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Primary Culture

-10% Land Maintenance Modifier
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

Iron Wood LumberIn prehistory when the world was young Four types of Genies roamed the world. Earth Genies called Dao had taken a liking to the jungle that eventually became our home and planted many magical plants from the elemental plane of earth in the area which are now endemic to the jungle. While the Dao are long gone their legacy remains with their metallic Ironwood trees being the foundation of our industry and trade.
+10% Production Efficiency

Legacy Of The Dendugma ConquestIn the time of the first fangaula empire the Dao Nako jungle was seen as an impassable wilderness home to exiles. By the time of the second Fangaula empire however many emperors desired the land due to rumors of trees with the fruit of gems. No matter how hard Fangaula tried the local Kaino tribes fought back and many armies perished due to disease and monster attacks. Eventually the Dendguma siblings Kantun and Jagu were able to conquer the jungle and gain fealty of the tribes using enchanted swords, innovative military tactics and a squad of planetouched heroes. The siblings were awarded the eastern jungle due to them accomplishing such an impressive feat, founding our capital city. Though we are now more known for our industry and knowledge, the Brother and Sister founders of Negefaama will forever be known as the ones who tamed the Dao Nako!
-10% Shock Damage Received

Village DemocracyOn the eve of the collapse of the second Fangaulan Empire the former hero Diakarida "slayer of the twin Xhaz" was executed by the Empire of Fangaula due to his proposal to bring the province of Negefaama under a new system he called "village democracy". The emperor had made him governor of Negefaama due to him and his companions involvement in the killing of the twin Xhaz. When touring his new lands he desired to visit isolated Kaino villages that many of the dominant ruling class pretended did not exist until tribute and warriors were needed. After spending months among these isolated Kaino peoples he returned with A new republican system that was inspired by his time among these isolated Kaino tribes. This system consists of autonomous villages and cities ruled by diffused authority without a formalized, permanent, or hereditary leadership position. It was a direct democracy on the village level with a representative assembly elected by village elders, mages, priests, secret societies, representatives of the Council of Women and all male adults. Diakarida was convinced that this system would lead to his province and eventually the empire to become more flexible, adaptable and fair, preventing the tragedy of the twin Xhaz invasion. This idea was too radical for the empire and was seen as a threat to the empire's authority leading to the hero who had saved Fangaulas execution. The outrage of this crime led to the birth to the Kingless land of Negefaama with the system implemented to honor the great hero who was unjustly murdered. This is why Negefaama is where every man in his own house was his own chief over his wife and children!
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Gafekalanyoro LibraryWhen the Viakkoc Gnolls torched the Imperial library in what is now called Zitan Tomon many priceless manuscripts were lost forever. Thankfully the Gafekalanyoro library housed many reproductions of some of the most important or priceless tablets and manuscripts. What was once in the shadow of the imperial archives is now the largest collection of knowledge in western Sarhal. With many of the former scholars and librarians of Zitan Tomon flocking to our great nation carrying scrolls and tablets that they managed to smuggle out of the Gnolls claws we will need to expand the library's archives greatly.
-10% Idea Cost

Prototype GolemsArtificery would be embraced willingly by Negefaama, as its mages and inventors saw it as a way to finally re-invent the lost art of golem-making. Through numerous, and oftentimes costly experimentation, the artificers achieved what had been thought impossible. Powered by an elemental bound to the golem by damestear, the artificers finally recreated the golems of the ancient past.\n\nWhile these new prototype golems were not nearly as effective as the genie-bound golems of old in warfare, they excelled in construction. A golem needs no pay, no safety requirements, and is stronger than a human laborer. Thus genies became widely used across Negefaama in construction and engineering projects, helping to build monuments that would have been impossible for humans to produce.
-10% Construction Cost

Embracing The TruthThe creator god is dead, and that his spirit is working to bring himself back to life somewhere in the world. This was the traditional teaching of the Fangaulan faith. In the late 17th century, Cannorian missionaries and traders would start preaching this truth themselves, but with a twist: they had found the last remnant of God in this world. Negefaama, already closely connected to Cannor through trade and diplomacy, quickly converted to Ravelianism, becoming one of the first nations in Sarhal to do so. With their quick and easy conversion, Negefaama created a strong alliance with Ravelian powers in Cannor, which helped stave off foreign domination by playing Cannorian powers off of eachother.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+2% Missionary Strength

Wisdom Of The Masses"Many question the value of democracy in times like these, dreaming instead of great kings to relieve us of our burdens. However history teaches us a simple lesson: A great leader may be great today but their greatness may not last forever, they may grow corrupt or foolish. A bad leader once in power is hard to remove and may poison the spirit of the land for many years. An elected government however no matter how foolish may still be altered by democratic means. Democracy may correct itself- that is our only hope." Excerpt from Kaino Philosopher Liborous Modibo's 1812 essay "Foundations of Democracy"
-1 National Unrest

+5% Discipline


