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Primary Culture

+50% Naval Tradition From Trade
-20% Sailor Maintenance

Silver Coast TradersLocated at the northwesternmost edge of Fahvanosy, the traders of Mpirelmasi have long been in a good position to trade with the mainlanders on the Silver Coast of Dao Nako. Here they trade the riches of their islands for metals from the iron forests and luxuries that have made their way south from Fangaula and Kheterata. These they resell to their wealthier bretheren in Fahvanosy, and while the riches are not as abundant as those to be had trading with the lizardfolk or Horashesh to the east, the long history of good relations with the tribes of Dao Nako ensures the trade is regular, stable, and lucrative.
+20% Ship Trade Power

Called to the SeaWhile all of the Vyzemby are connected to the water in some way, the folk of Mpirelmasi are closer to it than most. So long and thin are the islands they call home that it is difficult to truly lose sight of the water from any point on land. With so little land to cultivate, most earn their living on the waves as fisherfolk or traders, skillful sailors all. These seamen and their ships can be called to war when Mpirelmasi needs defending, their many vessels a fleet just waiting to be summoned for the defense of the islands.
+15% Naval Force Limit Modifier

Pearls and FeathersWhile small and remote, the seas and skies of Mpirelmasi are rich. Oysters abound in the waters, a ready source of beautiful pearls desired across sarhal. Above, the islands are home to myriad rare bird species, which nest on the predator-free seacliffs in great numbers. Capturing and selling these birds as exotic pets for wealthy merchants and nobles is exceedingly lucrative. Together, these two trades make up the majority of the economy of Mpirelmasi, and it has gained a reputation as a place of rare luxuries and natural beauty as a result.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Permanent Trading SettlementsContinued trade with the iron forest of Dao Nako contributed massively to the growth of the maritime fleet of Mpirelmasi, and saw the islands grow prosperous despite their lack of natural resources. As the population grew and the constraints of land pinched the population, it became attractive to set up small trading settlements on the mainland to facilitate commerce and provide homes for the people.
+20 Global Settler Increase

Cultural AccommodationWhen the Amezatany were forced from the Ananoma and fled from the mainland, the settled in numbers in the north of Fahvanosy. Some few found their way to Mpirelmasi, where they used their wealth to purchase influence and intermarry with the local chiefs, eventually forming the backbone of the nobility. This fusion of cultures resulted in a highly permissive society, where various cultural norms were accepted in the interest of ensuring peace was kept between the different groups now living on the islands. This attitude would also prove useful for Mpirelmasi merchants, who were largely open-minded and willing to trade with anyone as long as they had coin.
+1 Max Promoted Cultures
-25% Promote Culture Cost

Swiftsloop RunnersIn the experience of many traders, the best way to deal with pirates is to avoid them. Unfortunately, as merchant vessels are oft laden with cargo, it can be difficult to outrun marauders outfitted to plunder instead of trade legitimately. Vessels from Mpirelmasi were accutely aware of this problem, and made multiple compromises in their ship design to increase speed, even at the cost of cargo space, to enable them to slip away from hostile vessels and return home safely.
+10% Ship Disengagement Chance

Discoverers of the Outer IslesNorth from Mpirelmasi, warm currents sweep west along the coast of the continent, propelling vessels towards their trading destinations with great speed. Returning home, however, is always far more difficult, requiring vessels to tack into the wind or row along the coastline as they fight the currents of wind and water. In stormy conditions this is nearly impossible to do so - and in one instance in 1561, a great hurricane swept a trading ship from Mpirelmasi far to the west. After drifting for a week, land was sighted - but it was not Fahvanosy. No, this was a new island, unknown to the islanders, that offered a new home. The discovery of these western lands triggered great interest in Mpirelmasi, but soon others would find and establish settlements here - folk from far to the north, some of whom looked very much like us...
+10% Trade Steering

+15% Trade Efficiency


