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Primary Culture

+10% Global Trade Power
+5% Mercenary Discipline

Taneliata the WhiteharbourIn the 700s AA the city of Nagar Vyechei experienced a golden age, growing rich off of the trade with the recently contacted Kheionai. However, all was not well, as a political struggle erupted between the "Purple Faction", who believed that they should grow closer to their northern neighbour, the Kingdom of Dumrusvarn, and the "White Faction", led by Princess Taneliata, who believed that they should maintain their independence at any cost. Eventually, this culminated in a short but violent civil war within the walls of the city which resulted in the exodus of the White Faction.\n\nAfter being turned away at every other port on the southern coast, and finally arriving at the mouth of the Donzaern river, Taneliata wasted no time establishing a safe harbour for the remains of her fleet – a harbour that would quickly be used to retrofit their shoddy merchant vessels for war, as the victorious Purples were soon sailing towards them, intent on snuffing out the last embers of their political rivals. However, Taneliata’s naval aptitude and fierce leadership led the soon-to-be-Oremvandians to a shock victory, allowing the newly established "Whiteharbour" to bloom into the shining city it is today.
+1 Naval Leader Manoeuvre
-1% Yearly Naval Tradition Decay

The Chendhyan EdgeThough Taneliata had secured the city’s independence, the Chendhyans of Haebyzsiund represented a potentially existential threat to the Whiteharbour. To secure Oremvand’s future, Taneliata conducted the second of her great feats, as she approached Taelarix of Zaernouh with an enticing offer – in return for a guarantee of peace, and a share of the city’s profits, no man or woman of Chendhya would live in bondage within Oremvand’s walls. Taelarix, dreaming of the riches that could be gained from this partnership, quickly accepted, and Oremvand gained the "Chendhyan Edge" that has been its sword and shield for so long.\n\nAfter the fall of the First Gophiran Empire, Oremvand would take the many Chendhyans fleeing the destruction of their remnant kingdoms in Taychend, fashioning them into a vast mercenary army that would storm over Thekvrystan. Finally destroying their rival Nagar Vyechei, they established the "Oremvand Valiyavam", or Oremvandian Hegemony, that would claim dominion over the southern coast for over a hundred years.
+10% Mercenary Leader Army Tradition
-10% Mercenary Cost

City of Three PeoplesOremvand has long been a city of three peoples, with the city divided between the wealthy and politically powerful Thekvrystana merchant elite and their southern sailor retainers, the Yodhanpiri slave-traders from the Guaraddhi and Yodhanchend proper, and the Chendhyan labourers and mercenaries who have long been the backbone of the city’s defence.\n\nThough the Ameioni annexation changed the makeup of the city, it did not change its fundamental diversity. The Thekvrystana gradually – and nearly completely – evolved into a Kheionized Kleyeren class, as the Chendhyans increasingly turned to an Astolbhen identity under Kheionai employ, and the Yodhan slavers of the city turned away from it as Ameion itself turned away from the practice, being replaced by Ambhen migrants.
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

Pen Purse and SpearOremvand has long used both pen, purse and spear to protect their independence. Whether it is with sweet words, economic threats or military intervention, the city has long been able to play off against one another the various enemy states and factions who might otherwise prove troubling. Examples of these exploits include the elimination of their regional rival Kannagarendi and the exceptional diplomacy that kept them from Ameioni annexation for nearly 50 years after the conquests of Laskaris began.
+25% Embargo Efficiency
+20% Improve Relations

The Oremvandian WarsThough Oremvand seemed to rule unopposed in the south during their nearly 150 year rule, a storm was gathering in the north – Gophira. Though nearly destroyed amidst the fall of their first empire, the Sangamar Kings reconsolidated and reformed their realm and, more importantly, their military, establishing the Ironblood Army, one of the greatest infantry armies Taychend had ever seen. It was only a matter of time before these two powers would come to blows, as a trade-deal-turned-sour ballooned into a diplomatic conflict that would lead to the First Oremvandian War. Though Oremvand would win, temporarily halting Gophiran expansion, it would not be even 20 years before Gophira gathered the strength to go on the offensive once more.\n\nThe Second and Third Oremvandian Wars were cataclysmic conflicts, as Oremvand and Gophira struggled over control of the south. Oremvand was forced to adapt and innovate in order to avoid destruction, with pay, leadership and organisational reforms greatly expanding the size of their mercenary army. Though Oremvand would eventually be defeated by Gophira, subjugated and forced to host a permanent Gophiran military garrison, the reforms survived, and continue to act as the baseline for Oremvand’s military to this day.
+25% Mercenary Manpower

Reputation for RichesTaychendi mercenary culture has always included the latent desire to betray, murder, and usurp one’s own employers. In order to avoid such a fate, the rulers and traders of Oremvand have long had a policy to give the highest rewards possible to the mercenaries they hire – regular pay, prime looting rights, even land of their own to farm or mine, or else political positions overseeing newly conquered territory. This policy has worked well to placate the mercenaries under Oremvand’s employ, and the city’s reputation for riches has also helped entice soldiers of fortune from across Taychend towards the wealth of the Whiteharbour.
+10% Adventurers Loyalty Equilibrium

Seafarers of the South WestOremvand are renowned seafarers in the south west, and merchant vessels sail from the Whiteharbour throughout the southern sea, from Katelperai in the east to Alecand in the west. Some of our most ambitious captains have even attempted to sail past the Kaydhano, or the unexplored seas to the east, though few have returned. Needless to say, the harbours and docklands of Oremvand are filled with eager and experienced sailors, their skills honed from a lifetime at sea.
+20% National Sailors Modifier

+10% Production Efficiency


