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Primary Culture

-15% Land Attrition
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

Shieldmasters of BanderuttaiWhile Gophira has always sought to maximise the sheer productivity of their mines and forges, and Kattisangamar prides itself on the quality of its sabres, Banderuttai has long preferred more defensive implements. Mastering the art of forging body armour, helmets and most especially shields, Banderuttai artisans produce the sturdiest and strongest protective equipment in Taychend, exporting their creations far and wide, but always keeping the best of their stock to themselves.
+5% Production Efficiency
-5% Shock Damage Received

Dhusan the Man FortLeader of Banderuttai in the 600s, Dhusan "the Man Fort" fought off a massive invasion by the Enlarmai King of Larankar, Teshalazhil the Redeyed, who wanted to seize the wealth of the Iron Hills for himself. For a year, Banderuttai was besieged by an army a hundred thousand strong. However, Dhusan was able to rally the men of his city, outlasting several all-out Larankarha assaults while the other Iron Cities gathered their strength.\n\nEventually, seeing the massing Yodhanpir army that was marching to Banderuttai’s aid, Teshalazhil was slain by his vassal Elorkar, the Traitor-King of Urvand, who usurped his kingdom and army, then called a hasty retreat back to Larankar. Dhusan, consumed by the desperate defence of his city, died when he heard of the retreat of the Larankarha, being fondly remembered as an embodiment of the stalwart defiance the city is renowned for.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

The Shadow MarketThough Neramarutte was named for its location in the shadow of the Iron Hills, the name has taken on a slightly darker meaning. In a network of caves and interconnected cellars beneath the city you can find a stronghold of the Cult of Neravali, the greatest thief and raider in Taychendi history, whose followers are dedicated to emulating their hero and operate an expansive network of rogues dens and thief hideouts throughout Taychend. With the black markets of Neramutte tacitly accepted by the King and City Guard, Neramarutte has become a regional hub for all things illegal or illicit in northern Taychend.
+10% Global Trade Power
+20% Spy Network Construction

Someone to Watch Over MeThough most Taychendi cities have guard forces, few can be said to be truly influential or powerful forces, often mere political pawns moved by other players. In Banderuttai, however, the influence of the city guard pervades political life. Highly disciplined and professional, the guard is the true sword and shield of the city, and forms the core of its army in times of war. In fact, the guard’s power has grown to such an extent that it has become customary for the King or Queen of Banderuttai to marry a member of the guard – and for that member to subsequently become Captain of the organisation. Nothing happens in the city without the guard’s approval – and considering the prevalence of the cult of Nerevali in Banderuttai, it is clear that they are not above using more "amoral" methods to maintain that power.
+3% Discipline
+10% Garrison Size

Defiance of ArdpanatamArdpanatam Uttasangamar was the ruler of Banderuttai in the first two decades of the Larankarha-Ambhen wars, a 70-year conflict between the Larankarha and Ameioni empires which began after the end of the War of the Two Heroes. After the death of Laskaris in the Kalavendhi campaign and Ameion’s subsequent retreat south, the two powers of Taychend competed through diplomacy and espionage to win the favour of the border states between them – a competition that often caused outbreaks of localised, high intensity military conflict.\n\nCaught between two titans, the rulers of these border states tried their best to avoid a bloody conquest from one side or the other – some failed, being forced to surrender their sovereignty to one of the empires. Ardpanatam, however, managed to fail spectacularly. Following a series of cataclysmic diplomatic blunders, Ardpanatam fell afoul of both great powers in quick succession, and two massive armies fell upon Banderuttai. It was only through his military genius that Ardpanatam was able to maintain his city’s independence, using a combination of steadfast defence and rapid maneuvre to outflank and rout his foes, fending off the two hegemons of Taychend in a glorious campaign that would make him one of the most renowned figures of the era.
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

Spirit of the Dey VettagaThe northern Iron Hills have long been home to the "Dey Vettaga", an incredibly large and dangerous species of big cat which has the ability to actively camouflage. A Dey Vettaga can lie motionless in one spot for days at a time, waiting for its prey to come to it, then strike out with force powerful enough to rend steel. While others in eastern Taychend fear and denigrate the Dey Vettaga, Banderuttai has learned from it – ever patient and cautious, the Stalwart City watches and waits for the perfect opportunity to strike out and seize the glory it deserves.
-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact

Scraphammer's WisdomTo most of Taychend, Cannorian mercenaries and adventurers are not an unknown sight. Variously seen as untrustworthy mavericks and invaluable political and military tools, they have nonetheless played an important role since Cannorians began pouring into Taychend in the mid 1500s – though excepting one Falstad Scraphammer, a dwarf from Asraport, their influence has never been truly appreciated.\n\nComing to Banderuttai as a wandering adventurer and explorer in 1731, Falstad would win favour with Banderuttai’s ruler by identifying a problem with a building project being undertaken in the city. Quickly gaining power and prestige within the city as a trusted advisor and royal engineer, by the time of his death in 1816 the effects of Scraphammer’s sage advice and dwarven knowledge would be evident throughout the city, with the dwarf overseeing the construction of many great works, and greatly expanding the productivity of Banderuttai’s forges.
+50% Innovativeness Gain

+50% Army Drill Gain Modifier


