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Primary Culture

-1 National Unrest
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

Defying the CatBefore the Kheteratan it was the Binwarji boot that needed to be licked, but no more. With the Gnolls pushing up the Sorrow and down into Fangaula, Kunolo seized the opportunity and cut ties with the ancient behemoth, nigh-ceremoniously disposing of their delegation into the port of Kunolo. This has opened a new chapter for them and all other people in Sarhal, who cannot put up with the old ways anymore.
+15% National Manpower Modifier

Halfling ShipbuildersWhile Fahvanosy is the home of the halflings, the Fangaulan coast and thus Kunolo have always played a big part in halfling history. When the majority of them were more or less driven off due to massive human migration, some stayed behind, unwilling to abandon their homes. Their expertise and skills in shipbuilding have always come in handy for the people of Kunolo, granting them a great advantage in maritime production over other Fangaulans.
-20% Light Ship Cost

Kunolo KolaLike their god Kunolo, the people of the likewise-named city have established a cultural habit similar to that of the gnolls from southern Bulwar. Throughout all of their society, people chew on nuts from the Kola tree for multiple purposes; as a concentration aid, as a ritual of hospitality, or simply for their unique taste.
+10% Production Efficiency

A Home for the DifferentFangaula is a place of many traditional expectations. It is, after all, the Land of Authority. Patriarchs or, for the neighbouring Cattle Mothers, Matriarchs strictly make sure to maintain the clan lineages. The highest virtue is providing children in the prospective unions. Many mores are built around this and all are to dutifully play their role. Those who do not are disowned as dangerous degenerates. \n\nIn contrast to most of the region or even the world, Kunolo and its people do not condemn the individual for being unique, no matter in what way. On the contrary, the more persecuted and different a person is, the more they will feel welcomed by the curious mix that makes up the inhabitants of Kunolo. This is true no matter their origin, their race, to whom they show affection in public, or the voice with which they speak.
-10% Advisor Cost
+1 Possible Advisors

Kiumbanda CounselTemple-communities are an ever-present harbour found by many adrift waifs. These collective homes being singularly vital for the vakwene, ones who perilously reject traditional Fangaulan gender. Peripheral temples often act as gateways to arriving in the city itself and building any kind of life, though many devoted lay-vakwene stay to minister and learn. If found to be arcane prodigies, fit for the equally delicate courtly propriety and ecstatic spiritual channelling, they are taken under the wing of the Grandmother and inducted as her apprentices. The closely nurtured healing arts are a bloody skill set and require a steady heart, to shape viscera and bone — to order their purpose. \n\nThis can be intimidating to the masses, who seek Kiumbanda aid mostly through their knowledge of herbalism and scholarly advice. Some liken it to being a sacrificial chicken; only your guts are sewn back up inside rather than burnt. Umbanda Society priestesses take no coin from pauper or magnate alike; instead prizing their aid as alms to the broken god and his long-suffering world. Here the meek contribute most and from the rest influence is the lone currency accepted. The city's council have come to informally rely on their skill and public goodwill as an indispensable social service. In turn the Grandmothers of the Society mediate the bustling sessions of policymaking, hold blessings or meet irresponsible proposals with deafening silence.
-10% Administrative Technology Cost

Introduction of OwareWhile the prominence of Oware only peaked during the 1890s in Cannor, it was already a very popular and widespread game in West Sarhal, originating in Kunolo. Played with nothing more than a small board and a few seeds, Oware makes for a simple and cheap yet fun game which can be played nearly anywhere and anytime.
+10% Global Trade Power
+1 Merchants

Gates to SarhalNot only loved by its citizens but also craved by the colonial powers of Anbennar, Kunolo towers mighty over other port cities of the region, both in glory as well as wealth. Its streets are filled with merchants of the most diverse races from all over Sarhal and Cannor, culminating in Kunolo’s most distinguishing feature; that it welcomes anything and everyone. Be it the persuasive gnoll merchant selling dubious-looking relics to Cannorians, the halfling baker putting a tray of freshly fried puff-puffs on his windowsill to cool them off, or the Lizardfolk tracker teaching his customers about the special habits of his merchandise, Kunolo rejects nobody.
-8% Construction Cost
+5 Merchant Trade Power

+10% Trade Efficiency


