New Havoric Ideas

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-20% Land Attrition
+10% Morale of Armies

Familiar New HomeThe mountainous lands of old Havoral were treacherous, hiding many bandits in the various hills and caves - bandits such as our forefathers from the Havoral Band. They travelled to our new home of Veykoda, to lands that are similar but hold more bounties for our hunters and more enemies for our soldiers. Conquering this terrain is in our blood, no gully or wood shall stand in the way of our New Havoral.
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

All Terrain PoachersPoaching was long a side business of the Havoral Band, with many skilled archers and trappers joining the ranks of the band. Though viewed as unsavoury by some, their renown had proven tremendously helpful, as both tracking the enemy and providing ranged support was crucial to the defeat of any enemy. Here in Veykoda we pioneered the poaching of the Sabretooth Tigers and Wooly Rhinos, selling their pelts and ivory while also keeping the natives at bay using the very same traps set for our prey.
+0.5 Yearly Prestige
-5% Shock Damage Received

Ivory WarsThe bountiful land of Veykoda was hardly free for the taking, as the natives vehemently opposed our poachers in a series of skirmishes known as the Ivory Wars, which spanned from 1620 to 1724. With guerilla tactics, our troops proved themselves in skirmishes with the Veykodans while our hunters made us rich from poached ivory and pelts. Prolonged warfare became a normal part of every New Havoric’s life, with raids being constantly repelled from frontier towns and homesteads and the occasional convoy bringing back countless poached goods. Our people know war: the dangers, the benefits, and most importantly, how to thrive in one.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

Friend to all OutcastsOutcasts have always been welcome in New Havoral, as they are akin to the Havoral Band who themselves were outcasts in Cannor. The criminals, the exiled and the downtrodden all flock to our ranks, joining us to pledge undying loyalty to our Kingdom, serving it however they can. Much of our ranks were of mismatched Cannorians and Ynnics, trying to find another way in life where they had failed before. Under New Havoral, we promised a prosperous future, and mountains of loot.
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

Loyalty to the CharitableThe Ravelians of New Havoral had long been the backbone of the civil service. By feeding the poor and providing them housing, they helped to build a strong following for the new religion in every city and village. The compassion shown to citizens, many of whom had fled oppression, had a huge impact on the spread and loyalty to the faith, not only to the Ynnsmen, but any new Cannorian that travelled to our haven.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Marauder KingsWith our backgrounds as bandits and vagrants, our monarchs have taken it upon themselves to rule ruthlessly and absolutely. Only a small advisory council would assist the ruler, but any decree they would make would never be exempt from anyone, and any punishment would be all the more severe. Torturing the imprisoned for information was common, while mercy to the injured was seen as unnecessary. Any challenge to rulership was met with an iron fist and dissidents would simply disappear.
+10 Maximum Absolutism

Ynnic UsurpersIn 1788, Jahanon síl Lethir, the greatest of our Kings, had shown his greatest feats in the Decades of the Mountain, where he conquered all of Sarda from the feudal Ynnics and proclaimed the Kingdom of High Havoral. For two decades he had both Cannorians and Ynnics join his ranks to demolish the systems of old and introduce reforms and Ravelianism. However, many had opposed his rule, the devout Ynn River worshippers, the nobility as well as the other Cannorians that he had subjugated. With such success his ambition reached new heights as he attempted to unify the entire Ynn, before being halted by the Western-Lands coalition. With victorious battles, but growing weariness, Jahanon ventured to the legendary city of Lukausta on a journey to achieve immortality, but was later declared dead with his Ravelian rectors, last seen venturing into Lukaus’ tomb.
-10% Core-Creation Cost

-20% Unjustified Demands