Vine Tearer

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Vine Tearer

Primary Culture

+10% Cavalry Combat Ability
+20% National Manpower Modifier

ClabholshudThe position of Clabholshud, or Slavebreaker, is granted to those trained in the arts of torture and given the duty of ensuring our slaves remain compliant, loyal, and most importantly, fearful of our Caehn.
-2 National Unrest

Work Unto DeathSome of our slaves still hold onto such silly notions as freedom and sleep. They may rest and be free upon their deaths, while they still breath they shall work in our fields, mines, and wherever else we desire them to be.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Grand HordeWhile our slaves work our fields, we are free to devote more forces to our military, allowing us to raise one of the largest and grandest hordes this world will ever see.
+20% Land Force Limit Modifier

MasleghaneThere is a tree within the jungles of our lands that produces a highly volatile and sticky sap. We call it Masleghane, the Eternal Fire, for it burns with enough intensity to melt through solid stone and continue to rage even when placed on a wet surface.
+20% Siege Ability

An Eye in Every TreeWe know all that happens within our empire, whether the information comes from particularly stealthy centaurs, loyal and attentive slaves, or slavers eager to see their rivals cut down, none can hide from our Caehn's virtual omniscience.
+10% Spy Network Construction

Despoilers of CivilizationOur warriors take no prisoners, and show no mercy when they go on the warpath. Those that survive the onslaught of our horde are rounded up by the Clabholshud to be sent to our slave camps. After all, you can't have rebels if nobody is alive or willing to stand against you.
-5 Years of Separatism

Khogi UrtamhalWith proper preparation the Masleghane sap can be turned into a safely ingestible powder that grants those that use it drastically increased strength, stamina, resilience, and aggression. Our warriors are supplied with the so called Khogi Urtamhal to intake before every battle, turning our horde into an unstoppable mass of rage and muscle.
+0.5 Cavalry Shock

+20 Maximum Absolutism


