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Primary Culture

+10% Siege Ability
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Razing of DorcurtFrom ashes new life may grow. The corrupted and blasphemous Autumn Court once met at conclave at Dorcurt, fixated on preserving their beloved season whilst ignoring the sanctity of the balance. Their obsession with preserving Autumn served well for a time, causing stagnation and division between the Tuathak states. However, they began to talk of unity to defeat the Winter Court in their holy war, a case far too dangerous to ignore. The Eordellon faithful agreed and assembled an army to quell their unity, and were granted passage through the Domandrod by the Fey Lords for enforcing the balance.\n\nGathered in their seditious conclave, the leaders of the Autumn Court were an easy target to eliminate, for Dorcurt lies not far from the Domandrod's obscuring borders. Their guards quickly put down, their leaders were tied in place where they could helplessly watch their golden trees burn and their people slaughtered. Forevermore Dorcurt will be cleansed of the Autumnal heresy, and from it a new bastion of balance and order has been built.
+20% Available Loot

The Goldtree PactThe Iadthi state did not rest for long after the sacking of Dorcurt, for another threat against the balance of the seasons had to be dealt with: the scholarly realm of Arakeprun, apostates who adore the rain and small flowers. Despite their obsession with trivial matters, the Arakepruni had amassed great knowledge, population, and the wealth to use them. To combat this threat the Iadthi allied with a useful Spring heretic: Manaron Goldtree of Elchos, vassal of Arakeprun. Goldtree sought to liberate his possessions from the clutching grasp of the Arakepruni scholar-clergy, and garnered support from across Arakeprun's nobility to stage an armed rebellion.\n\nPelomar, always imagining themselves the great hero of old, took this as the prime opportunity to weaken their rival, while Iadth allied with the upstart Elchosi for purely practical matters of resolving our volatile border with Arakeprun. The border territory of Tasmet had long been disputed between Dorcurt and Arakeprun, but Iadth had no use for the Autumnal heretics that dwelt there. When war was raised against Arakeprun, Iadth's armies performed their duty enough to seize victory for the Goldtree Rebellion... but a deal was struck to concede Tasmet to Arakeprun to secure peace until Iadth could secure its place.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Legacy WealthLong ago, before the Domandrod was blessed by the arrival of the Fey Lords and the great cataclysm, Iadth was once a land of leisure. When digging foundations for our new realm, ruins of the past are unearthed: villas and estates of the most lavish taste have been found. As the heirs of the Precursors, the Iadthi nobility have chosen to restore these monuments to the past, purely for the purpose of honoring the ancestors and certainly not to access the hidden vaults of treasure left behind.
+15% National Tax Modifier

The Art of Gifts and GivingAn ancient tradition from the Domandrod, gifts are to be received and reciprocated in kind. However, to the Iadthi this tradition seems quaint. The well-to-do of Iadth possess great wealth, it will not do to give a simple gift. The art of gifts and giving is an elaborate game, full of nuance and messaging between friends and rivals, always eager to show who is the wealthiest and undermine their enemies. However, this practice has built a feeling of trust between the rich Iadthi: repayment for donations in times of need are expected at a reasonable rate of return and deadline.
-0.5 Interest Per Annum

Practices of the Redeemed TuathakUnder our guidance Iadth has become a prosperous land, and the wayward Tuathak heretics of the past have been redeemed into pious servants of the Fey Lords. While still recognizable by their shifting skin tones, this is little more than a small remnant of their Autumnal past. Their proud militaristic culture has been put to good use, being urged to serve us in war for glory, honor, and a chance to prove that they are worthy to be forgiven. However, under our careful control the Tuathak have lost their legendary fighting ability, a pale imitation of their legions. This degradation does still offer advantage: they pose no threat to the Peitar order, and they can be easily manipulated into serving as eager recruits.
+15% National Manpower Modifier

Behind the GateTo trespass within the forbidden Domandrod is a crime punishable by swift execution, whether by the Gladewardens who patrol, the Fey Lords, or worse things that dwell within. However deterring this warning, it cannot stop the foolish or brave from seeking its vast wealth of natural resources within: exotic pelts, medicinal herbs, magical wood, healing waters, and more!\n\nThese riches are not a stranger to the Iadthi nobility, for many enjoy the most illegal and heretical goods in secret. Organized in secret and almost wholly deniable, the Iadthi organize parties of adventurers to retrieve these wondrous items from the Domandrod. While many perish in the effort, which is no loss for the Iadthi, enough survive to ensure a steady flow of luxuries. Those who attempt to voyage into the Domandrod without the approval of the Iadthi will swiftly be reported to the Gladewardens, who swiftly dispatch of the interlopers.
+5% Goods Produced Modifier
+5% Trade Efficiency

Age of EnclosureThe estates built upon the Precursor ruins are but quaint cottages, something had to be done to clarify this embarrassing mistake. Many of them were surrounded by the stench and eyesore of the peasantry and their small fields, arranged in such random patterns. And even worse, wasted land shared between homesteads where their livestock squatted and humble vegetables grown!\n\nThis was simply too much to ignore for the Iadthi nobility, who with haste redrew the property ownership in a much more logical manner: that is, the restoration of the Precursor estates requires the most land, while those who subsist may do so under the supervision of newly appointed overseers. At last, with all the extra land at our disposal, the mandatory work of honoring the ancestors with monumental palaces could begin!
-10% Construction Cost

+1 Diplomats


