Nur Dhanaenn

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Nur Dhanaenn

Primary Culture

+1 Yearly Prestige
-10% Shock Damage Received

Knights of the JungleWhen someone hears the word 'knight,' they would not think of a man wearing the garments of an adventurer, knee deep in mud, readying a rifle to face fearsome beasts and leech-like abominations. This is exactly what we are, yet knights we remain, and proud ones at that. Our origin as the Knights Magnificent, thanks to tales of their exploits, bring us great fame. This has bought our diplomats increased sway within foreign courts.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+10% Improve Relations

Yearly Great HuntsEvery year, on the 3rd of Bloomsdawn, soldiers, knights, and politicians alike rush to the Effelai's frontier to prepare for the Great Hunt. This yearly hunt, the most awaited event in Núr Dhánaenn, is a massive event, with hundreds of hunters, all spreading out in small groups across the Effelai. The search for beasts to slay lasts for an entire week, with the group taking the most prestigious kill being proclaimed the greatest hunters of the year, along with a large sack of crowns.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

The Effelai Pack HorseSoon after we arrived in Aelantir, it quickly became apparent that our horses were useless in the swamps and jungles, and would quickly succumb to diseases. This forced us to abandon our steeds, and rely instead on an army of primarily infantry. But recently, after years of experiments, horse breeders, with a degree of magical aid, have finally bred a horse suited to Effelai's climate. One that can move quickly, is light yet strong, fast, and most importantly, is well adapted to the heat and insects, with short manes and thick, porous skin.\n\nUnfortunately, this horse can't be used for devastating charges like in Cannor, as it is quite small, and the terrain is very unsuited for charging, but it makes for an excellent pack animal, as well as a useful steed for scouts.
+15% Movement Speed

The SwampmenDeep in uncharted jungles, bristling with hostile ruinborn, vicious beasts, and poisonous plants, there can be found small, isolated villages, scattered along the rivers and clearings in the swamps. They are inhabited by fiercely independent pioneers known as the Swampmen. These men are known for their respect of the nature around them, their reputation as some of the best hunters in Aelantir, and their bravery. Though it is difficult at best to enact any sort of governance on these townships, or levy taxes, they still respect our nation, and in exchange for their guaranteed autonomy, join ranks with our traditional forces in times of war, providing us with exceptional scouts and skirmishers.
-15% Land Attrition

Order of the CrabIn Aelantir, a navy is extremely important for any nation, as whoever controls the seas controls the trade routes to Cannor, able to hold a knife at the heart of any Aelantiri economy. Our founders know this too, and that is why in 1556 the Order of the Crab was founded, named for the giant red crabs found on Red Isle. This unique order of sailor-knights manage and command our warships, and are famed for their aggressive boarding actions, turning what was a regular naval engagement into a close-quarters melee. Spurred on by their honor as knights, the Knights of the Crab bravely charge onto the enemy deck in their half-plate armor, rapier in one hand and pistol in the other.
+25% Marines Force Limit
+20% Chance to Capture Enemy Ships

Song Against SongSince we arrived in these lands, one of our greatest yet most enigmatic foes has been the Effelai Jungle itself. Its Song Servants, covered in bark, and swaying with the winds, call to us, to join the forests, to give ourselves to the jungle itself. Those before us sang to appease the jungle, and advised us to do the same. But the Knights of Núr Dhánaenn are no cowards, no appeasement shall we make! For as we charge into battle, let it be known we sing not with or to appease the jungle, but against it, to drown out its siren calls! Let the jungle call, for we cannot hear it over songs of the bravery of the Knights Magnificent!
+10% Morale of Armies

Alain and Sons' Oranges CompanyThe Alain and Sons' Oranges Company was founded by the adventurer Alain sil Sorwyn, who whilst trekking found a plain that was filled with trees that produced very high quality oranges. After he retired in 1578, he bought the land with his earnings as an adventurer, purchased some orcish laborers, and established a plantation. The high quality fruits Alain's plantation produced immediately made him rich, allowing him to buy another plantation and grow his oranges there, then another one, and another one. By 1745, Alain and Sons' produced half of the oranges sold in Aelantir, and oranges became one of Núr Dhánaenn's most famous exports.
+15% Global Trade Power

-10% Regiment Costs


