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Primary Culture

+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition
+10% National Tax Modifier

Eastern CopperlordsSurrounded by desert, treacherous peaks, and the infamous Randrunnse, what would become Slegcal was thought to be worthless to Eighard and the Hibernal Crusade, and when the Crusade's leadership was ambushed and slain at Minnorac, few thought to protest Ewandil Firstborn's claim. Home to only scattered tribes of Snecboth unable to fight off Ewandil's army, the Tuathak forged a new realm named after the natural harbor shaped like a spear thrust into the Randrunnse.\n\nFortune struck Slegcal, for in their southern reaches bordering the Egasach brilliantly shining gemstones were found peaking through the barren soil. First thought to be emeralds, the gemstones were underlain by curiously undulating green and blue stone: malachite and azurite, copper ore! Once the chief monopoly of Sglard, Slegcal copper and bronze soon filled the demand left by near absence of iron in Eordand.
+10% Production Efficiency

Masters of BladesmithingDespite its recent founding, the lands of Slegcal hold an ancient tradition of bladesmithing. Tuathak hermits had long dwelt in the hinterlands of Monkriok in an isolated compound, permitting only the few worthy to visit and possibly procure one of their masterwork weapons. Throughout the ages countless legendary weapons, such as the dragon-slaying Dracball stolen by the Epednar beyond the Armonadh mountains, have been crafted here and inspired legends.\n\nSlegcal has arranged a deal with this ancient order of monks, permitting them independence from the world if they can supply weapons for the officer elite. The secret alloy used by the bladesmiths resembles the bronze used throughout Eordand but for its curious iridescence, owing to the rare and glittering black rocks near the compound. In battle, talented battlemages are known for casting electrical spells not on the enemy but on their weapons, striking the enemy with the full force of a lightning bolt.
+10% Shock Damage

Armonadh BorderlandPacifying the Snecboth heretics in Galbhan is not enough to end Winter's tyranny, but between our brothers in Jhorghashirr and the wilderness there is seemingly nowhere to march to. However, straddling between the Randrunnse and rugged peaks the rugged and desolate Armonadh, forever seen as the eastern border of Eordand. Our scouts have reported that Snecboth have fled our realm northward to live with their Armonadhi cousins: it is our duty to eliminate any enemies to the Autumn Court and secure our eastern flank. Although it may be difficult, we will bring order to this savage wilderness!
+1 Colonists

Wharves of the SpearpointLike a spear piercing into the belly of the sea monster of Randrunnse, Slegcal harbor is shielded from the churning waves. The Wharves of the Spearpoint administers not only trade from abroad, and far more than Jhorgashirr for certain, but also the finest shipyards north of Einnsag! Crafted with Armonadhi timber and plentiful resistant bronze, Slegcaler vessels soon became the dominant force over the Randrunnse and the Eigras beyond.
-10% Ship Costs

Metallics TradeUnearthed beneath the peaks and valleys of the Armonadh are vast stores of the treasured iron ore, elevating Slegcal beyond just a competitor in the copper trade. While bronze may be used for weapons, toolheads, and more, iron is without a doubt superior in almost all regards. Slegcal held an iron grip on their newly acquired metallic monopoly, stockpiling and causing a deliberate shortage of iron to insure a high price. Until Cannorian powers began importing cheaper iron wares, Slegcaler iron could be found throughout Eordand. During the invasion by Cannorian adventurers masquerading as mercenaries for Raithtall, Slegcal's mines and forges were a prime target to cripple Eordand's supply of iron.
+15% Domestic Trade Power

Legacy of Three'While Slegcal may only date to the early 15th century, this land is rich in history. Three peoples have lived here: the ancient Armonadhi, the Snecboth heretics, and the Tuathak crusaders. The ancient Armonadhi were not Eordan and from the Domandrod: instead being survivors from the cataclysm that wrecked long ago, shielded by their namesake mountains. Armonadhi tools and artifacts have been found in the hinterlands by wandering miners, but Snecboth history tells of how the Armonadhi met their end. The Snecboth, while recognizing that all seasons are not equal but unwise in trusting the cold death of Winter, migrated to Galbhan and Armonadh. The ancient Armonadhi fought back against the Snecboth, but could not handle face the superior magic and equipment preserved from our Domandrod heritage.'\n\n'As the reader should be aware of already, Slegcal was founded by Tuathak Hibernal Crusaders after the ambush at Minnorac shattered the Crusade's leadership. Our founder, Ewandil Firstborn recognized the promise of this land and that the clergy of Eighard would have no say over our new realm. Ewandil pacified the unruly Snecboth by instituting a fair taxation system: those that do not recognize the superiority of Autumn over all else may be permitted to live in peace in exchange for an increased tithe. Some saw the light of Autumn, but Slegcal is still home to a sizable population of the Winter Court adherents.'\n\n'The next time you walk through Slegcal harbor, or hike through the Armonadh mountains, remember that everything you see is our heritage.' - An excerpt from the Slegcaler's Guide, a popular history and encyclopedia used in Slegcaler schools.
-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact

The Search for DracballThe finest sword crafted by the Monkriok bladesmiths is undoubtably Dracball, forged with scales from a slain marauding drake and the finest of their secret iridescent alloy. However, its beauty did not impress the ever-fickle Fey, who were instead threatened by its ability to injure draconic and fey creatures. The fey demanded that it be destroyed; the Gladewarden who forged the sword refused and fled with it beyond the Armonadh mountains, never to return.\n\nCenturies later, Darran Eaglesthorn set Slegcal on a mad quest to retrieve Dracball. Contact with the peoples of the Ynnic river valley spread tales of Dracball, supposedly having slain a mighty dragon at war with the Rzentur centuries ago! Raising his host in the far north near the Broken Sea in 1782, Darran Eaglesthorn marched into Dragon Dominion lands towards Arganjuzorn, intent on retrieving the legendary sword. While the Rzentans proved to be untrustworthy vassals, breaking their oaths near instantly, the people of Arganjuzorn recognized their status as subjects to Slegcal. Agreements were made with the Dragon Dominion to allow Slegcaler movement along the upper Ynn, and the first Eordan embassy was established in Svemel.\n\nAt last victorious, Darran drew Dracball from its hilt and spent nearly a month testing it against the monsters of the Epednar plains, including slaying a mighty Poskawa Whale, a gigantic mountain-like fish monster that blends into the rockfields. When news of Cannorian mercenaries invading Slegcal reached Darran, he returned home to face off these invaders but was already too late. Darran Eaglesthorn met his end speared with bayonet during the defense of Eirminn, clutching the bloodied legendary blade beyond death until his fingers were cut off by a looter. It is said that the Juzornic lords assembled their retinues alongside Darran, hoping that Slegcal may prove an invaluable ally against both Ynnic and Cannorians. Nestrin Farsight, Slegcal's ambassador to the Dragon Dominion and trusted representative in Arganjuzorn, still rules over their vassalized domain and has campaigned to assemble a coalition to drive the Cannorians out of the Ynn and his homeland.
-5% Liberty Desire in Subjects
+100% Vassal Force Limit Contribution

+20% Trade Steering


