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Primary Culture

-25% Administrative Advisor Cost
+5% Discipline

School of DagrinOvdal-az-Ân was known in ancient Aul-Dwarov as the hold where faith and piety was cultivated, where thousands a year were educated in the ways of Gods. The most famed of these halls of education was the Hul-az-Dagrin, the Hall of Dagrin. Here the greatest minds were sent to learn theology, writing, and the best ways to exalt their gods of choice. Standards were strict, each body, mind, and soul carefully and exactingly measured. Flaws would not be tolerated, and if they could not be hammered out upon the anvil of penance, those who bore them would be cast aside.
+2% Missionary Strength
+1 Missionaries

VûrodrmonirVûrodrmonir is an ancient artefact said to be a fragment of Joztralanna herself, the Goddess of the Moon and origin of magic, leftover from the creation of Dwarvenkind. Crafted by Urisazirn in an age long before Aul-Dwarov, Vûrodrmonir allows the wielder to cast powerful magics far beyond the ability of normal mages, so long as they are capable of magic themselves. Itself a sceptre, roughly three feet long, composed of an unknown metallic material that baffled any and all metallurgists who studied it, Vûrodrmonir was the possession of the High Priest of Halanna, their symbol of power, office, and reverence.
-3% All Power Costs

The Hold of HalannaWhere others faltered in their reverence of the Old Ways, the Granite Dwarves did not. When Ovdal Kanzad cast out the faithful, they welcomed them with open arms. As the others began to wane in their devotion and faith, they did not abandon the Gods who had seen them through trial after trial, especially Halanna, mother of all dwarves. In so doing we were rewarded with life, even as the impious around them burned. They hid the entry to their hold when the Tree of Stone was cast down for its heresy and so remained safe for millennia more. In the granite halls of Ovdal-az-Ân they dwelled, unmoving and eternal.
+10% Religious Power
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

The Edict of Odna IIIn 2203 BA, the legendary Queen Odna II, both Queen of Ovdal-az-Ân and High Priestess of Halanna, ordered the sealing of Ovdal-az-Ân. This measure was not made lightly, but the heresy and dangers within the Tree of Stone were deemed extreme enough to require such a drastic measure. A month-long period of solemn reflection was taken, during which time the hold's Runeworkers sealed the gate with specially runecarved granite blocks and Queen Odna used Vûrodrmonir to weave a complex spell over the gates. It was decreed that the gates would only open again after 5,000 years had passed, and the heretical world was once again safe for true believers. Thus did the Granite dwarves seal themselves off from the world, becoming as much a part of mother Halanna as the mountains themselves.
+15% Fort Defence

Hold HogsHold Hogs are a type of Serpentspine creature, a distinctive breed of swine that was a staple meat of ancient Aul-Dwarov, and something Ovdal-az-Ân was famed for before the Fall. After their declaration of independence from the Jade Empire, many farmers in the hold sought to alleviate manpower and supply shortages by breeding larger and stockier hogs, more fit for hauling and pulling wagons. When an outbreak of Rotheflu decimated the hold's population of Rothe, it only further cemented Ovdal-az-Ân's reputation as a hold of swine by the rest of the Tree of Stone.
+25% National Supply Limit Modifier

Argrâstun CathedralIn the heart of Ovdal-az-Ân n sits a cavern of immense size, and at its heart an elegantly sculpted dagger of stone hangs from the ceiling. This is Argrâstun Cathedral, the centre of the cult of Halanna during the height of Aul-Dwarov. The stalactite which Argrâstun Cathedral is made from has been hollowed out into a massive temple complex dedicated to Halanna, and is the seat of power from which the monarch ruled Surrounded by dozens of other hanging temples to other gods, built from lesser stalagmites or stalactites that radiate around from it, the great cavern of az- n was a breathtaking site, with no part as wonderous or well adorned as Argrâstun.
-10% Construction Cost
+5% Clergy Loyalty Equilibrium

Fall of Ovdal-az-ÂnIn 1435 AA, the unthinkable occurred. The isolation that Ovdal-az-Ân had so long enjoyed was broken, as a horde of goblins broke through the long unmanned gate, the illusion of Odna pierced by mere chance. Within hours, entire sections of the upper level were swarmed by goblins, who seem more interested in taking dwarves as slaves than plundering. Thousands were captured before a proper defence could be mounted, and even then the mobilisation was slow. As the siege continued, more goblins were drawn to the hold, and within a few short years, the hold of Ovdal-az-Ân had fallen. Only in the shadows did a few hardy souls remain, fighting an ever more desperate war for their survival.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion


