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Primary Culture

+15% Movement Speed
+100% Prestige from Land battles

From the StartSibisimra is a true and proper city, and a simple walk through its streets could tell you that. What they would not tell you, however, is the history of the city. Once, Sibisimra did not exist - in its place was a bandit camp, whose names were feared all across the Taychend for their expertise in pillaging. It was said that one of these bandit warbands could attack a town, wipe it of all worth, and leave for the next before word could get out.\n\nThough we are not bandits, and raiding has given way for actual warfare, these lessons were never forgotten. From the start, our troops have been master woodsmen and equally skilled pillagers. By moving quickly enough, our soldiers can intercept and plunder valuables before they are evacuated, thanks in no small part to our ability to navigate the land.
+30% Available Loot
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

Take From the GiantWhat do a few resources matter to a giant? When one has a million logs, they will hardly notice a thousand missing! Anything we could ever need, anything we could ever want, one can find it in the domains of Larankar! Our men are no strangers to adversity, and even on a national scale we feel similarly. We take what is our due, for we require nothing less to survive in this brutal world.\n\nFew can expect negotiation with the lordship of Sibisimra when it requires something, and for this reason few will contest it. We require no pretense for war, for we are strong and we will use our strength to claim our hard-won rights!
-15% Unjustified Demands

Vatesheran the Woolen CloakedOf all the rulers of Sibisimra, Vatesheran is perhaps the greatest of them all. Born into an unremarkable life, they were gifted with a remarkable charisma and used it to bring much of Sibisimra over to their side, then created a true state out of the then-still bandit kingdom. One of the most important of his reforms was the creation of the "Woolen Cloaks", an appropriately named permanent army which he then put to work carving out a true domain, and a real city to govern it. After a long and successful reign, he ascended to godhood and his mortal form was buried in Hessamadha.\n\nMany of his reforms are, by modern standards, redundant and outdated. However, one stands out: the Woolen Cloaks. Their traditions have molded them into some of Taychend's finest, and we shall forever keep it that way.
+5% Infantry Combat Ability
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

The Perfect CutFew things in this world are ever truly perfect, yet Sibisimra has the proud honor of being one of those places where perfection might be found. Renowned the world over - at least, they will be - a special brand of gem is mined and then also carved in the gem temple, Matnadevela.\n\nOver centuries of acquiring new techniques, acquiring their creators, and combining them, our gem production has been honed to perfection. Though aquamarine is the greatest of our cuts - likely because its expertise is fully home-grown - all of our jewels are extremely valuable. For a token sum, nearly anyone can be swayed to extents that would be inconsiderable otherwise. Let us take advantage of that.
+10% Production Efficiency

Overwhelm the DawnThe "sun" elves, notable only for their violent zeal, have become the greatest threat to Taychend. They bring a heretical, dangerous religion preaching subservience to them alone. What's worse is that they have the military to back it up! A sun elf from the domain of Rezankand could more-than-likely best 5 of his enemies before being brought down himself.\n\nThankfully for us, they are few in number. If it takes ten, twenty, a hundred soldiers to kill one, so be it! Every death we inflict is one they cannot take back, and our manpower is plentiful. Already, one such invasion from them has been put aside by the unending numbers of the Woolen Cloaked! If they think themselves the sun, then we shall blot it out!
+10% National Manpower Modifier
+10% Land Force Limit Modifier

Meritocratic RaidersA very important lesson that all bandits learn is that birthright means nothing. If they were led by noblemen for no other reason than gentle birth, then they would be cut down and slaughtered. The leader of a band of raiders must be a strong commander and a capable leader. If we have learned nothing from our legacy as bandits, it is that considering noblemen as the only candidates for leadership is lethal.\n\nIndeed, all individuals considered capable are valid candidates to command an army, and even the gentry has enough sense to know that the commoner in an otherwise "noble" occupation has earned their role. Coincidentally, this openness makes it far easier to find capable leaders.
+1 Leader(s) without Upkeep

Lessons from Foreign FireTaker of Orenkoraim. Every warlord worth their name has coveted this title at least once in their life, and our realm is no different. The only difference is, we were blessed with the circumstances to truly contest ownership of the city. Any who might control the whole thing would be the undisputed master of Taychend. That was nearly us!\n\nOf course, it would have been if we were not thwarted by the efforts of a captain from the distant lands of Busilar, who brought an entourage of cannons and, funded by both Orenkoraim and the sun elves, brought our troops to rout through the awesome firepower of artillery. When we march upon the city once more, we shall level its defenses through our own cannons! Never say we are unable to learn a lesson!
+10% Artillery Combat Ability

+1 Leader Siege


