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Primary Culture

+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre
+50% Looting Speed

Maxug's MadnessMaxug's premonition of becoming the first "Roadwarrior" was compiled into a series of scattered journals, gathered by the Roadcult Book-Engineers in their journey across the Dwarovrod. It detailed Maxug's dreams to devastate the entire Dwarovar, raiding from hold to hold and claiming the many treasures still left by the ancient dwarven empire.\n\nMany orcs from around the Dwarovar joined Maxug’s cause for the promise of loot, but many in turn started to believe in his vision of expanding the great convoy.
+15% National Manpower Modifier

Cult of the RoadThe Cult of the Road reveres the Dwarovrod itself, seeing it as their domain that they took from the dwarves. With this, they believe that squatters on the roads violate their domain and that they must be stamped out. To maintain our power, new generations must be trained to revere and continue protecting our sacred road.\n\nIn our travels, we have discovered many insights on the road as our shamans received visions on its secrets and the many rituals needed to ensure our victory against any intruders daring to defile the holy road.
-10% Idea Cost

Embracing ChallengeOn the great road we find many enemies, from weak dwarven remnants to occasional giant cave trolls, but everyone we face must die fighting. This tradition is not to preserve our honour or the enemy’s, but rather for us to continue growing stronger, for great rivals have a beauty like none other, and our blades should be tempered with the blood of the strong.\n\nRather than showing an example to our younger generation which would grow weak fighting unarmed fleeing enemies, we temper their skills in the blood of worthy adversaries.
+0.25 Yearly Army Tradition
+100% Army Tradition From Battles

Rail MetalAfter successful raids, the Roadwarriors would perform large celebrations in the ruins. Many orcs gathered to perform by beating their drums of war and mixing war chants with screams, emulating the screech of metal moving on rails. The festivals often went wild, with the drummers breaking their instruments on stage and throwing themselves off into the crowds.\n\nThe music at these festivals was dubbed "Rail Metal" and became very popular after the "artists" perfected their art more and more after successful raids.
-1% Prestige Decay
-10% Stability Cost Modifier

ThunderdoomThe shamans of the Roadwarrior clan accidentally discovered that channelling lightning magic through the rails of the holy road managed to magically restore them. Using this information, the mages would learn ways to manipulate lightning magic for both offence and to restore broken segments. The most talented of mages managed to entrap enemies into cages made of pure chains of lightning, trapping both orcs and their prey to have a fair fight where no quarter would be given.
+10% Shock Damage

Rail ConductorsThe orcs not fit to be warriors in the great convoy instead take the role of rail conductors, they navigate the ruins of the Great Road, thus allowing the warriors to reach holds quicker. They maintain the convoy, clear debris on tracks and occasionally scout, allowing our vanguard to easily travel towards new enemies. However, as the conductors do not fight, they take a lower cut of the plunder and are often seen as outcasts to the strongest warriors of the clan.
+20% Movement Speed

The Sound of DreadDue to the constant state of war all across the Dwarovar, there were not many permanent settlements made by any of the inhabitants, apart from some remaining dwarven holds. Due to there being little to no unity across the many races, stragglers would often fight for the limited resources and camp in any cave that looked safe enough, but fear would overcome anyone who heard the drums of the Roadwarrior clan.\n\nBooming and echoing across every crevice nearby caves, the drums made it sound as if their enemies were surrounded by the Roadwarriors. Many were overcome with dread and gave up attempts of escape, which ensured the lack of stray victims escaping with supplies, and less competition against the great convoy.
+10% Morale Damage


