Verdant Bliss Ideas

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+20% Foreign Spy Detection
+10% Shock Damage

New SeedingWe are not for lack of building space in our refound paradise; the destruction wrought by the Greentide and our own subsequent conquest means that these lands are ripe and ready for new settlements.
-10% Construction Cost

Never AgainLong ago, the cruel human king Castan Beastbane burnt down the forests our ancestors called home and forced us to flee to lands then unknown. Never again shall we suffer such a fate, for now that we have finally regained our homeland, we will defend it with our lives before we ever think of fleeing again.
+10% Fort Defence
-10% Fort Maintenance

One With NatureUnder the tainted and malevolent hands of the humans, Escann and her beautiful landscape has suffered greatly. Now, as her rightful rulers have finally returned, we must ensure the land flourishes with us.
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

The Forest HoovesThe warriors of the Verdant Bliss prefer to silently stalk our enemies for days, harassing and terrifying them from the shadows before finally striking them with our full might, those that survive tell stories of the constant threat those that seek to do us harm shall face within our lands.
+20% Cavalry Combat Ability

Centaur PrimacyEscann belongs to the Centaurs, as do the goods produced within it. To invite foreign merchants is to reintroduce the destructive elements that led to the loss of our old homelands to begin with.
-10% Cost to Promote Mercantilism

An Empire's GraveyardScattered throughout our land are the ruins of the empire that wished to see us gone, Castanor. Once a powerful and unstoppable power, those that oppose us need only look around to see what shall befall them should they desire to remove us from Escann once again.
+1 Attrition for Enemies
+1 Yearly Prestige

Verdant HerdThough we may be far removed from our fey ancestors, the land has recognized us as her children and accepted us back, providing bountiful harvests the likes of which those human usurpers have never seen. Sustained by the great orchards that have sprouted in their ruins, our herd is strong, proud, and powerful.
+25% National Supply Limit Modifier

-10% Land Attrition