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Primary Culture

-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
+15% Reform Progress Growth

The Welcoming GateThe hold of Grôzumdihr, 'The Green Gate', is named for the thousands of peridot stones that stud the main doors of the hold. They twinkle the colour of new spring growth when the sun rises over the Marutha, marking out the hold's entrance from the grey granite of the mountains. Above the gate were carved the words 'All dwarf-friends are welcome' in both dwarven and ancient Rakhadeshi, for Grôzumdihr has long been friends to humans. The first civilizations of men in Rahen owe much of their knowledge of writing, agriculture, and law to the dwarves of Grôzumdihr, particularly Sivondi the Good, who aided the humans in building their first true cities on the surface. The halls within the Welcoming Gate resounded for many long ages with the sounds of cooperation between dwarves and men, and still the gate beckons, welcoming all with peaceful intention.
+2 Max Promoted Cultures
-25% Promote Culture Cost

Children of EarthseedGrôzumdihr is the closest hold to Earthseed, the holiest site in dwarven mythology, the place where the earth goddess Halanna carved the first dwarves from the rock of the Serpentspine. Halanna's teachings were ever prominent in Grôzumdihr, and as all creatures are children of mother earth, tolerance was a strongly embraced virtue. Some Peridot philosophers even went so far as seeing goblinoids as worthy of respect and decency, a claim dismissed across Aul-Dwarov by any who considered themselves civilised thinkers.
+3 Tolerance of Heathens

The Tax Code of GrôzumdihrCompared to their brethren, the Peridot dwarves were not great makers or crafters or warriors. Their chief contributions to the empire came in matters of administration and finance, organising the laws and tax codes of Aul-Dwarov into an efficient system that accounted for the ancient empire’s size and demographics. These codes would form the basis of the city states that dominated the early mythic era of Raheni civilization and endured until the time of the Rahenraj. Even after the hold was abandoned, the influence of Grôzumdihr on Raheni law remains strong, and the clans of Ghankedhen continue to use the original tax code, almost unmodified, for their fiscal dealings nearly 3000 years later.
+15% National Tax Modifier

The Tome of AlliancesWhile dwarfkind is famed for holding grudges and demanding reparations, the dwarves of the Green Gate were notable peacemakers among their kin. Even in the time of the Jade Empire, when the arrogant lords of Gronstunad were locked in combat with the Segbandal, the Peridot attempted to promote cooperation within and between dwarven states, forging pacts with even the gruff Granites and imperious Jade. These treaties, and the many accords of friendship with the Raheni on the surface, were compiled into the Tome of Alliances, a great book of graces and promises to be fulfilled and called upon in times of need. The Peridot dwarves were notorious for keeping their oaths and expecting others to hold their ends of the bargain, even when the terms of such treaties were ancient and forgotten by the other party. While this did, at times, cause diplomatic incidents, it earned them a reputation for their unwavering devotion to their word.
+1 Diplomatic Free Policies

Eagle-Owl Courier NetworkEagle-Owls have graced the skies of Rahen for millennia and were long adored by the dwarves of Grôzumdihr. These intelligent raptors were trained as hunting companions for rangers and couriers and used to communicate messages both within the hold and across the surface of Rahen. Originally used as a safer route for messages to pass between Grôzumdihr and Hul-az-Krakazol, the Owl-couriers became more important as the surface cities of the Raheni grew, and by the 1500s BA were known across Haless as bringers of glad tidings from the Green Gate.
+1 Diplomats
-25% Envoy Travel Time

Legacy of the DrizdahvadIn the sorry years after Grônstunad was broken by the goblinoid hordes, Grôzumdihr formed one of three cornerstones of the Drizdahvad alliance alongside Hul-az-Krakazol and Tuwad-Dhûmankon. For over a thousand years this alliance held strong against tides of goblins despite their differences and the staunch uncooperativeness of holds like Ovdal Kanzad and Ovdal-az- n. The Drizdahvad was the last great alliance of dwarves in the east, a demonstration that dwarven civilization was not yet extinguished in Haless, and the staunch and indefatigable spirit of that alliance pervades the tales of Grôzumdihr still.
+10% Morale of Armies

Kingdom of the ExilarchIn 438 BA, King Thrim V of Grôzumdihr ordered his folk to abandon the peridot hold. Understanding that their long war with the goblins in the tree of stone had finally become untenable, Thrim led his people into Rakhadesh, evacuating Grôzumdihr and settling on the surface. There the dwarves prospered, dispersing across the continent and integrating into Raheni society and largely giving up any dreams of returning to the mountains. Their monarchs styled themselves as Exilarchs of Grôzumdihr, kings now not to a place but a diaspora, and became a wandering court, travelling to visit the many pockets of their people on their seat of authority, the Palanquin Throne.\n\n For centuries the Peridot prospered, even creating their own surface kingdom in the chaos after the fall of the Rahenraj. The coming of Harimar saw the dwarves integrated into the Harimraj, but they retained much of their traditional autonomy. The Exilarchs endured, head of their landless kingdom and homeless people, continuing to influence the course of Raheni power and politics into the modern day.
-10% Advisor Cost
+1 Possible Advisors

+2 Diplomatic Reputation


