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Primary Culture

+10% National Manpower Modifier
yes May Recruit Female Generals
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

The River's HandsThe River's Hands were established as a religious order dedicated to Begga Goodfingers, during the decade-long flood of the Ynn from 1560-70. They would travel the Ynn and provide humanitarian aid to downtrodden Ynnic Ruinborn, as well as attempt to convert them to the light of Begga and turn them away from their superstitions related to the river.
+2% Missionary Strength

The Begga Community of SelocshanaIn 1568 as a token of his eternal gratitude for saving his son, Lord Talvynn of Selocshana gave a large plot of land to the River's Hands. This community of priests saw themselves preach inspiringly to the tired settlers working underneath the nearby Shining Circle. Faith in Begga spread to those that needed her, who then used that faith and crafted it into the ideals that lead to the eventual founding of Beggaston.
-10% Development Cost

Begga CirclesThe Faith of Begga spread within the Shining Circle and eventually a massive peasant uprising cast out a majority of the merchants and their adventurer captains. Forming a council of equals between Farmers, Clergy and Craftsmen that would act as the governing body of the settlement. As the settlement grew into a nation of its own, in the model of the council that created the republic, more groups of Clergy, Farmers and Craftsmen would begin meeting in so-called Begga Circles to deal with the administration of the state on a local level.\n\nThese Councils would eventually serve as the backbone of the republic, consistently providing it with capable rulers as well as being a source of pride for the average citizens, for they knew that anyone could rise high, if they distinguished themselves, as those that would seek to control them were cast off.
+0.5 Yearly Devotion
-0.025 Monthly Autonomy Change
+0.5 Yearly Horde Unity
+0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.15 Yearly Republican Tradition

The Beggars' March"To save our republic from any feudal lord's attack\nFrom vicious evil oligarchs who have once again come back\nWe'll stand united as brothers\nWe won't cut them any slack\nBeggaston remains"\n-first verse of the Beggars' March
+10% Morale of Armies

The Crusade against PovertyWe have declared a crusade on poverty to help the poor and downtrodden, to that end we will attempt a great many things. Foremost among the proposals that have come up to have all land be shared fairly between the citizens of the republic. In what is going to be a massive land reform, the farmers in the fields will own the land that they work on and the workers in the urban centres will own their own estate. What most of Halann would look at as a ridiculous decree, will instead be cast into another cornerstone of our republic, for we are the ones that have sworn to remember those that have been forgotten and to listen to those that have been ignored.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

A new Merchant ClassThe priests of Begga, the good farmers, as well as the Craftsmen have proven themselves to be just leaders for our republic. However, we find ourselves surrounded by feudal realms and powerhungry adventurer states, who might mistake our ideals for weakness. Let us secure our survival by ingraining our economies with theirs, making war with us self destructive for them. To that end we need to appoint a new merchant class, that we have driven off during our founding, as well as a new diplomatic corps that can secure alliances with those that are capable of seeing the virtue of Begga.\n\nLet us enjoy the fruits of our labor, that have grown from the combined efforts of our crusade on poverty and the wealth of our citizenry and seek for men and women that have come to be viewed as exceptional among their peers and appoint them to those long missing positions.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+15% Trade Steering

The First CommuneWhat we have achieved together as brothers and sisters has become unique among the nations of Halann. Together we have created a home for all that would be cast away by their former overlords. Let our nation be an example for the rest of the world to follow. Let us show to the people living under monarchies and oligarchies today, that tomorrow something entirely different is possible.
-1 National Unrest

-1 Interest Per Annum


