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Primary Culture

+10% Morale of Armies
+15% Reform Progress Growth

The Builders StandingThe builders of Hehodovar are organised in a Builders Guild led by the Builders High-Architect, the greatest builder in the hold. Chosen through election by the guild members and the king, one's standing to take this position increased with every new project completed. Between the elections, speculators would often predict who would be the next High-Architect through a list called the Builders Standing, a public tally of the personal prestige of each architect's work. The Standing motivates builders to make more innovative designs with every project and work harder to complete them, giving us a quick solution to every architectural problem.
-25% Administrative Advisor Cost

The Thinkers' PartyEvery year on the 5th of Bloomsdawn, the birthday of Hehogrim the Diligent, there is a great gathering at the Builders Guild. Thinkers, architects, inventors, and others come together to celebrate the legacy of the designer of holds, and here they discuss new ideas and drink fine beer. The amount of alcohol consumed at this party has been the cause of many controversies regarding the actions of the intelligentsia while drunk, but many rather revolutionary ideas have come out of the drunk thinkers' mouths, and we use them to great effect.
-10% Idea Cost

Hehogrim's BenchHehogrim the Diligent sat in his bed, gripping his head in agony. His doctor stood over him with a look of concern."Hehogrim" he said, "You are a learned dwarf, so i will speak in medical terms: your brain is too big for your skull. It's completely disgusting. You have to stop inventing things".\n"NO" said Hehogrim.\n"You are going to die. We will force you to stop making new inventions."\n"I dare you to TRY," said Hehogrim, inventing a new formula for cement in his head out of spite. Bulging veins crept up his temple. He howled in pain.\n"PLEASE, Hehogrim. See what you are doing to yourself. This is for your own good."\n"THE PEOPLE NEED.. NEW CEMENT.." Hehogrim roared.\n"What"\n"AND..". Hehogrim paused, thinking of more inventions, "NEW... SHOVELS"\n"STOP"\n"SHOVELS THAT ARE BACKWARDS"\n"NO"\n"CHAIRS THAT ARE WIDE"\n"...Like a bench?"\n"..Oh," said Hehogrim, his brain returning to normal size, his life saved. "Oh yeah. I guess that is just a bench."\n -Excerpt from a piece of paper found in Hehogrim the Diligent's bedroom in Hehodovar. The paper was found on a master-crafted and ornate bench in the room.
+1 Yearly Prestige

The Great Banjeay Seal of ApprovalIn the office of the ancient Kings of Hehodovar, there was an ornate seal made of gold and encrusted with dark blue diamonds. The seal had the image of what appears to be a male human wearing rectangular glasses, with no discernible facial features. Under the image was carved the letters "BANJEAY".\n\nThe knowledge of who this Banjeay was or why he was on the King's seal was lost to time, but the seal seemed to have a sort of magic, forcing the recipients of decrees and letters stamped with it to comply with its contents.
-5% Development Cost
-1 National Unrest

The Work CurseThe Pyrite Dwarves are cursed with a strange addiction to work, and will quite literally kill themselves should they be stuck in a prolonged period of time without any work. Many historians and scientists have attempted to find the source of this "curse", yet none have succeeded, and even now no theory to explain it have been accepted. Even stranger, it can manifest in dwarves outside Hehodovar with Pyrite Dwarf blood seemingly randomly, with no factors that could influence it having been documented. Regardless, the Work Curse gives us a large and enthusiastic force of laborers, allowing us to construct new buildings faster than anyone else.
-10% Construction Time

The Thirteen Stages of EnlightenmentOne of Hehogrim the Diligent's stranger works, only one copy exists of The Thirteen Stages of Enlightenment. Its contents are mostly arcane and incomprehensible - it speaks of some sort of "ascension" in the Forbidden Plains and of goblins in the Tree of Stone taking control of some enigmatic being he calls "the Observer". Furthermore, he claims that through the consumption of large amounts of alcohol and addictive opioids only found in Krakdhûmvror one can achieve enlightenment and ascend into what he calls "Observer mode".\n\nSuch strange terms and unknown meanings are used in this book that many have gone insane trying to comprehend them. Fortunately enough, Hehogrim left some useful information regarding ancient dwarven technology as well.
+25% Innovativeness Gain
-5% Technology Cost

Edict 21Edict 21 is a decree in the Builders Guild created by Builders High-Architect Kildan Hammerhand, defining the authority of the architect, designer, and foreman in a project, ensuring the project isn't slowed down by petty disputes between the leaders. Along with an extensive list of other administrative changes, Kildan has entirely changed how construction works in Hehodovar, making it faster, more cost-effective, less tedious, and less corrupt. This edict can also be adapted to function for our bureaucracy, making it run faster and more efficiently.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

-3% All Power Costs


