Calasanni Trading Company

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Calasanni Trading Company

Primary Culture

+20% National Sailors Modifier
+1 Merchants

Company of the SilcalasThe Calasanni Trading Company takes its name from its founders and sponsors, the vast and sprawling Silcalas, largest of the Silver Families of Anbennar. Through them and their connections the CLSTC is staffed, and many distant scions of that dynasty can be found lending their talents to the Company. For the Silcalas themselves, the CLSTC serves not only as a source of revenue, but also a platform for opportunity outside of the constraints of the Cannorian feudal system.\n\nIndeed, when the Blackpowder Rebellions swept the continent, many Silcalas were happy to relinquish their titles in Arbaran and elsewhere, for their wealth came not from their feudal estates but from their interests in the CLSTC.
-10% Advisor Cost
+1 Possible Advisors

The Green Slave TradeWhen we reached the verdant isles of the Ruined Sea, we found them completely devoid of humanoid life. No matter - we simply brought our own.\nAelantir was a tempting prospect for many in Anbennar, but for many private investors it would have involved either the overbearing rules of larger colonising states like Lorent, or chancing the ramshackle efforts of the Trollsbay adventurers. Instead, they turned to us, with our institutional finances and resources, and in exchange for their fees and goods we protected them, handled their external dealings - and from our partners in Vertesk we supplied some of the first orcish slaves in Aelantir.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

The Galleon "Ara Magnificent"Built in the great drydocks of Damescrown, the Ara Magnificent was financed by the CLSTC and launched in 1567. Intended to be the flagship of the Company, when she first put to sea she was one of the largest galleons in the world. Built to withstand the mightiest storms Uelos' Lament could muster, she set sail for Aelantir and the Company's centre of operations in New Calas; when she returned a year later, laden with goods, she delivered to Damescrown the largest single cargo the city had seen, repaying her cost of construction five-fold.
+10% Ship Trade Power
-10% Naval Attrition

The Calasanni Corps of MarinesThe wealth of the CLSTC brought us enemies; the pirates of Mykx, the privateers of the DTC, the rebellious slaves of Ozgarom, and more besides. To defend our merchant ships at sea, to guard our far-flung island plantations, we needed a force that could fight on land and water alike. Under orders of Director Laurens Silcalas, in 1602 the various ship-borne detachments were organised into the Calasanni Corps of Marines, and soon proved themselves an effective fighting force, most notably against a Lorentish force at the Battle of Neuros, even if still looked down upon by the knights of home.
+50% Marines Force Limit

Fortified PlantationsOur plantations and trading posts are sprawled across all shores of the Ruined Sea, but they need protection against pirates, privateers, bandits and rebel slaves alike. Our contracts with the private investors that own many of those plantations mandate that we protect them in exchange for their fees and goods, and the Company does not renege on its contracts - we instead garrison each and every one, such that no matter where in Aelantir the Company's interests may be, they shall be defended.
+10% Fort Defence
-10% Fort Maintenance

Armed Merchantmen of New CalasAt first, the CLSTC relied on vessels built and bought in Cannor for its operations, but as it expanded across the Ruined Sea the need for new ships grew faster than the ability of Cannor to supply them. The sort of ship that could survive the journey across Uelos' Lament was not always the sort that the Company needed, and as its operations grew it soon began building its own. To ensure consistency and a sufficient supply as conflicts against competitors and pirates intensified, in 1633 Director Alfons Silcalas ordered the construction of a set of shipyards in New Calas, and in time the Company's intra-Aelantir sealanes were dominated by fleets of standardised ships built there, known as merchantmen, following patterns drawn up by experts hired from headquarters in Damescrown.\n\nBut not only were these merchantmen used for trade and cargo - they were also armed to protect against pirates or privateers when not sailing in convoy, and though not built to stand against proper warships, they were at times pressed into service to bolster the Company’s navy, and on more than one occasion the additional numbers turned the tide of battle, such as at the Battle of Cape Mordun.
+10% Global Naval Engagement Modifier

For Ara and CoinFor centuries, the patron deity of the CLSTC's Cannorian home of Damescrown has been Ara, goddess of money, and by extension she became too the divine patron of the Company. Had the Company remained solely in Cannor, the wars of religion would have divided it, for their noble backers in Arbaran turned Corinite whilst their bourgeois headquarters in Damescrown remained staunchly Adeanic.\n\nBut in their Aelantir operations, such divisions were kept out of the open, for Ara was respected by both the Corinites and Adeanics of the CLSTC, and zealotry had always been ignored regardless in favour of prosperity. Even with the arrival of the Ravelians, religious divisions within the Company remained unimportant, for there was space for Saint Ara of the Ravelian Church in their beliefs too.
+2 Tolerance of Heretics

+10% Trade Efficiency


