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Primary Culture

+10% Infantry Combat Ability
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Memory of DorcurtRaithtall stands tall as the last remnant of Dorcurt, the Autumn Court. Once our land was a loyal vassal of Dorcurt, with our Sonad Urian Oakgardner assisting his liege Ladrana Emberborn in uniting the disparate entities of the Autumn Court together. Ladrana Emberborn had invited the premier statesman of the Tuathak in Dorcurt for negotiations, stressing that action must be taken to curb the influence of the Arakepruni and bolster the Hibernal states hold over the north. In a different timeline, Ladrana would be remembered as the uniting matriarch of the Tuathak: but she was already too late and did not notice their eminent demise.\n\nWhilst the Tuathak leaders were gathered in Dorcurt, a Peitar army struck from the depths of the Domandrod. The folly of Dorcurt was the assumption that no large forces could arrive from the Domandrod because of the restrictions on entry enforced by the Gladewardens and fey spirits within. The Tuathak Legion guards were quickly overwhelmed, unprepared to fight such a large force so quickly, and almost all those gathered at the conclave were murdered by the balance-obsessed zealots. The Sonad of Raithtall, Urian Oakgardner fought to avenge his comrades, but was pierced with a poisoned blade. Miraculously, Urian was recovered and returned to Raithtall by a trusted compatriot, but lived the last few years of his life infirm and in constant pain. Upon his deathbed Urian could still see the smoke above the golden forests, and made his son Dharastor swear to avenge him and the all those that fell at Dorcurt.
+15% Manpower Recovery Speed

Appreciation of SuperiorsThe Tuathak are well known for their competitions and celebrations of strength and power, but nowhere upholds this tradition quite as much as Raithtall. While in Sglard they may hold exuberant and lavish celebrations for those at the top, Raithtallers instead prefer to uphold a strict hierarchy of deference. Entire subdivisions of ranks, not just in their military, are distinguished between volunteers and levies, lowborn and noble, place of origin and even birthsign. Every rank is expected to pay a tithe to their superior rank to show their deference and appreciation. Those that achieve greatness are rewarded with a great reward composed of countless small tithes from those a rank below.
+10% National Tax Modifier

The Last Golden AcresThe heart of the Autumn Court was once a land of eternally vibrant golden and red leaves, swaying softly in the wind and comfortably warm even in the depths of winter. The Golden Acres have dwindled, burnt by the Iadthi invaders and the rest left rotting without our care. We must be prepared to defend what remains of this majesty, the last Golden Acres of Raithtall. Under their boughs our swords and spears will ring with practice and discipline until the day that they may be laid down and the forest may heal.
+25% Army Drill Gain Modifier

Hospitality During the Darkest Days'The Winter's night is long and cold — so remember your neighbour and care for them. All must face hardships — so share your wealth with those who suffer. All will hunger — so resist the urge to hate your enemy. All must preserve life in spite of the cold death — so extend your charity and warmth to those who will accept it.' - A Prayer for Overcoming Hunger and Strife, composed by Shara Aspenbough sal Medcolle.
+2% Missionary Strength

Nut of KnofirmThe coastal forests of Knofirm are famous for their bountiful harvests of tree nuts, collected in heaping baskets each year. Over time the forests have become expertly managed orchards interspersed with small farming villages and estates. But the most famous nut of Knofirm is not grown on a tree - it was known as Jahainar the Mad Artist. Once a distinguished painter and sculptor from Arakeprun, Jahainar grew weary of the world and set off to find seclusion for himself in a far-flung manor in Knofirm. Jahainar took no guests at his estate, and soon the surrounding orchards became a dense with overgrowth. All whispered about what he may be doing within the manor... until he began writing and publishing biting treatises mocking any and everyone. To this day it is said that those who are mad and eccentric are like a 'Nut of Knofirm.'
+100% Power Projection From Insults

Forbiddance of Gemstone EmbellishmentRaithtall refused to admit the supremacy of Einnsag over the Autumn Court, claiming the role for themselves based on their service to old Dorcurt. Rivalry sparked conflict between them even during the arrival and intervention of Cannorian powers, and Raithtall refused to join the Autumnal League led by Einnsag. To preserve their independence, Raithtall passed many obscure laws designed to create a nationalistic spirit. The most infamous of them was the Forbiddance of Gemstone Embellishment, prohibiting the wearing, displaying, or sale of gemstones. In effect this created an embargo of Einnsag's main export, fine gemstones, and created a unique culture that distinguished Raithtallers from foreign Tuathak.
+20% Foreign Spy Detection

The Leaf SensationThe Golden Acres of Raithtall became a popular sensation across Cannor for their picturesque panorama, eternally locked in the most pleasant weather. Romantic tales of its beauty proclaimed them to be the earthly paradise, a place that all must visit, and soon some brave and rich souls braved the seas to visit. The Golden Acres were opened to these visitors under careful watch, capitalizing on this sensation to make contacts from across the seas...
+1 Yearly Prestige

+10% Shock Damage


