Shasoura Ideas

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-15% Land Attrition
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

The Oracular Navigators of ShasouraSince time immemorial, the Shasoura tribes have been well versed in magic with soothsaying and oracle-work being their expertise. This all is thanks to their unmatched knowledge of the stars and celestial bodies, which they see every night in their full glory and use to navigate through both the land and the Divenhal sea. The proficiency of divination magic is so vast in Shasouran society that a myth has sprung up which claims that all Shasourans are descended from genies. While this is of course not correct, it nonetheless helps the Shasouran oracular knowledge to be sought after by many from abroad and across the sea.
+100% Fleet Movement Speed
+10% Spy Network Construction

All-Gods SandsWe are followers of Elikhet, and it is as clear as the stars at night. But because of our position, many religions pass through our sands - and some stay for a while. Most noticeable are the aakhetist, of whom many have lived in the Manusopot region since the time of Aakhet, and smaller groups of sun cultists coming from Elizna. But this isn't important to us as the desert is equally ruthless for everyone.
+25% Religious Unity

Great CaravansFrom town to town, from oasis to oasis the so-called great caravans move in the sands of Salahad - travelling East to West and back. Being a traditional form of living in many of our regions, caravans vary in size from dozens of people to hundreds of them; the largest of them being better described as walking cities
+25% Caravan Power

KayawAssembly of local chiefs, merchants and other influentials gather, every full moon, to discuss recent events coming from the desert and beyond under the clear night sky. What could be discussed here varies from politics to magic, and even the current price of camels, but it was always a valuable source for interesting figures, who could help our people on a wider scale.
-15% Advisor Cost

Beastman from the EastIn the mountains to the East reside the gnolls of Tluukt wild and savage beasts. We have heard tales of what they are capable of: They plunder lands from everything of worth and enslave their people, so they can work in their mines and farms or to be sold South where even more gnolls reside. But they won't enslave us, the people of the desert, that easily. If they ever come after us, we will be ready for them… and all that’s left of them will be swallowed up by the desert.
+1 Attrition for Enemies
-0.02 Monthly War Exhaustion

Our Share of the BrasanJust across the sea lies the great city of Brasan, one of the biggest and wealthiest cities of Bulwar - full of merchants and gold. Ships from across the Divenhall come there to buy glass, silk and spices, and while neither the city nor the merchants care about us, some of our people care about them. Many left the sands to work either in the port or on one of the ships only to return a decade or two later with a heavy bag of gold and unmatched experience.
+1 Yearly Navy Tradition

DajasayThe Sand Spears, was a mercenary company originated from Shasoura and formed around 850AA. Inspired by the dwarven Seg band, they offered their service to anyone who had the money and some gnolls to kill. Company existed until Jaher’s arrival to Bulwar in 1001AA, when the Dajasay, seeking money, followed him all the way to Yanshen, never to return home. However, their legacy lives on with their tactics and organization we have adopted
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition
-10% Shock Damage Received

+1 Diplomatic Reputation