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Primary Culture

+0.15 Infantry Shock
+10% Siege Ability

The Crossed Swords of YodhanpirKattisangamar’s most dominant landmark is the pair of statues that guard either side of the Vyech, their swords meeting above the river right before the confluence that gives Kattisangamar its name. These great twin statues, their own swords forged in the 1100s AA from the melted down weapons and armour of Oremvandian soldiers, are the clearest example of the love the Sangamari have for their weapons. It would be no exaggeration to say that the Kattisangamari forge the finest and sharpest sabres and swords in all of Andeios.
+5% Production Efficiency
+5% Shock Damage

Raiders from the HillsSince the city’s founding, Kattisangamar raiders have descended from the Iron Hills for slaves, loot, and glory, terrorising the cities of the Kalavend and striking fear into the hearts of urban garrisons and village militias up and down the river. In part because of this reputation, even the mere sight of a massed charge of the city’s sabre-warriors has been known to rout regiments.
+50% Looting Speed

The Takasangamar KingsThe Sangamar Kings of the Iron Hills originate from Kattisangamar in the early 800s, when the clan’s raider founder, Takasheran Sangamar, seized power and then conquered the rest of the Iron Hills. Though his successors would move their family’s capital to Gophira, those who remained in Kattisangamar never forgot Takasheran’s ties to the cities, taking the name "Takasangamar" in his honour. Though the three Sanagamar clans might each retain the distinctive looks of Takasheran – piercing blue eyes and pitch-black hair – only the Takasangamar Kings can be said to truly emulate his swordsmanship, tenacity and raider ambitions.
+1 Land Leader Shock

The Battle of MasialendiThe town of Masialendi lies on one of the main crossing points from the Iron Hills to Nanru Nakar, with a bridge next to the town itself and a wide ford further downstream – a perfect place for Laskaris’ second attempt to force the Kalavend. Thanks to King Tesheladapan Sangamar’s delaying actions, for which he gave his life, the Sangamari forces were able to slow the Ameioni army long enough for Erankar’s force to block the ford and destroy the bridge. Unable to see any other way, Laskaris ordered his men to force the crossing, naturally charging in the vanguard himself – what followed was a drawn out meatgrinder, as the Ameioni heavy infantry, superior in training and arms, cut through wave after wave of Taychendi soldiers.\n\nIt was only the decisive duel between Erankar and Laskaris, in which Erankar seemingly mortally wounded the Conqueror, that halted the Kheionai advance. The ensuing mass cavalry charge by the newly crowned queen of Kattisangamar, Harivilludash, routed them entirely. Though Laskaris miraculously survived his wounds, going on to rout the Larankarha himself outside Tirsin, and though Erankar the Defiant claimed most of the glory for himself by wounding the previously seemingly invincible Ameioni commander, the vital role Kattisangamar played in the battle has not been forgotten.
+100% Army Tradition From Battles
yes May Recruit Female Generals

The Rainbow Cape of KattisangamarEven after Erankar had gravely wounded Laskaris at the Battle of Masialendi, the Advakhalla contingent of the army was in dire straits, and on the verge of being routed and cut down by the Kheionai advance. It was only the well-timed charge of Harivilludash that saved them from destruction, a fact that the Advakhalla were well aware of. In a deeply felt gesture of appreciation to the one who had saved their lives, those among the Advakhalla contingent who had technicolour hair (more common among their people than most Ruinborn) shore it, weaving the differently coloured strands into a rainbow-coloured, silk-like shoulder cape.\n\nEnchanting it with every magic their combined strength could muster, the cape became nearly impenetrable – worn over the left shoulder, it is perfect for blocking enemy attacks. Since receiving the gift, Harivilludash and her descendents have proudly worn it whenever possible, the Rainbow Cape of Kattisangmar coming to symbolise the bold tenacity of the Takasangamars, and also saving the lives of its wearers more times than one could count.
+1 Yearly Legitimacy

That Unlucky Oren NayiruThe Iron Hills became a hotspot for the Oren Nayiru in the 1500s, with the Grand Sentinel, Elrandar Silverspite, even making the city his capital for a time during his war to conquer Taychend. Following the end of the war, Camnata Takasangamar reconquered his city, also winning independence from Ameion in the process. His position tenuous, he chose to bury the hatchet with the Oren Nayiru instead of continuing the bloody conflict. Allowing their many fortified communities in the heights of the Iron Hills to persist, and enacting groundbreaking – though still limited – restrictions on slavery, Camnata elicited an agreement from the Oren Nayiru to not attempt to overthrow his rule.\n\nThe uneasy peace that followed would eventually lead to the "western" Oren Nayiru entirely abandoning the global revolutionary crusade that had been the focus of their faith. Instead, they devoted themselves to carrying out Nayiru’s desires within their own hilltop monasteries, defending both their homes and the city that provided one of the only tolerant places in Taychend for their beliefs. Though they were decried by the rest of the Oren Nayiru for betraying the true faith, they proved an integral part of Kattisangamar’s survival against powers like Nanru Nakar and Ameion in the 17th and 18th centuries.
+2 Tolerance of Heretics

Can We Make You Care?The Takasangamar Kings have long been friends of the Brotherhood of the Bloody Cloak, having traditionally sent members of their own dynasty to Rakkabuttai, and occasionally making marriage pacts with its rulers. Therefore, when the fortress city fell to a resurgent Caergaraen, and the Bloodcloaks were largely expelled from the Guaraddhi, the largest group of exiles fled to Kattisangamar. Here they were accepted with open arms, adding their strength to the Kingdom’s host as they braved the collapse of the Ameioni Empire.\n\nInitially, their presence was without complication, but they quickly became more troublesome, especially as the threat of Ameion receded even further. Bellicose and reactionary, the Bloodcloaks-in-exile railed against both the Oren Nayiru in the hills and the gathering Chendhyan storm to the west. Like a dog desperately trying to escape its leash to gnaw at a nearby threat, reports of heavily armoured soldiers launching secret and entirely unsanctioned raids against villages in the Bukka Varana, or against Oren Nayiru caravans in the Iron Hills, abounded, a clear threat to the authority of the Takasangamars. Nonetheless, the military usefulness of the elves from Rakkabuttai outweighed even these discrepancies, as their leadership and military experience greatly strengthened Kattisangamar’s military.
+1 Possible Advisors
+0% Yearly Army Professionalism


