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Primary Culture

+15% Fort Defence
+20% National Sailors Modifier

Battle of the HarbourOne of the first victims of the Great Incursion, Yizuqkeyil was caught off guard when Centaur shamans froze our harbour and walked into our streets. Many further inland believed we had all been slain. Their shock when they found our streets soaked not with the blood of our citizens but the innards of the horsemen has led to the creation of many myths surrounding the valiant defenders of our homes.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Sound of ShardsOur city commands the entrance of the Sound of Shards, a narrow sea that acts as the centerpiece of a vital trade route between the lakes of Zernuuk and Yukelqur.
+10% Trade Efficiency

The TushlaqsNorth of our city stands the two great Tushlaqs, ancient fortresses constructed to defend the land route into Yizuqkeyil.
-15% Fort Maintenance

StormbreakersAssigned to each of our ships is at least one Stormbreaker, sorcerers trained to navigate the vessel and disperse apart any storms that may bear down on them.
-15% Naval Attrition

Supplied by the SeaBordered only by enemies to the north, our city has largely survived off of trading overseas, fostering a respect for the merchant marine unseen anywhere else in the Federation.
+25% Naval Tradition From Trade
+20% Ship Tradepower Propagation

Merchant CaptainsOur fleets are commanded by retired captains from our merchant marine, skilled at finding the quickest route from point A to B.
+1 Naval Leader Manoeuvre

Far from HomeThese lands are not our homes. This rings true for all the peoples of the islands but especially for us. When the ancient Zabatlari Khaganate was split in twine by the forces of the Khamgunai our city was left isolated in the Brightmarch. To survive as long as we have we have had to learn to trust only our own to lead our city.
-15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture


