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Primary Culture

-10% Shock Damage Received
+25% Income from Vassals

The Throne Room of the First EmpireThe loss of Sigilan and our coastal lands was an abrupt wake-up call. No longer can we afford to bide our time, we must make it our central goal to reclaim our lands and our glory. First, we require a court worthy of our empire to come. Fortunately, the most appropriate possible location lies ready for us: the seat of the 1st Fangaulan Empire still stands, ready to be rebuilt. We have renovated and furnished it so grandly and completely that all visitors will realise the splendour of our nation and of our heritage.\n\nOur king sits upon an ebony throne flanked by elephant tusks and shaded by a large silk parasol topped with a silver donkey. To his left stands his court Jelli, who carries a silver three stringed sintir, the high priest, and the court healer bearing the horn of the mythical Abada, an antidote to poison and disease. To his right stands the royal executioner, the king’s planetouched bodyguard, two of the king’s favourite white horses, and two rams to protect against the evil eye. Behind him, his three hundred slave soldiers, wielding Dendugma steel spears, stand at attention. Anyone who sees such a display will no doubt understand who the true heirs of Fangaula really are!
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition
+50% Vassal Force Limit Contribution

The Hollow PrincesEven before the gnoll invasion, there were "hollow princes" - nobles with nothing but titles and stories of past glory, their lands lost in the collapse of the second Fangaula empire. Now however, the majority of our nobles have become hollow princes, desperate for us to reclaim their old ancestral lands. We must use these hollow princes' claims to accelerate our expansion into our rightful lands and remake the Fangaulan Empire. For it is only under rightful Binwarji stewardship that Fangaula will prosper once more.
-15% Province War Score Cost

Gladiator GeneralsWhile the Binwarji are known for their love of the arts, their greatest passion is often watching gladiatorial combat. When Biakata the Great awakened to her planetouched powers and rose from being a slave soldier of the gnolls to their Queen, she brought the tradition to her new empire. In the hands of the Binwarji, the ritual lost all religious pretence. It became entertainment for the nobles and lower class, as well as a way to showcase the cultures and peoples subjugated by the Fangaulan Empire’s military might. Frequently, former soldiers of conquered peoples would be forced to fight in arenas for their conquerors’ amusement. As time passed however, individual Gladiators became more and more respected and famous, with those who won their freedom becoming respected landowners or even nobility. Many Binwarji generals are former gladiators, putting the lessons of the arena into practice on the battlefield.
+1 Land Leader Shock

An Honest PeopleWhen Akasi merchants met Binwarji traders for the first time, their records claimed "they were honest people, incapable of telling a lie or committing subterfuge". While this is quite obviously false, Binwarji culture has a long-held tradition of valuing truthfulness over treachery. Young Binwarji children are raised on tales told by Jelli like "Aro meets lich lord Kaino" and "The donkey-eared king" whose morals promote telling the truth and show liars as pariahs no matter their social status.
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

The People of the Silver GrassOur people are said to have been descended from a tribe of miners for the genies who once ruled our lands. Our totem animal, the donkey, was first domesticated by our people to help load the ore that our cruel genie masters demanded. When the Khet sent ambassadors to the first Binwarji empire, they said that we possessed so much silver that even prisoners were shackled in silver chains. For many years silver seemed to be as common as dirt in the region. While those days are now behind us, we still possess many great mines that dot the grasslands, bringing great wealth to our king.
+0.1 Yearly Inflation Reduction

Tall, Dark, and HandsomeWe Binwarji have been described by our neighbours as the "tallest and handsomest men of all of Fangaula". Indeed, our men tower over those around us, with the average Binwarji man said to be over six feet tall. Our imposing stature is complemented by our almost midnight-dark ebony skin and our shapely features that are as fine and elegant as the greatest bronze sculptures. These god-given gifts allow diplomats wearing our traditional robes - the BouBou - and laden in fine silver jewellery to exude an almost unnatural charisma and presence, which gives us the upper hand in diplomatic matters.
+1 Diplomatic Relations

Legacy of the GolemsWhile our Founder Aro managed to bind our genie oppressors to giant stone golems, the secret was lost to history after the fall of the first empire. There have been many attempts to recreate the golems and all have ended in failures. While we can no longer create living stone, our mastery of sculpture has not waned in the slightest. The cultures around us create sculptures that could never be fooled for the real thing while our artisans have created ivory, terracotta, bronze, and wood artworks that are extremely lifelike. There are even legends that one bronze sculpture was so enchanting that its artist attempted to marry it. Many foreigners admire our artistry, with Cannorian traders even spreading the rumour that a long lost tribe of dwarves must reside within our borders, due to the profound craftsmanship of our sculptures. This has led to our artwork finding many international buyers, as a Binwarji sculpture is seen as an exotic prize worthy of kings and emperors.
+10% Trade Efficiency

-10% Core-Creation Cost


