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Primary Culture

+25% National Supply Limit Modifier
+20% Trade Steering

Trom ThromBefore Arverynn was a booming capital, before the Ynnics had an Empire, there was the trading post of Thromshana. Nothing but a single warehouse built on a treetop, offering shelter and supplies to those brave travellers navigating from Sarda to Dolindha or vice versa.\n\nToday that treehouse is 1174 years old, and it is an important landmark for the town of Thromshana: watched by guards and militias, the tree grows over the center of Thromshana's market square, where its great branches and leaves spread far and wide to cast a pleasant shade over every stall. And it isn't a coincidence that the Sarda words for tree and market, Trom and Throm, are so similar.
+10% Trade Efficiency

Trom Throm RanchAntler horses originate from Dolindha and were introduced to Sarda only by the end of the sixth century. Trom Throm Ranch was the first ranch of antler horses to be opened in Sarda territory, and while its horses are not as bulky or as thunderous as the ones from the north, they are prized for their speed and agility, being the favourite ride of young knights and rangers. Many a young knight has begun their adventure in Thromshana, where they received their first horse and they pushed the limits of their horsemanship on the race tracks, and even after years of service they will remember the taste of our mares' milk, and come to buy a few bottles whenever they pass nearby.
-10% Cavalry Cost
+8% Movement Speed

Fisherfolk FeudalismThromshana's riverbanks are inhabited by many fisherfolk feudally bound to the land. Far from being simple suppliers of fish, they are Thromshana's first line of defence: armed with scalemails and tridents they fend off any creature that crawls ashore - crocodiles, octopuses, drowners…\n\nWhile the system of the river wardens is common across the Ynn at large, Thromshana's river wardens are regarded as the most ancient, the most battle-ready, and the ones who bring the tastiest catches to the market.
-10% Land Maintenance Modifier

Gossip Capital of the YnnThromshana's positioning at the main fork of the Ynn granted it a certain fortune as a center of trade. But to keep your fortune through the ebbs and flows of the Ynn it is not sufficient to have the best products and meticulously planned expeditions: the flow of information is just as essential to the flow of trade. Every year a new story, whether truth or embellishment, whether brought by boat or by carriage, makes its quiet entrance into Thromshana's streets, ready for the moment it'll be whispered through our dining halls and our market stalls.\n\n"Did you know the Battleking of Malacnar started out as a warehouse guard?"\n"Dolindhan nobles take orders from their horses. They're a brash people."\n"The son of Lord Ultaran died with no explanation in his sleep, a real tragedy."\n"The shopkeeper can give credit, he just doesn't like adventurers."\n"Rivers forgive me for saying this, but some are whispering that Calrodiy IV was not a true Vyrekynn!"\n"They say in Valorpoint they really know how to love the Netherfolk. I could never get past the antlered masks!"
-15% Envoy Travel Time
+10% Spy Network Construction

Reopen the Tromseloc Way"East of the Ynn and going from Thromshana to Bosancovac, the Tromseloc Way was once the shortest land route from Sarda to Dolindha and also the site of an important battle between Empress Zeldja and the Rider Assembly. During the calamitous strife that befell much of the Sarda region in the twelfth century, patrols had to be recalled and waystations were left unguarded, as such Tromseloc eventually fell to Veykodan raiders and Wendigo ambushes, with the last village being abandoned by 1205.\n\nOh brave adventurer(s) that are reading this, to prove you have done your part in clearing out this region for traders, please deliver 20 Veykodan tangled roots to the nearest guild hall, where you'll be rewarded with five glass coins for each; ten if the root is still fresh.\n\nSigned, the respectable mayor Momir Zelvlai"\n\n-Found on a bulletin board near the tavern of Thromshana
+25% Caravan Power

The Letters of DarantynnTrhevyr Darantynn was the first known Ynnic to travel to the Trollsbay after the beginning of Cannorian contacts. His attempts to trade in Cannorian guns failed when they were confiscated by Adbrabohvir authorities, and he was called mad by those who saw his voyage into the so-called "Nether World" as pure folly, but despite this he narrowly avoided arrest and persisted in his ventures. Ultimately, he was able to pioneer the adoption of the stirrup, new banking techniques, and partnership systems across the Ynn.\n\nDespite being born from humble origins, Trhevyr was able to make a respectable fortune for himself: when he returned home to Thromshana in 1583, he paid for the construction of a palace and decorated it with Moon Elven artwork he purchased. Many were finally interested in the tales the so-called "Mad Merchant" could tell, and by the time of Threvyr's death, the letters to and from fellow merchants (and even a few Ynnic nobles) in his palace's archive numbered in the hundreds of thousands. Beyond that, he had served as mayor and in various public offices, and he had willed that all his goods should go to charity, having no heirs to himself.
-10% Diplomatic Technology Cost

Game of ThromAmong Ynnics, chess is known as Thromsithna - or Game of Thromshana, where it was first introduced by a duo of Toarnese siblings. Working with a Fadhevychi noblewoman, they adapted the game for Ynnic audience through several revisions: antlers were added to the knight pieces, the pointy head of the rook was swapped with the round head of the pawn and vice versa, and the King and Queen were renamed Overlord and Iosahar.\n\nNaturally, these adaptations were to be just the beginning, as Ynnic play-testers suggested the addition of a "motivation system" to the game, whereby chess pieces could refuse orders that would result in their own destruction, and a "politics system", whereby the Iosahar piece could overthrow the Overlord. A Dolindhan suggested that the stronger the will of a piece is, the more damage it could inflict to the opposing side, and that this could be raised by giving rousing speeches. A Trompolerey noblewoman arrived, and she suggested that the game could be performed on special occasions by live actors dressing in costumes.\n\nTo the noblewoman's dismay, the mere suggestion was the last straw for the overworked human siblings: the two speedily resigned and rode out of town, settling to live a quiet life in Tellumtir where they could sustain themselves by winning scraps at the saloons, rather than enduring the cost to their freedom that came with living in the more luxurious Ynnic communities.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

-10% Idea Cost


