Kiohan Ideas

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+15% National Manpower Modifier
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

The Safest PathsThe jungles of the Effelai are treacherous, deadly, and unforgiving to the ignorant and those unprepared. Few are more experienced in traversing this incredibly hostile environment than the people who have called it home for countless generations. We are truly fortunate that, as a result of our increasingly good relations with the ruinborn, we have access to guides and mentors that can ensure that we will not fall victim to the jungle’s dangers. We return such generosity by sharing our own expertise in mountains, hills, and open lands. Together, we will build a tradition of pathfinding that will see us safely traverse any terrain.
-20% Land Attrition

Closer to HomeAs time has progressed and we grow increasingly used to life around the Effelai and the Thavo’i settlements, it appears that they have also become more accustomed to life around us. The Thavo’i have gradually begun to build closer to our roosts, some even in trees that all but border our mountain homes. This has had multiple benefits, especially in regards to creation, exchange, and trade of goods produced in this land we now call home. Many of our kin are beginning to spend more time amongst their husbands' homes, with some even migrating to live around and under our roosts in the Muud’ua mountains.
+10% Production Efficiency

The Ašurian GuaranteeThough a monarchist in her early life, Princess Ašuria, following the exodus from Ayaralen in 1525, gradually began adopting republican ideals. After meeting her second husband, a Thavo’i hunter, she was finally prepared to fully discard her monarchist ideals. Upon declaring the republic, President Ašuria made said husband the Head of Government, setting the precedent that would later be made into law: of the two most powerful elected officials in Kiohalen, one must be a harpy, and the other not. This has ensured that non-harpy interests are also always represented within Kiohalen.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Hand and Wing TogetherThe Effelai is regarded by many colonizers as a bountiful land, and the native peoples as mere tools or obstacles. Our coexistence with the Thavo’i has shown us that there is so much more to the Effelai that they do not know. If the colonizers ever acquire a sizable foothold in the Effelai they will destroy everything, not only the jungle itself but also the people that call it home. We can not let this desecration of land and culture happen. The Effelai has shown us both horror and beauty beyond imagining, they cannot scare us.
-10% Morale Damage Received

The Paradise CarnivalThe people of Kiohalen love to celebrate, and will take any chance they're given to throw a party. When outsiders think of Kiohalen they think of our vibrant festivals taking across all of our cities, year round.. People from all over Halann travel here for the opportunity to take part in the festivities, and they bring their wealth and ideas with them. Our fine establishments see many contracts signed; after all, while the party never stops here, neither do our business opportunities.
+10% Global Trade Power

The Right to Beauty'There are really no ugly people, only those that haven't come to Kiohalen yet' -Vehari Širinkin, Kiohan anthropologist and stateswoman.\n\nBeauty is incredibly important in Kiohan society, something appreciated by both the harpies and the ruinborn. This ideal of beauty is so pervasive that there are numerous government funds and organizations overseeing the distribution of various beautification items, methods, and magics. Dyes of all types, clothing, hair and feather-care techniques, and anything else that a creative mage or artificer can imagine are available to anyone. We'll make sure to continue providing our people with easy access to these products and services, and they will love us for it
-2 National Unrest

Songbirds of AelantirKiohan Harpies are amongst the greatest vocalists in the world. We welcome any that wish to dispute this to come to Kiohalen and try. When they inevitably fail we will not shun them for not believing, for word of the Songbirds of Aelantir’s vocal prowess is still spreading across Halann. We will establish schools to train more musicians, and invite artists from around the world to learn alongside them, so that our music will be known and loved throughout the world. An added benefit is that the ideas and rituals of The Song will be exposed to more people, ensuring greater influence and safety in and around The Effelai.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

+1 Random Candidate Bonus