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Primary Culture

+1 Diplomatic Possible Policies
-5% Technology Cost

The GommoThe Gommo is the oldest and most powerful artificer institution in the world, and it is to artificery as the Magisterium is the magic. While highly influential within gnomish society, especially the revived Gnomish Hierarchy, the Gommo as a whole had its own ambitions beyond that of gnomekind - and it was no surprised that they funded their own private venture into Aelantir instead of dealing with the bureaucratic tape in hierarchy politics.\n\nThis new city, Gommoport, eventually became the headquarters of the Gommo itself, and proved itself as an important staging ground at the forefront of new artificery and precursor discoveries in both Aelantir and Insyaa.
+15% Production Efficiency

Mouth of the HarafroyWhen the goblins settled, they settled quickly and hastily on what they thought was the largest river in Haraf. They were wrong, of course, and our careful and meticulous exploration led us to the true river, the Harafroy. Gommoport sits at the mouth of the Harafroy and not only is the recipient of the river trade all the way to the Haraf Desert but also serves as the last stop for any ships voyaging across the Ocean of the Lost to Insyaa or Haless. With this began the dominance of Gommoporter interests in Western Aelantir.
+15% Ship Trade Power

Gentlemen AdventurersIt is the sworn duty of every gnome to bring progress and civility to any environment they traverse. In this new land we must gird ourselves and take up this arduous burden, and enlighten the local savages to a true level of refinement.
+25% Native Assimilation
-50% Native Uprising Chance

The Tinker ArmyWhat started as the private army of the Gommo soon became that first fully-artificer army in the world. Imagine, instead of your simple line of muskets, you instead have a line of artificers dealing death and destruction in more languages than you can count! The Tinker Army eventually became feared across Halann, and no colonial force dared to challenge them in their home turf in the Haraf.
+10% Allowed Rajput Fraction

Spinspanner AcademyThe value of naval command was proven to Gommoport in 1623 when the Lorentish navy attempted to conquer Gommoport for access to Halessi trade. Gommoport had no chance in a battle should Lorent's army reach the land, so Admiral Bazwick Spinspanner led Gommoport's navy in a defense. The Gommoport navy was created simply for protecting shipping, but under the great command of Spinspanner the Lorentish navy was defeated, and Gommoport funded an academy for Spinspanner to teach more admirals to defend the city in the future.\n\nBy the late 1700s, Gommoport's navy would field the largest GU-Boat fleet in the world, and maintained Gommoporter dominance in the Torn Sea against any who would threaten it.
-20% Admiral Cost
+1 Naval Leader Fire

Gizafiz HydrojigifierThe gizafiz hydrojigifier was invented by Bittsy Glitterbottom to purify water. This tool was allocated to each expeditionary company and allowed the Gommoporter explorers to fight and travel the Harafic much easier than their counterparts.
-10% Land Attrition

Gnomish ArtificeryGnomes have the most developed tradition of artificery in the world. Gnomes were the first artificers, and others may have caught up quickly, but the centuries of refining the gnomish technique allows gnomes to create the most reliable artifice, carefully working over their inventions until perfection.\n\nIt is no surprise that even the furor of Aelantiri colonization and the many expeditions and discoveries of the world, that gnomes, while not always at the forefront, have always been behind those with the most impact. Slow and steady wins the race.
-8% Fire Damage Received
-8% Shock Damage Received


