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Primary Culture

+20% Garrison Size
-2 National Unrest

Old Walls of AmstenurEast of modern Stenurynn are the ruins of Amstenur, the Walled City of the Sarda, an ancient principality with few equals. Its namesake walls were taller and sturdier than even the Great Ynnic Dams of today, and endless assailants and refugees would chip away at them in the hopes of one day breaking in.\n\nIn the sixth century after Flood, Amstenur finally met its end after a two-decades-long siege coinciding with the arrival of the Dolindhans. Its walls were thus dismantled, their stone taken away and used to build the Great Ynnic Dams of today, as well as our castle in Stenurynn. And while our lordship is still far from reaching the glories of ancient Amstenur, we have at least a convenient source of building materials.
-10% Construction Cost
-5% Fort Maintenance

Crops of the UnderforestThe ancient Amstenuri people had become masters of forest farming over the centuries, and their farms, unlike Amstenur itself, are still in place today. Outsiders will marvel at our cultivated fields, growing prosperous under our canopies thanks to a tradition as old as time itself, yielding vegetables and fruits with a unique taste for which merchants bitterly compete. One Emperor famously said: "I would rather eat one mandrake from Stenurynn than ten cranberries from Vels Bacar."
+10% Trade Efficiency

Riverwall MarriageSanctioning the union between Lord Calsanqir, a cousin of King-Emperor Joanseln yen Dolin, and the last princess of Amstenur, the Riverwall Marriage was the first recorded marriage between Dolindhan and Sarda nobility. Taking place in 628, it was meant to legitimize the governorship of Lord Calsanqir, who had been entrusted the territory of Stenurynn by Empress Zeldja I as a reward for his loyalty during the quashing of the rebellion ensuing from Joanseln's assassination.\n\nWhile initially many scoffed at the mixed marriage, the Empress herself attended it, and the following century would see many more such unions bloom. However, House yen Stenur, created in 628 from the Riverwall Marriage, is and will always be the first Dolindhan-Sarda dynasty.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Islet of MedicineAt the conjunction of the Epadynn, where the tributary joins the main stem of the Ynn River, there is a little island with a shrine. On that shrine is an inscription celebrating Adrahel, a famous healer who lived between the ninth and tenth century after Flood:\n\n"Friend or foe\nWith the blessing of the River\nYou shall die another day."\n\nAn adept student of herbs and medicine, he saved the lives of many soldiers and knights who would've otherwise died in battle. However, he was ultimately executed by Emperor Calrodiy II for failing to extend the lifespan of the ailing emperor, and many of his discoveries were then banned from publication. Recently, a hidden chamber has been found within the shrine, containing Adrahel's notes: while some of those are outdated for modern medicine, others may just prove vital in saving the lives of our people.
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

The Cycle of ArkanvyrOlder than time is the tale of the hero Arkanvyr, an expert navigator who sailed far and wide in the age before the Flood, when monsters such as giants and dragons still roamed the earth. Having been transmitted orally for generations, the story of Arkanvyr was finally put down on paper in the fifth century by the will of prince Valmynn of Amstenur, with later authors rewriting it and expanding it.\n\nIn some versions of the tale, Arkanvyr is a noble hero who strives to prevent the Ending Flood only to tragically fail, while in others, it is the fatal flaws of Arkanvyr and his companions that cause the Ending Flood in the first place. Other authors have chosen to ignore the matter of the Ending Flood completely, focusing instead on Arkanvyr's bravery and ingenuity in the face of unknown monsters and hardships, a bravery which has inspired many a Ynnic knight to do great deeds such as the slaying of Drozmagog, the Rzentur dragon.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Knights OathkeeperNamed for the loyalty of Lord Calsanqir, who supported Empress Zeldja I as the legitimate Empress of the Ynn when many turned against her, the Vytrie Iosahar - Knights Oathkeeper - have sadly fallen behind the many other knights who duel and joust across the Ynn. Rather than competing for championship, the Knights Oathkeeper have thus decided to serve as law-enforcement, flying their white banners and drapes across the forested countryside as they deter any aspiring brigand and rabble-rouser from disturbing the peace. And while other knights may mock this relatively placid lifestyle, isn't peace what all true warriors strive for?\n\nIn 1721, at the Battle of Delanydon Crossing, the Knights Oathkeeper finally took up arms yet again - but not the arms everyone expected, for they began unleashing deadly volleys of pistol fire upon the enemy lines before their charge, in a devastating combination of Tellumtiri gunmanship and Ynnic chivalry.
-0.025 Monthly Autonomy Change
-5% Military Technology Cost

Stenurynn TeriyersIf there is one thing modern Stenurynn is famous for, it's our dogs. The Stenurynn Teriyer has white long fur and comes in both smooth and curly varieties; gifted with a keen sense of smell for underground animals who would otherwise ruin crops, this dog is a common sight across towns and villages in Stenurynn's forested countryside, and ancient Amstenur is sometimes nicknamed "The City of Dogs" for the many strays scavenging its ruins.\n\nIn 1330 a dog trainer took in one of those strays to groom it and educate it, and the nobles of Stenurynn were so impressed by the animal's newfound elegance and social intelligence that it became a popular courtly pet, with the lords of Stenurynn often gifting it to their allies, who would be equally impressed.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

+1 Leader Siege


