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Primary Culture

+10% National Tax Modifier
+1 Yearly Navy Tradition

Arctic VengeanceWhile far from the frontlines of the Hibernal Crusade, Reotcrab does not forget countless atrocities committed by the Tuathak, and will not idly sit by and wait like the Gelcollers and Gemradcurters. For every Snecboth murdered, every foot of land stolen, Reotcrab will avenge these with blood in kind! Let them quaver in fortresses and fumble to their warships, for they cannot stop our just sailors who collect what is due.
yes May Raid Coasts

Marathmas, Haven of the NorthSailing on the Broken Sea is treacherously difficult, forcing vessels to sail near the coastline and stop frequently at sheltered ports to avoid wayward icebergs. However, along the far northern coastline of Eordand where the Anesgara Current flows, there are few stops save Marathmas. The heart of the Reotcrab Snecboth, travellers from far abroad shelter at Marathmas' port and lodgings.\n\nAlways perplexed by the multitude of local vegetables and fruits alongside the expected seafood and game, travellers soon learn that Marathmas has long boasted an especially bounteous harvest season before the arrival of Winter. While some say it is because of their reverence and dedication to Winter rewarding them, and others claim it is because of an absurd combination of soil, rainfall, and wind conditions, it is with no doubt that Marathmas is one of the grandest cities in the north, and may yet surpass Gemradcurt itself.
+10% Global Trade Power

Ice Sheet ExplorationTo the north lie vast expanses of frozen ice, lands mostly untouched by civilization. Some brave Snecboth ventured long ago to the small islands amidst the ice sheet, and lived on their meager shores. Despite their simple but tough lives, the Snecboth of the islands found peace within their tight-knit communities, but have unfortunately lost contact with the mainland long ago. We must endeavour to discover where they have settled and rejoin them in our society, to help ease their burden of survival.
+10% Settler Chance
+1 Colonists

Ship's AstromancerBeyond the coastlines, the Broken Sea is seasonally choked with icebergs and sheets, an ever-changing and almost featureless expanse. As ancient as the seas themselves, navigation by the stars is required to determine one's position and navigation. But in Reotcrab, they do not not simply gaze at the night sky with eye or glass. Astromancers are utilized to glean far more information, utilizing scrying spells to see stars not normally visible or obscured.
+1 Naval Leader Manoeuvre

FrozenglassNorth of Marathmas on the windswept isle of Egstrel was the birthplace of this unique one-sided glass product. Composed of loose grayish-white sand, Egstrelers noticed a strange vitreous patch where lightning had struck. Hoisting it in the air, they marvelled at its translucent appearance like a sheet of crystal, and how its opposite side was almost opaque.\n\nExperimentation eventually resulted in glass kilns being set up across Egstrel, filling out orders for windows across Marathmas and soon the rest of Eordand. Their renowned one-sided appearance proved to be immensely popular, keeping prying eyes out of private matters...
+20% Foreign Spy Detection

Icebreaker FleetsIn Winter, the Broken Sea is often covered in impenetrable ice sheets, prohibiting trade. To combat this, ships with huge beaks fashioned from rare Armonadhi iron were constructed to break apart the ice for safe travel. Where this was not possible to break through, druids bent the ice in the seas away from the ships to make path without destroying the ice sheets.
+10% Ship Durability

Orphans of the Broken SeaDespite our efforts at clearing paths for trade in the frozen seas, the clumsy Cannorians used to smooth sailing still find themselves stuck or sunk by the ice. Either rescued by our ships, or the survivors limping their way to Marathmas, these sailors find themselves little options other than to work for us. By chance some of them are knowledgeable about trade or have good connections, bringing Reotcrab closer to pulling the strings of inter-continental trade.
+1 Merchants


