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Primary Culture

+10% Morale of Navies
-25% Fort Maintenance on Border with Rival

The New Bastion of SurakelThe fifth tenet of the worship of Surakel: Don’t abandon hope, the sun will come again.\n\nAnd now, here in Aelantir, it finally has. Finally we are free to worship the one living God in peace, free of gnollish or harpy or elven oppression. Finally the Old Sun Cult, the true Sun Cult, can flourish once more. And in the haven of Zanlib, we shall nurture it from coals to a roaring bonfire, a tribute to Surakel's flame in the skies above.
+10% Clergy Loyalty Equilibrium
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Nabar-szel-LibOne day Surakel will return to save us from the darkness. We must be ready for that day. Stay strong in arm and save our coin, we will need all the advantages that we can get, for the darkness has infiltrated everywhere."\n-Aqeela szel-Akal-Uak, Priestess of Surakel in Zanlib, speaking on the eighth tenet of the worship of Surakel, 1561 AA\n\nAs part of those preparations, every Zanlibi citizen spends several years being trained and serving as a soldier of the Army, a member of the Nabar-szel-Lib. This not only keeps the walls well-manned against any who would quash this last light of Surakel, but also makes sure that when Surakel returns he shall have a people armed and ready to serve his cause.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability
+10% Manpower in True Faith provinces

Cultural Anti-HeresyThe third tenet of the worship of Surakel: Keep the light of your children.\n\nIn Aelantir, there are many forces covert and overt who would steal our children as their own. Ruinborn temptresses who would lure them astray, Cannorian adventures whose elven influence ensures their domination would be as harsh as our former masters. This cannot be allowed to happen, we must preserve our ancient way of life. Any activities promoting non-Bulwari cultures shall be treated as heretical profanities against Surakel, earning a commensurate punishment.
-20% Culture Conversion Cost

The Mage-Temple at ZankumarOne of Zanlib's most prominent early leaders was Ageela szel-Akal-Uak, a priestess of Surakel and a mage who long hid her abilities while surrounded by Sun Elven oppression. Underground, she helped organize a collective of human mages, most of whom fled to Zanlib when it was established. They brought with them a variety of genie artifacts and treasures, which had been passed down as heirlooms for generations. Under Ageela's leadership, they became an organized scholarly-religious force, establishing a research base in the temples of Zankumar and using the ancient tools to pioneer new discoveries in Aelantir.
-5% Technology Cost

Akalgumar CouncilThe sun elves ruled alone, taking little but taxes and tribute from their human subjects. We in Zanlib shall not repeat their mistakes. Though we have a nominal akal, they will be closely guided by the Akalgumar council, a large group of educated Zanlibi officials. No decision shall be taken without consulting this esteemed group, and as such we shall assure Zanlib pursues the path closest to Surakel's wisdom.
+1 Administrative Free Policies

The Heart of the RiverSecond only to protecting us from the Day of Ashen Skies, one of Surakel's greatest gifts was the Suran river, which brought life to Bulwar's arid lands and cradled humanity's birthplace. While we have now left that river behind, we have brought its heart with us, kept in our country's name, River Heart. For we have found another great river, blessed by Surakel on our arrival, which provides rich soil to build and grow upon. It shall not be long before our cities rival — and surpass — the old city-states of our birthland.
-10% Development Cost

Scorching Light of SurakelWe traveled to Aelantir in whatever ships we could build without catching the attention of the elves, learning from the Drolakandi how to build seaworthy crafts out of left-over and discarded wood. But when we arrived in the Trollsbay, we quickly realized we would need stronger ships if we were to survive and protect our land against other colonizers. With the help of our mage-priests, we have devised an array of mirrors that can be attached to our largest battleships, such that Surakel's own fury shall burn to ashes any who would sail against us.
+10% Heavy Ship Combat Ability

-20% State Maintenance


