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Primary Culture

-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact
+15% Infantry Combat Ability

The Road Of Salt And SilverMuch of Fangaula’s economy relies upon trade with the wider world. This is done primarily through overland caravans across the Salahad, where the plentiful salt and silver of Fangaula eventually reaches the markets of Cannor and Bulwar.
+10% Trade Efficiency

The Province SystemThe empire is divided into numerous administrative districts called provinces. Every province has a governor, a temporary office appointed directly by the emperor, and in whose name the governor's rule. The governor in turn, ruled with an iron fist when needed.\n\nGovernors would be shifted and moved between provinces every 5 years, so as to make sure they never developed a solid powerbase of their own, from which they could challenge the emperor. Loyal governors would often be sent to the frontiers as promotions, given free reign to tax and extort the conquered as they saw fit. Governors that showed any hint of disloyalty were killed immediately, and a new one sent in his place.
-15% Core-Creation Cost

God's AtonersThe planetouched are a powerful yet dangerous lot. They are responsible for taking over many a kingdom, and are too powerful to tame by normal force of arms. Only a fellow planetouched or a powerful mage will be able to take down a planetouched, so great is the power that they inherited from their genie ancestors.\n\nThankfully, the second iteration of Fangaula had a solution to this eternal issue, a genius one at that. An order composed entirely of planetouched was created, called the God’s Atoners, who were personally loyal to the emperor. All planetouched in Fangaula had to join this organization, or risk execution.\n\nThe duties of this order were three-fold: to regulate the planetouched, hunt down rogue planetouched, and to enforce the compliance of the provinces according to the emperor’s will.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

Aro The GreatFangaula is home to many unique peoples with distinct cultural traditions and values, making it difficult sometimes to unify the people during great struggles and disasters. During said times we must look at the great myth of the founder of the first Fangaula empire, Aro the emperor.\n\nBorn the son of a mortal woman and of a ring bound Dao genie, Aro was able to form a band of powerful heroes who were able to defeat and bind many of the genies who had subjugated the land into gigantic golems. The stone giants were used to build the fantastic city of Atijo Sigilan or "old throne" in our native language in a single night, sadly almost all gone now due to the ravages of time, the onslaught and war.\n\nAfter this feat Aro faced and passed the 10 tasks of royalty given to him by god and was able to drive back the foul lich Kaino and his gnoll allies. After his death he ascended to become an aspect of rulership, art and manhood for our god. A hero among heroes, a king among kings we must unite our people with the tales of our heroic founder to legitimate our rightful and beneficial rule.
+10% Morale of Armies

Elemental Public WorksMages are a dime a dozen in Fangaula, its magical tradition developing independently of the rest of the world. Mages here specialized in the summoning and controlling of elementals for a variety of purposes. The most common and useful way elementals were used was in the construction of massive public works projects. Massive monuments, a huge road network, and a grand palace for the emperor at the center of it all. Entire cities would be built from scratch by these elementals, whose work would have been impossible with human builders alone.
-10% Construction Cost

Tributes Of ArmsFangaula's style of governance has traditionally been quite light in the countryside, letting local villages make their own laws as they wished. All a village chieftain needed to do was pay the monthly tribute of goods to the local governor, and he had free reign to rule as he pleased in his tiny domain.\n\nDuring times of war however, this system would change. The tribute the chieftains had to send came in the form of warriors from their village. The "Tribute Of Arms" as referred to by the governors, while unpopular among the chieftains, were followed to the letter upon pain of death.\n\nThis mobilization system, while relatively simple, helped produce vast armies of warriors from all across Fangaula, which helped the empire achieve many victories upon the field of battle.
+15% Land Force Limit Modifier

Land Of AuthorityIn the empire of Fangaula, the emperor's will is law. The very land we rule is called "the land of authority" in our imperial tongue and the fate of many peoples and their futures rest on the whims and desires of our ruler. This is a land where those who are subservient know their place.\n\nSome still demand accountability from the emperor and his planetouched servants and moan about how we must ensure we don't make the same mistakes that previous "tyrants" made that led to the collapse of the second empire. These rebels will soon learn to love the taste of the imperial boot.\n\nIf they refuse to kneel then we shall beat them with ironwood rods until they kneel. If they refuse to give tribute to their master they will lose their hand that should have given us our fair share. If they dare give our emperor and his representatives the evil eye they shall be blinded with boiling water, with our emperor's two royal rams protecting him from the evil eye's effects. If they refuse to bend their head in worship of the empire they will lose their head full of disloyal thoughts of freedom.
-1 National Unrest
+10 Maximum Absolutism


