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Primary Culture

+10% Fort Defence
+1 Yearly Navy Tradition

Second Autumn CourtFollowing the invasion and destruction of Dorcurt by the Iadth interlopers, Einnsag has risen to the position as the new Autumn Court. While the other Tuathak may contest our status, none fail to see our unique position being defended by the winds and waves of the Glorelthir coast. Obscured away from prying eyes the sword of the Autumn Court will be rebuilt unlike ever before, drilled in mass phalanx tactics and tested by the unceasing pull of the cold sea. With our strong martial traditions bolstered with our marine lifestyle, all shall be reminded the might of the Tuathak Legions!
+25% Marines Force Limit
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Crystalline IsleIsolated far from the Glorelthir coastline, Einnsag is famed not just for its enchanting island cityscape and gardens. An ancient volcanic mount that pierces through the submarine depths serves as the bedrock for the island civilization, crowned with an imposing caldera. Ancient lava flows cover the island in obsidian flows, and dark basalt beneath them. But beneath these is a hidden bounty: gleaming crystalline rock laden with precious gemstones of topaz, aquamarine, and emeralds.
+10% Production Efficiency

Sparkling BrickworkAbundant beds of ash are another example of the legacy of Einnsag's ancient volcano. While they can be used to enrich soil as fertilizer, on Einnsag it is used in construction to create the island's trademark brickwork, renowned for the gleaming black basalt and gloriously sparkling pegmatitic patterns. Einnsag owes its construction material to the cementing ability of wet ash with rock aggregate, produced en masse in imposing igneous kilns. Both plentiful and easy to produce, these bricks ornament the island with dazzling displays of mineral wealth.
-10% Construction Cost

Glorelthir FerriesWhile the isolation created by the Glorelthir makes Einnsag unapproachable in war, it also cuts off the island from the mainland. Transport over merchant vessels is often unreliable and expensive for commoners, who must face variable times of transit and unreasonable fees. Einnsag established a public system of ferries to alleviate this problem, running at routine times and charging only a minor toll. All rumors and accusations that the ferry system was established for military transportation are simply false.
+15% Movement Speed

FogharkarnThe heart of the reforged Autumn Court was established in the Fogharkarn, a sprawling palace carved into the volcanic mount of Einnsag. Once a great gemstone mine, the Fogharkarn was converted into an governing head of Einnsag after the discovery of a curious stone in the deepest pit. From then on the mineshafts were expanded and polished into corridors and chambers fit for extravagant balls and feasts, but the deeper levels were made into a seemingly endless catacombs. The greatest of Tuathak warriors and leaders are buried here, and records of their lives are scribed by a tireless collection of monks into a great annal of history.
-10% Core-Creation Cost

Leader of the Autumnal LeagueAlthough Einnsag claimed to be the new head of the Autumnal Court, their leadership was disregarded by many until the arrival of Cannorian powers upset the balance of power. Signing defensive pacts and agreements, the combined power of all the Tuathak states led by Einnsag kept foreign intervention outside of Eordand... until the ambitious and devious Raithtall and their allies hired Cannorian mercenaries.\n\nIn the late 18th century the Hibernal Crusaders in the Randrunnse were betrayed by the Cannorian mercenaries, seizing Slegcal and Jhorgashirr. Eighard mobilized against this threat in time to defeat the invaders, and joined with Einnsag's coalition to defeat Raithtall to stop their meddling. By 1809 Einnsag had gained political supremacy over the remaining Tuathak states, but the eastern Randrunnse was lost to the Cannorian invaders who were quickly unmasked as pawns of the Gnomish Hierarchy.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Battle of GathmarkoskDuring the upheaval and war against the Cannorian adventurers in the late 18th century, the Vanbury Guild sought to weaken the Eordan native powers by blockading and raiding their coastline. A fleet with prototype adjustable angle and direction cannons was dispatched to cripple Einnsag, but to the Guildsman's surprise the less-advanced Einnsagger navy met them in the Gathmarkosk sea. Thinking the Eordan savages who would be easy to dispatch with their advanced weaponry, the Guild fleet fell into a carefully prepared trap. When their sailors were loading the ammunition into the guns, the Einnsagger druids summoned a storm that drenched the enemy. No ordinary storm, the rain still contained the brine of the sea, not just a nuisance but corroding the gears and making their weaponry unsafe to fire. In the end more than half of the experimental guns were inoperable, at which the primitive Einnsagger fleet sank them into the sea.
+10% Morale of Navies


