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Primary Culture

+10% National Tax Modifier
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Tebohela\"The night was chilling and the wind howling when I dared to visit Tebohela. It was one of few times in the month when I could even attempt the crossing and I could not miss my chance before my crew set sail for the Clove islands to the south on the morrow. The local who guided me made a point to detail the various fins that crossed our path with his lantern and the multitude of ways each creature could spell my demise. He assured me that the beasts would not strike the boat. He had prayed to Lel. \n\nThe prison’s entrance stood over a narrow cliff. Its pointed watchtowers and spiked walls were so jagged I felt they might cut my eyes through sight alone. The night was anything but silent. The wails sounding from the various windows lining its walls reminded me of a haunted coast off the Bay of Crovan I once ventured upon. It was a familiar feeling too, one of dread and misery. Going inside…\" -Excerpt from Making Home in Tvarateram, written by Otto sil Kar, Eborthíli Officer.
-20% Harsh Treatment Cost

Surveyors AcademyThe Royal Surveyors Academy, spoken with an emphasis on the Royal, was the most prestigious school to attend in Tvarateram. Its graduates were nigh guaranteed employment by the Royal Family, though few were capable of passing the entrance exam which required an extensive education on its own. The academy rigorously trained and taught its surveying students to use the land as it should be and to the greatest extent possible. When Cannorian halflings began to visit the Vzemby Islands a few managed to pass the entrance exam and bring back the surveying techniques to towns such as Beepeck and Viswall.
-5% Idea Cost
+5% Production Efficiency

Driven by NecessityLands. Resources. Expansion. They were not wants for Tvarateram. They were needs. As the soil eroded from overuse and dubious practices, the Tvarateram’s resources dwindled and their policy of stripping everything they could to the marrow began to backfire. Their options dwindled to their neighbors and the high seas, with the Royal Family supporting enterprises that sought to claim the various islands and ripe lands that had so far escaped their grasp.
+10% Settler Chance

The Book of RuleThe Book of Rule was the most legitimate and honest source of rule for those of Tvarateram. The entirety of the Royal family’s claim came from this book and why shouldn’t it? The long royal lineage is traced back to the very start of halfling society, entirely recorded, although some say questionably filled in. Few were allowed to see the book after rumors of pages being stitched circulated about the citizens, but its presence was still touted by the Royal family as what made them superior to the common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Every Coin a Citizen, Every Citizen an EarThe Royal Family’s eyes and ears were known to be everywhere in Tvarateram, for every person a citizen reported that was proven guilty of conspiring against the government or spreading rumors about the Royal Family they received coins in exchange. This meant for dissidents that every child playing in the streets, every grandma on her porch, and every baker handing you bread, was possibly a spy. Eyes were always trained on each other. There was a certain prestige that came with reporting others and a certain favoritism by those in power. Remember, report or be reported.
+10% Rebel Support Efficiency
+10% Spy Network Construction

Seize and ControlNobody enjoys having their land taken and being thrown in jail. This occurred quite often in Tvarateram, and so with many potential dissidents, their infantry frequently doubled as a police force. Beyond their skill with blades, the infantry honed themselves and drilled their bodies to be as large as possible. In training, they were taught various martial techniques focusing on brutal efficiency and subdual at all costs. If this was at the cost of a few broken bones for the disorderly citizen then so be it.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Proper AllocationThe Royal Family was renowned among other things for its expertise in the allocation of resources. From building materials to the workforce, each number was used as intended. Resources were carefully kept track of and more carefully spent. No piece of lumber went uncounted and left to rot in the rain. No worker was left by the wayside, there was always something to do whether or not the laborer wanted to do it. Public projects of course went smoothly with an apt allocation of resources and the correct selection of workers for the job.
-10% Development Cost

+10 Maximum Absolutism


