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Primary Culture

-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay
-10% Core-Creation Cost

True Champions of the FeyPelomar has always been the foremost champion of the Fey Lords' will, since the day Pelodan the First swore an oath to defeat the Seasonalist heretics and unite Eordand in balancing the seasons. It is the sole duty of the Oathsworn to uphold this heavy vow, and it will never expire until victory is achieved. Every Oathsworn before us has failed in their duty, even Pelodan the First, but we must be the first to triumph! All know the name of the Oathsworn, and all know that we are The Chosen, that we will never back down!
+0.5 Yearly Devotion
+0.5 Yearly Horde Unity
+0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.5 Yearly Prestige
+0.15 Yearly Republican Tradition

Slayer of DrisleakCenturies past the traitorous Peitar of Drisleak betrayed the Oathsworn and seized most of southwestern Eordand. Under their tyranny they brutalized the heretics and imposed cruel torture on the faithful Peitar, all while falsely claiming to be the true Champions of the Fey! Not all the Oathsworn were slain by their betrayal, and in exile Pelodan V gathered the faithful to strike back. When the Oathsworn rallied his banners to war, they were joined by the heretics to break free from Drisleak, allies for one day. Pelodan V razed Drisleak to the ground, once a magnificent and cruel capital of tyranny, now a footnote of history and only a borderland to the Domandrod.
+10% Shock Damage

Seasons Unchanging InquisitionEordand was once one people before the schism, and as Peitar we are the true inheritors of the land. The Selpheregi, Caamasi, Tuathak, and Snecboth are all heretics who have turned their back on the order and balance of nature taught to us by the Fey Lords. The Oathsworn will return order and balance to the land - we cannot tolerate the Seasonalists in any of their forms. They cannot be trusted even after we have forced them back into the true faith - the origins of the entropy that has plagued our land must be rooted out!
-20% Culture Conversion Cost
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

Cliff TollsHidden under the boughs of Pelomar's woods are numerous cliffs and ravines, making travel both treacherous and time consuming for travelers and merchants. The Oathsworn and their servants know the true paths past all obstacles - all who wish to pass through our land must purchase passage and guidance. The passage is worth the fee, for past the obstacles they may find themselves in the home of the true Peitar where true salvation may be found.
+10% National Tax Modifier

First of the PeitarAfter Pelodan the First failed to contain the schism of seasons and was defeated outside Kairncal, the Peitar themselves splintered into different tribes throughout Eordand. The Pelomaran are loyal and faithful to the true Oathsworn, but all of the Peitar never forget that we are the First. And it is not easy to disregard the proclamations of those who have maintained their oath for a thousand years.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Woods of Our AncestorsThe Peitar of Pelomar are not buried or preserved: they are cremated into ash and scattered by the wind throughout the woods of Pelodard. Centuries of our fallen warriors and heroes nourish the roots of the great trees, and under their boughs the dead never leave this world. The transformed dead watch over us, their ancestors, and continue to defend our lands by haunting the trespassers.
+15% Movement Speed

Loyalty is CompulsoryThe word of the Oathsworn is absolute, second only to the orders from the Fey Lords themselves. There is no room for sedition or slothfulness. All who serve the Oathsworn know that there is no room for personal gain - there is only the Oath.
-10% Advisor Cost

+0.5 Yearly Absolutism


