Trunk Basher

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Trunk Basher

Primary Culture

-10% Construction Cost
+15% Fort Defence

Trunk BashersAll the northern clans hunt to survive, but ours is the most adept and our name - taken from our rite of passage - proves it. \n\nA prospective hunter from the tribe will enter a forest clearing, and bash his club against the trunk of a tree. The noise, echoing through the silent forest, usually draws the attention of a large manticore. When the beast investigates, likely expecting to find a shedding elk or a confused wooly rhinoceros, it finds itself pounced on by the clan member's chosen companions, who lay concealed in the underbrush. \n\nIf they return with gifts of hide and meat and claw, they prove themselves worthy of a proper place in our clan. If they do not, then they are one less mouth we must feed.
+25% National Supply Limit Modifier

Consume the FallenThe bodies of those that fall in battle are not wasted, during and after combat our warriors devour their deceased kin to replenish their own strength and inherit the power of the lost. While most may view this practice with disgust and write us off as cannibalistic monsters, it is we that will crush them under our clubs and feast upon their remains.
+5% Infantry Combat Ability
-8% Land Attrition

Devourers of the GodsOur power comes from our devouring of our old gods, the True Giants, long ago. Even now, the fact that we and we alone were allowed to partake in this grand feasting confirms our superiority, and proves that our destiny is to rule all the lands our hungry eyes can see.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Honored PreyWe may hunt the beasts we share our forests with, but that does not mean we do not respect them. After a major hunt we perform a ritual, learned from the small ones dwelling in the eastern reaches; dismantling the skeletons of our prey and scattering the parts we do not use into the tops of trees and honoring them with gifts to appease their spirits. For if we do not, they may return and hunt us instead.
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Ogrish DiplomacyWe Ogres aren't exactly renowned for our charisma, with many smaller races terrified by our mighty girth and "barbaric" practices. We can use our intimidating physique to our advantage however, for it is widely known that a threat from an ogre is never an empty one.
+50% Power Projection From Insults
-10% Unjustified Demands

Feasting HallsThe centerpiece of any proper Ogre city, the feasting halls are massive buildings packed with revellers and supplying diverse buffets of flesh, produce, and drink. When confronted by this grand bounty, many times brawls end up breaking out. While these scuffles may cause a bit of damage, they ensure we always know where to look for new warriors.
+20% Manpower in Primary Culture provinces

Hills of the Forest FolkWe live as deep in our forest as any ogres date to go, save perhaps the monsters to our west. We are not alone, however. Deeper still into the woodlands are a strange, dimunutive people who are as elusive as they are mysterious. Though we do not see them often, we do find evidence of their passing. Chief among them are curious mounds of dirt, piled high overtop hot springs or old Fire Giant ruins stocked with barrels of water. \n\nWhile we do not know what purpose they serve to the forest folk, we find that they are excellent shelter from the worst of the ice and snow that sheets our frigid home, trapping the warmth from the waters within as a pleasant fog.
-15% Leader Cost

-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change


