Vanbury Guild

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Vanbury Guild

Primary Culture

+10% Production Efficiency
-10% Shock Damage Received

Precursor Weapons ResearchThe Aelantir branch of the Vanbury Guild was founded in 1517 to discover the secrets of precursor weaponry. As such, we need to keep on the forefront of military and industrial sciences.
-10% Military Technology Cost

Links to House VanburyThe Vanbury Guild was founded by and is closely intertwined with House Vanbury. Offspring not expected to inherit titles are expected to serve the family by assisting in the management of the guild.
+1 Random Candidate Bonus
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy

Port Cities of Tor NayyiThe islands of Tor Nayyi are in a prime position to act as ports of call for trade coming from the west coast of Aelantir and even far off Haless and Insyaa. It is important that we invest in the expansion of our port cities in order to take advantage of this trade.
-10% Development Cost

Bateman ProcessOur research in precursor steel has led us to new advances in metallurgy. With the invention of the Bateman process by Margery Bateman, we have begun producing higher quality cannons for use in our armies and navies.
+10% Artillery Combat Ability

Vanburian Combined ArmsOur research into precursor weaponry necessitates that we have greater access to their relics, which can be found in Eordand to the north and Kheionai to the south. In order to take their coastal forts and cities, we will need to use our army and navy as a united force to reduce their fortifications and prevent resupply.
-20% Naval Barrage cost
+1 Blockade Impact on Siege

Patrols of Lovers' PassPiracy has been increasing as trade from across the Insyaa Ocean has risen throughout the 17th century. Much of that trade goes through the Torn Sea and crosses into the Ruined Sea by Lovers' Pass, named after the explorers Rión Alderman and Leliatha Sunchaser. We need to increase our patrols of the passage in order to combat this threat to our trade.
+15% Ship Trade Power

Vanbury System of ManufacturingOur armouries have begun incorporating interchangeable parts into their production of firearms. We should encourage the use of interchangeable parts in other industries in order to increase the production of goods.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier


