourselves. \n\nWhether it be a spear or a new invention to drive our economy: if we believe in its importance, we will make it.
-5% Technology Cost

Heavenly CitiesWhen Masana Meblic arrived in Mapiltra, its lands were comprised of forests that are now relegated to the jungles of Alafo. The refugees cut them down, and used them for our foundations. From the wood we were given the cities of Tsomindy, The Skyhome, and Alafo. Once new settlers arrived into the Vyzemby isles, fleeing the same crisis, gaining the island city of Nosivy. These were the four original Heavenly Cities, of which the Rayafosi have settled and improved over hundreds of years.\n\nEach of these cities are governed by people appointed by the king. They are chosen not by title, but by skill and proven worthiness. They are tasked with maintaining order and continuous development. Through this process the prosperity of the cities is ensured, and the king may look towards the outside without needing to look back.
-10% Construction Cost


