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Primary Culture

+15% Morale of Navies
+1 Yearly Navy Tradition

The Coastal VyzembyThe city of Zuvavim was once known as Saikinoma, one of the great Vyzemby anánoma. Even after the humans conquered the Dao Nako from the Vyzemby, many halflings who couldn't or wouldn't flee stayed behind in their great city. With the hostilities of the Horasheshi migrations long past, they are now seen as a natural part of the city's population, and respected as its original inhabitants.
-1 National Unrest
+1 Max Promoted Cultures

From Port to KingdomDuring the Crodamic Period, the Zuvavim administration existed for the sole purpose of controlling the Dao Nako in the name of Kheterata. With Kheterata keeping the peace on land, Zuvaivim could devote themselves almost completely to their ships and traders. It thus came as a huge shock when Grizaka cut Kheterata off from Horashesh and Khetapera. Overnight, Zuvavim had turned into an independent city-state with its own goals, under constant threat from its neighbours. Much of the early Post-Crodamic period was spent by Zuvavim's rulers sorting out just exactly how the new kingdom should be run, what its ambitions should be, and how it should present itself to the world.
+15% Monthly Reform Progress Modifier

Loyalty of the Dual FleetsZuvavim famously had not one fleet, but two. The Sunsail Fleet, controlled by the native native House Movuma, and the Steelwind Fleet, controlled by the Kheteratan House Dawyaw. Originally a way of keeping Zuvavim's warships under Kheteratan control while delegating the administration of its trade and transport ships to the locals, the collapse of Kheteratan authority and rise in power of House Movuma led to both fleets diversifying in order to stay competitive with each other. As the loyalty of the fleets was vital in the power struggle between the dynasties, the admirals were always picked from inside the family, and it was not uncommon for the heir to the throne to first make a name for himself by commanding his father's fleet.
-20% Admiral Cost

Fahvanosy ConnectionsRuling from the ruins of an ancient anánoma and dominating the South Sarhal Sea, Zuvavim had never been a stranger to the Vyzemby. But with ties to Kheterata severed, the city's rulers would take renewed interest in the halflings, using their mastery of trade in the region to foster relations with the great cities of Fahvanosy. While most post-Crodamic Horasheshi rulers would legitimize themselves with the trappings of Kheteratan nobility, the kings and satraps of Zuvavim would increasingly style themselves as the true successors of the ancient Vyzemby civilization.
-5% Idea Cost
+5% Trade Efficiency

Restore the AnánomaAs Zuvavim and Fahvanosy became more intertwined, an increasing number of halflings emigrated back into Horashesh and the anánoma. The eruption of Afomapobo would especially see a large number of Amezatany flee Fahvanosy in hope of food and shelter. To make room for the large influx of immigrants into Zuvavim and Chibuswa, these anánoma would see large scale renovation of ruined buildings to make them livable again. After over a thousand years, the anánoma would once again be brimming with Vyzemby.
-10% Development Cost

Dao Nako IntriguesAs Halann entered the age of sail, the competition over the lucrative Dao Nako trade grew all the fiercer. Threatened by Cannorians, Vyzemby, Baashidi and lizardfolk, the rulers of Zuvavim would use any means necessary to keep their naval hegemony of the region, sabotaging both rival states and rival merchants.
+10% Ship Tradepower Propagation
+10% Spy Network Construction

A Human Kolovadoy?Jyva's most famous prophecy was that of the Kolovadoy, a great hero who would reclaim the Dao Nako for the halflings and reinstitute Kolo's rulership of the Nakavy Avo. Throughout the centuries many Vyzemby conquerors and irredentists have mustered support by invoking this prophecy. But the prophecy didn't state that the Kolovadoy had to be a halfling. As halflings kept moving back into the anánoma and their ruined remains kept being rebuilt under the kings and satraps of Zuvavim, more and more Vyzemby would look to these dynasties for the prophecy's fulfillment.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition


