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Primary Culture

+20% Garrison Size
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Tibokyuye GlassTibokyuye is the only city in the Summer Isles with a significant glass production industry. The many years of production and the liberties given to our artisans have given rise to unique ways of glassblowing, leading to unique and experimental shapes and colors being not only common, but actively encouraged. It is not uncommon for a visitor to the Isles to be amazed when finding glass statues of famous people, glass cutlery dyed blood red and even experimental glass hats in our fair markets.
+5% Goods Produced Modifier
+5% Trade Efficiency

MpiambanyanànThe Mpiambanyanàn, or guards of the city in common, are the volunteer city militia of Afakoyuezemby. In contrast to other city militias, these soldiers serve for life after volunteering and go through constant training, making them a formidable defensive force. The brave men and women of the Mpiambanyanàn chose to stand watch on our city walls and each one would die before letting a single brick fall.
+15% Fort Defence
yes May Recruit Female Generals

Worship of YuyeYuye is the Vyzemby god of storms, freedom and bravery. Nowhere on these isles is His worship more widespread and embodied than in our nation, with feasts being held in His name yearly and His ideals of personal freedom and bravery in battle and in daily life being something every person in our nation strives to emulate. The people of Yuye are noticeably carefree in their daily lives, with them doing daily chores and tasks seemingly on a whim and without much planning.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Free SailorsIn many other nations, sailors are often pressed into service and serve on their ships reluctantly and against their will, dying on a ship they hate for a cause they don’t believe in. In our nation, sailors serve because they wish to protect our fair and free harbors as well as our liberties, and thus going down with your ship is something that is celebrated rather than mourned.
-10% Naval Morale Damage Received

Popular DemocracyDuring the rule of the tyrants, positions in administration and bureaucracy were closed off from the common folk, only available to those with wealth or familial ties. This led to increasing corruption and fear of political innovation. With our new electoral system, the populace is becoming increasingly politically active, leading to more innovative administrators and less corruption in the administration as the incompetent are simply voted out.
+1 Administrative Free Policies

Feast of the FreeEvery year since we overthrew the despotic tyrants that ruled over us we have celebrated this monumental happening by throwing a great feast in Yuyes name for all to join and partake in. Not only does this bring in a lot of taxes from the populace, but it also lets all who attend sample the best foods of our nation, such as butter-boiled stag beetles, honey-roasted peacock and the traditional flying fish-fin soup.
+15% National Tax Modifier

Balloted GeneralsThe democratic ideals of our nation bleed over even into the military, with our soldiers selecting their own generals by a system of voting. This not only makes it easier for us to find generals, but also entrenches the nation's ideals even further in the minds of its defenders.
+1 Yearly Devotion
-15% General Cost
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

+10% Infantry Combat Ability


