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Primary Culture

-15% Infantry Cost
+25% Razing Power Gain

Northern BerserkersWhile the Ogres of Maghargma may call their cowardly warriors "Berserkers", they pale in comparison to the brutal might of our blood-soaked hordes.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability
+5% Shock Damage

Law of BloodThough we may allow our people to live free with few laws or restrictions, the one law that must be enforced is the Law of Blood, decreeing that one shall never betray their own clan, nor those above them, with a brutal execution awarding those that break it.
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Hunger to Devour the WorldOgres are possessed by an insatiable hunger that fuels our warriors in battle, driving them to fight through virtually any injury for the promise of a bloody and still writhing meal once the enemy is crushed.
+10% Recover Army Morale Speed

The Wild ClanWe of the Wild Clan are proud of our name and heritage, fully embracing the reputation we've nurtured and ready to show those that stand in our way the reason for our title.
+15% National Manpower Modifier

Ogre PrideThe Ogres of Skurkokli are the true champions of ogrekind, upholding the traditions of our ancestors and fighting for the glory of the $DYNASTY$ Clan, knowing that our deaths shall empower our kinsmen and that we shall live on within them.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Living off the LandThese lands are rough, harsh, and brutal, much like we are. To survive one must be ready and willing to hunt their own prey and build their own shelters to keep from starving or freezing to death in this frozen forest. Thankfully, our people are experts at surviving in the harshest of lands.
+13% National Supply Limit Modifier

Horde MentalityThe horde is the most powerful unit within Ogrish society, such an indomitable mass of muscle and maw can shatter the spirits of our prey on sight, and our own warriors are filled with an unbreakable will and blood-thirst when surrounded by their kin and clan.
+10% Morale of Armies

-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion


