Vul Tenvach

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Vul Tenvach

Primary Culture

+10% Naval Force Limit Modifier
+50% Naval Tradition From Battles

The Kappadi WarAlso known as the War of the Navigators, Vul Tenvach faced a naval invasion by Ameion which would have robbed her sovereignty completely. Early on in the war, many naval battles were won by Ameion and all hope seemed lost. However, the genius admiral Alvardip Tailarudu had other plans. Through precise planning and timing, he managed to lure the Ameioni navy into an unknown sea shoal during a storm, which obliterated most of their invading fleet. Though this didn’t cripple Ameion, it put a stop to their encroachment on Vul Tenvach at least temporarily. Vul Tenvach shall never back whether on the seas or land!
+15% Morale of Navies

Tapheta ToramThe southern regions of Vul Tenvach are famed around Tachyend for producing the world’s most luxurious Taffeta cloth. This fame had driven many merchants and caravans to our cities for many centuries. However, with the rise of ship usage and sea trade from the west, new traders make way to our ports now. This has only helped our markets become busier and brought new prosperity to our lands. It’s only a matter of time before the Tapheta Toram, the Coast of Taffeta, becomes renowned around the world for its exports.
+10% Trade Efficiency

Emulate the KheyeanaThe lands of the Tachyend are under encroachment by Ameion from the west. Vul Tenvach finds these foreigners on her doorstep as they have spread founding colonies and conquering lands in Tachyend and around their homeland. However, if they can spread their empire across the sea, why can’t we?\n\nRumors of empty fertile lands to the east of us are brought to us by merchants as well as references in ancient records. If Vul Tenvach wishes to survive this onslaught of Ameion, she must set sail herself and find new lands to bring under her fold.
yes Allows recruitment of explorers & conquistadors
+15% Colonial Range

Olorises the ReformerOlorises Pulojith was a bastard prince born to the King and an Ameioni concubine, who rose to power during the Age of Invaders. Owing to his upbringing from his mother, Olorises was always very different from his half-siblings who maintained their tired old ways that were stuck in the past. After the death of his father, Olorises staged a coup to usurp the throne from his half-brother. Upon gaining the throne Olorises went upon reforming the kingdom he inherited in line with his radical vision. This pushed Vul Tenvach onto a road that would see her stronger and more robust than ever.
+15% Reform Progress Growth

The DanvustarvachKheyeana to the west, Larankar to the north, and now a domineering group of sun worshippers coming from the east. Vul Tenvach finds herself increasingly isolated amongst her new neighbors, but we do not despair: not all foreigners who come from the east are enemies, and some of them, known as Cannorians, are willing to trade and ally with us.\n\nJust as we learned from the Kheyeana to take to the seas, we can similarly learn from the ideas and knowledge brought to us by the Cannorians. Olorises Pulojith the Reformer has invited these foreigners to the court to learn from them. In his capital he constructed the Danvustarvach, the Royal Library, to document these ideas to be made available to all.
+10% Institution Spread

Colonizing CompaniesAs we set up our new colonies in far-off lands, we, unfortunately, don’t have enough soldiers to go and protect these budding settlements. To try and protect these areas from the natives, our seneschal Eranbu Aldaran, came up with the genius idea of offering free land in the colony to mercenary groups to go and settle in these lands. Thus securing the security of the land from the natives at a much cheaper cost.
-10% Mercenary Maintenance
-50% Native Uprising Chance

Lightning CannonsAs Vul Tenvach’s naval capabilities expanded and its naval presence grew in the region, the demand for cannons on ships became much larger, especially after witnessing the potential firepower they brought to the battlefield. The navy developed new original tactics which saw cannons used as tools for lightning-fast maneuvers. These techniques became famous in the region and Vul Tenvach gained a reputation for its Lightning Cannons.
+0.15 Artillery Shock
+1 Naval Leader Shock


