Nakar Kilaiek

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Nakar Kilaiek

Primary Culture

-10% Advisor Cost
-20% Infantry Cost

The Little BrotherNakar Kilaiek is the remnant of Darandar’s faction in the breakup of Nanru Nakar. Following the death of Pelozhil Mudaliar during the second Larankarha War, his eldest son Elatam was the successor. While he was a skilled and effective administrator, his poor military leadership and the looming threat of Larankar led many to consider replacing him for the good of the realm.\n\nChief among these voices was Darandar. The youngest of Pelozhil’s sons, he was a skilled military leader, but was despised by the nobles and scavengers for his inflexible leadership. Darandar did not desire to rule and, instead, repeatedly requested his brother to give him control of the entirety of Nanru Nakar’s armies. He stated that with Larankar ready to invade again the armies needed a leader with experience in command. Elatam mistook the wishes of Darandar’s followers for the wishes of his brother, and attempted to arrest and execute him. Forced to flee for his life and fight his brother, he established his power base in Nakar Kilaiek and would personally train many officers who would lead under his banner.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Honour in BattleNakar Kilaiek is unlike the other Nakars. Whilst Nakar Mlerek controls the palace, and therefore the artifacts of the old empire of Nanru Nakar and of the Mudaliar Dynasty, and Nakar Kriavdai holds access to a wealth of ancient relics and magics, Nakar Kilaiek possesses a different legacy: a wealth of military history. Home to numerous schools of war, fighting arenas, and drill fields dating back to the time of old Nanru Nakar, battle and warfare are second nature to the people of Nakar Kilaiek and are seen as prestigious and honourable.
+100% Prestige from Land battles

Expeditions Across the TryuppataiTo the east of Nanru Nakar, expeditions cross the Veyii Sikarha Mountains through the Tryuppatai pass. This pass is the only route to the distant lands of the Dry Coast and the eastern jungles. These lands hold little in value, except for one resource: their people. The various tribes found in the Dry Coast make excellent slaves, hardened by their harsh lives. Those that inhabit the jungle are another story. For each expedition that returns with strange slaves that sing with the voices of songbirds, ten more never return, lost to the jungle.
+10% Production Efficiency

Experience from the Larankarha WarsThree times Larankar marched upon Nanru Nakar. The first drew to a bloody conclusion far away from our city’s walls. The second was beaten back, with the aid of Royakottar and Orenkoraim who rightfully understood that if Nanru Nakar fell, they were next. This was not without cost, however; King Pelozhil Mudaliar was slain driving the Larankarha from our walls, setting the stage for the War of Three Brothers. Then, when Larankar came for the third time, there was no united Nanru Nakar, only three squabbling and tired brothers.\n\nThe outcome was obvious, and Nakar Kilaiek was forced to yield. Despite the high nobility’s valiant efforts, the officers of the lesser nobility and the ranks of peasant soldiers often broke before any advantage could be pressed. Worse, they would cravenly quit the field before combat even began. Afterwards, the army of Nakar Kilaiek would shift focus from creating strong warriors to creating strong soldiers.
+1 Yearly Army Tradition

Legacy of LiandarhaLiandarha Mudaliar is the founder of Nanru Nakar and her dynasty stood unbroken in rule for over 1,300 years. Even now, though divided, her house still rules Nanru Nakar. Legends say she fell from the sky upon a streak of fire and akesarak. In the chaos of the Ruin she came, rising from the west with her host, and smote the ancient gods of the city of Nanru Nakar and gifted it to her people in perpetuity. For this glorious act she would ascend in their place as the new god of the new city. In Nakar Kilaiek, many seek to emulate her speed upon the battlefield, training constantly to improve their speed and endurance so that they may drive their enemies from the field of battle.
+1 Land Leader Shock

The First Cannons in TaychendThere comes a day when a person realizes the world will never be the same. That day, to the people of Nakar Kilaiek, was when the Kilaieknem came. From far across the great sea with their fat bellied ships, bristling with iron, rope and cloth. Such a day came for many in Nakar Kilaiek, when the Kilaieknem displayed their firearms. Whilst many were enraptured with the power of an arquebus, many officers and the Dhavana of Nakar Kilaiek saw the power of the cannon. Many of those great cannons were bought that day, and immediately artisans were set to work on determining how they were made. Eventually, a new foundry was established in Nakar Kilaiek by order of the Dhavana, making use of Kilaieknem techniques but with Nakari ingenuity.
-10% Artillery Cost

Sack of the Three CitiesWhen the Jaherian Exemplars came from the Lai peninsula to wage war against Larankar, the realms of the Kalavend who had languished under Larankar rule sought their aid in rebellion. Happily the Exemplars complied, seeing it as a means to weaken their enemy. This came to an end with the sack of Urvand. The Larankarha had taken much from us, and we wished for many relics that belonged originally to Nanru Nakar to be returned.\n\nThe Exemplars agreed, if we would only abandon our gods and embrace the light of their supposed one true god, Surael, and his herald and their namesake, Jaher. Such blatant hostage taking of our history could be neither stomached nor ignored. We seized the relics of Nanru Nakar and began the march home, but the Exemplars were faster. When the Exemplars reached the three Nakars, they divided themselves into three forces: their leader Kortazel would march on Nakar Mlerek, while two subordinates by the name of Pisandal and Alvarion led the assault on Nakar Kilaiek and Nakar Kriadvai respectively.\n\nPisandal began her assault on Nakar Kilaiek by seizing the slave markets and turning them against their masters. For weeks she ardently proselytized the Sun Cult to the slaves, declaring all could be free if they followed the Jaherians and converted. Though many slaves were recaptured as the Jaherians were expelled from Nakar Kilaiek, the blow struck deeper than burned buildings and pillaged temples. The worship of their Sun god, Surael, had spread among the Lai’i and Taychendi slaves. They had tasted the freedom of Jaher and in the countryside, with the looming threat of a slave revolt, the Dhavana of Nakar Kilaiek canonized Jaher as a divinity in order to appease the slaves and reluctantly gave them the ability to earn their freedom through restoring the damaged city and countryside.
-0.02 Monthly War Exhaustion

-10% Development Cost


